
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you recently got a cold.

Tongchun 2020. 5. 21. 23:20


Talk about when you recently got a cold.
I recently had a tough time when I got a bad cold. I was burning up with fever, I had a splitting headache, and I felt woozy. I was so sick that it was hard to even sit up. My throat was sore and itchy. I really was under the weather. I coughed all day. I had a croaky voice. I took some cold medicine I had at home and got plenty of sleep, but it did not do much good. I had to go see a doctor. I got a shot and a prescription for medicine. I took the medicine for several days and rested as much as I could after work. However, I still couldn’t shake off the cold. It took longer than 10 days before I felt myself again.

최근에 감기에 걸렸던 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
최근 감기가 심하게 걸려서 정말 고생을 했다. 열이 펄펄 나서, 머리가 많이 아프고 어지러웠다. 가만히 앉아 있기가 힘들 정도로 몸이 아팠다. 목도 쓰라리고 가렵고, 정말 심하게 아팠다. 하루 종일 계속 기침을 해댔다. 목소리도 잠겨서 잘 나오질 않았다. 집에 있는 감기약을 먹고 푹 잤는데, 전혀 효과가 없었다. 그래서 병원에 갔다. 주사를 맞고 약 처방을 받았다. 약을 며칠간 복용하고, 퇴근 후에 최대한 쉬려고 했다. 그런데도 감기가 잘 낫지를 않았다. 열흘 이상 지나고 나서야 몸이 정상으로 돌아왔다.