[영어 읽기] Talk about when you had a cold.
Talk about when you had a cold.
I come down with a cold more easily than most people. I suffered from a cold recently. I was running a fever, and I had a splitting headache. I couldn’t stay focused on my work. I had a runny nose, so I had to keep blowing my nose. I also had a tickly throat and dry coughs. For a few days, I went straight home from work and took some medicine. I tried to get plenty of bed rest to recover. I had no appetite, but I still tried to eat. My cold symptoms lasted a week before I started to get better.
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나는 남들에 비해서 감기에 잘 걸리는 편이다. 최근에도 감기에 걸려서 고생을 했다. 열이 나고 머리가 많이 아파서 일에 집중할 수가 없었다. 계속 콧물이 나서 수시로 코를 풀어야 했다. 목도 간질간질해서 마른기침을 했다. 며칠간은 퇴근 후 곧장 귀가해서 감기약을 먹었다. 낫기 위해 잠을 많이 자려고 했다. 입맛이 없었지만 억지로라도 먹으려고 했다. 일주일간 감기 증세가 지속되고 나서야 괜찮아졌다.