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[영어 단어] knock



(문 등을 똑똑하고) 두드리다, 노크하다,
(흔히 모르고) 치다, 찧다, 부딪치다,
(때리거나 타격을 가해) ~한 상태가 되게 만들다
(움직이도록) 치다, 두드리다, 부수다, 때리다,
충돌하다, 치다, 부딪치다
노크(하는 소리) 타격, 불운, 실패

hit / knock / bang / strike / bump / bash
If you knock on something such as a door or window, you hit it, usually several times, to attract someone's attention.
If you knock something, you touch or hit it roughly, especially so that it falls or moves.
If someone knocks two rooms or buildings into one or knocks them together, they make them form one room or building by removing a wall.
To knock someone into a particular position or condition means to hit them very hard so that they fall over or become unconscious.
To knock a particular quality or characteristic out of someone means to make them lose it.
If you knock something or someone, you criticize them and say unpleasant things about them.
If someone receives a knock, they have an unpleasant experience which prevents them from achieving something or which causes them to change their attitudes or plans.
He yanked his hand away and knocked the spit off its legs.




knock back

(술을) 마시다

Sometimes, knocking back a few drinks can help strengthen ties.
I knocked back too many drinks last night.
I like to knock back before I go to bed.




knock back a drink

술을 (가볍게) 마시다

After work, my schedule is different depending on the day of the week. 3 times a week, I work out. The other days, I get together with friends to have dinner or knock back a drink.
You should never drive after knocking back a drink.
I wanted to knock back a drink with friends, but they were all busy.




knock down

넘어뜨리다, 해체하다, 부수다, 쏘아 떨어뜨리다





knock it off

그만해 집어치워!

used to tell somebody to stop doing something annoying
used to tell somebody to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc
I can't study with that loud music. Knock it off.
David: All right! All right! Knock it off! What are you two fighting about?




knock knees






knock off

(특히 일을) 중단하다
(중간에) 끝내다

to stop doing something, especially work
knock it off




knock one's socks off

~에게 큰 영향을 미치다, 타격을 주다
크게 놀라게 하다, 감동(인상)을 주다

I'll order a Mexican salad and some tacos. The tacos will knock your socks off. But that's not enough.
She totally knocked my socks off by showing up like that.
Our wedding announcement will knock everyone's socks off.




knock out of

~에서 제거하다

to make somebody lose their breath, because of a fall, a blow, etc.
"Yes, that's why they knocked you out of the sky," said Annie.




knock over

때려 눕히다, 훔치다,
놀라게하다, 마무르다
쳐서 넘어뜨리다

The current knocked him over.
When he finished, he started balancing the broom on his nose. Suddenly the broom fell off, knocking over the two-by-fours.
The bag was getting heavy in Arthur's hand. He went to put it down and accidentally knocked over the bag of flour.
I remember a time when I spilled a drink at a restaurant by accident. I knocked over a drink in a large glass. It spilled all over my clothes and purse. Also, my mobile phone on the table was soaked through.
The kids knocked over a lamp while they were playing.
I knocked over a cup. but thankfully it didn't break.




knock something back

(특히 술을) 급히 마시다





knock something up

문을 두드려 ~을 깨우다
(여자를) 임신시키다

to wake somebody by knocking on their door
to make a woman pregnant




knock up

(테니스 등에서 시합 전에) 잠시 연습하다
녹초가 되게 하다
(돈을) 벌다
임신 시키다

to practice for a short time before the beginning of a game



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