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[영어 단어] be right up one's alley be right up one's alley 취향에 딱 맞다 ~의 취향/취미/능력/특기에 딱 맞는 When I'm channel surfing, I like to watch home shopping channels. One time, I saw a shirt that was right up my alley. I phoned in and ordered one. This movie will be right up your alley. The book was right up her alley. This weekend's Classic Film Festival is right up my alley.
[영어 단어] reach reach [뤼-취] ~에 이르다, 도달하다, 이르다 (손이) 닿다, 미치다, (손을 뻗어) 내려 주다 미치는 범위, 이르는 거리 (팔이나 다른 물건을 뻗쳐 닿을 수 있는) 거리, 범위 When someone or something reaches a place, they arrive there. If someone or something has reached a certain stage, level, or amount, they are at that stage, level, or amount. If you reach somewhere, you move your arm and hand to take or touch something. If you can reach something, you are able..
[영어 단어] accept accept [엑셉t] (기꺼이) 받아들이다, 수용/인정하다 (적절하다고 보아) 받아주다/수락하다 (사실임을) 믿다/받아들이다 If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it. If you accept an idea, statement, or fact, you believe that it is true or valid. If you accept a plan or an intended action, you agree to it and allow it to happen. If you accept an unpleasant fact or situation, you get used to it or re..
[영어 단어] abuse abuse [업뷰-s] 남용, 오용, 학대, 욕설 (건강이 상하도록 무엇을) 남용/오용하다 (특히 성적으로) 학대하다 욕을하다 Abuse of someone is cruel and violent treatment of them. Abuse is extremely rude and insulting things that people say when they are angry. Abuse of something is the use of it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose. If someone is abused, they are treated cruelly and violently. You can say that someone is abused if extremely rude ..
[영어 단어] abundant abundant [어번던t] 풍부한, 남아 돌아가는 Something that is abundant is present in large quantities. Inside, I feel peaceful and abundant. I have abundant reason to believe it. This country is abundant in natural resources. Having enough clean drinking water has been a challenge in many parts of the world, whether it's a place where water is scarce or abundant. abundant amount of 풍부한 양의 Koreans are very big ..
[영어 단어] above yourself above yourself 자기 분수를 모르는
[영어 단어] above the norm above the norm 평균보다 높은
[영어 단어] above mormal above mormal 보통 이상
[영어 단어] above everything else above everything else 무엇보다, 최우선으로 When I choose which restaurant I want to go to, I think about taste above everything else. I like to dine at restaurants that serve tasty food. I also take into account the mood of a restaurant. The atmosphere helps me enjoy the meal.
[영어 단어] above and beyond above and beyond 필요 이상으로, 기대 이상으로 more than required; beyond what is expected They always try to go above and beyond their immediate task. Thanks for going above and beyond your job to help me with my assignment.
[영어 단어] above all above all 무엇보다도, 특히, 어쨌든 That's when I decided to go on a diet. I ate less. I ate mostly vegetables. Above all, I started to exercise. Korea's subway system is great. The Seoul Metro is a model of public transportation. It's convenient. It's affordable. Above all, it's easy to use. It really is the full package. To reach the impossible dream would be to make the Impossible Burger, a burger made ..
[영어 단어] above above [어붜-v] (위치나 지위면에서) ~보다 위에/위로 (나이, 수 등이) ~보다 많은, ~을 넘는 (중요도, 품질 등이) ~보다 위인, ~보다 우위인 위로/위에, ~ 이상으로, ~을 넘어 above / over If one thing is above another one, it is directly over it or higher than it. If an amount or measurement is above a particular level, it is greater than that level. If you hear one sound above another, it is louder or clearer than the second one. If someone is above you, the..
[영어 단어] par for the course par for the course 흔히 있는 일이다, 보통이다 Raining all week is par for the course in Ireland. Do you think that's unusual? It's par for the course. In the past 10 years, the number of people who get massages has grown by leaps and bounds. With travel to Southeast Asia becoming par for the course, many travelers receive massages while they visit. They seek out similar services when they return to Korea, ..
[영어 단어] put off put off ~(계획)을 연기하다, 미루다, ~을 벗다, 버리다, 기세를 꺽다 He puts off going to the dentist. His mother sighed. "putting off bad news doesn't make it get any better. And sometimes it makes it worse. Besides, Dad and I can't help you with a problem if we don't know you have one." Also, to be honest, I'm a little lazy. I procrastinate all the time. I always put off things that I should do right away. Don't put ..
[영어 단어] have a knack for something have a knack for something ~에 재주가 있다 to be good at something A: I didn’t know you played piano so well. B: I guess I have a knack for it, since I’ve never had one lesson. You have a real knack for making people dislike you!
[영어 단어] spice something up spice something up ~을 더 흥미롭게 만들다 to make something more interesting A: I’m not sure what I should wear tonight, so I guess it’s jeans and a sweatshirt. B: Why don’t you spice up your style a bit and wear something more trendy? The couple tried to spice up their marriage by taking tango lessons.
[영어 단어] knock on wood knock on wood 나무를 두드리다. (행운을 비는 미신적인 행동) 행운이 계속되길 빌어. an expression used to keep one's good fortune My father and brother both went bald, but I'm not losing my hair yet, knock on wood.
[영어 단어] cover something up cover something up ~을 숨기다 to hide something The murderer tried to cover up his crime by burning the evidence.
[영어 단어] knock something out knock something out ~을 쉽게 해결하다 to consume or finish something with little effort Let me knock out these dirty dishes, then I'll be ready to go.
[영어 단어] shine a light on something shine a light on something ~에 빛을 비추다, 진실이 드러나게 하다 to expose the truth about something It's time we shine a light on the problem of poverty.
[영어 단어] out of out of (운동) ~의 안에서 밖으로, ~의 밖으로 (위치) ~ 바깥에, ~을 떨어져서 (행위, 능력 따위의) 범위 밖에 (부분) ~ 중에서 (상태 따위가) ~와 달라서, ~에서 벗어나서 (어떤 성질, 상태를 ) 잃어 Later that afternoon, Arthur, Francine, Sue Ellen, and Buster walked out of the Sugar Bowl, eating ice cream cones. out of alignment 조정이 되어있지 않은 out of awareness 무의식 중에 out of box 창조적으로, 독창적으로 out of breath 숨이 가쁜 숨이 차다 not be able to breathe easily after physical effort Out..
[영어 단어] the end of the line the end of the line 끝, 한계 a point in time after which something can no longer continue My mother was at the end of the line with her patience for my brother and I.
[영어 단어] a shot in the dark a shot in the dark 어림짐작 a guess or attempt made with no experience or knowledge behind it The quiz show contestant took a shot in the dark and guessed the correct answer.
[영어 단어] on task on task 해야 할 일을 (열심히) 하는 diligently doing what is necessary It's hard to keep my kids on task with so many distractions.
[영어 단어] keep something at bay keep something at bay ~을 접근시키지 않다, 견제하다 to stop or limit the harm someone or something does We used sandbags to keep the floodwaters at bay.
[영어 단어] all walks of life all walks of life 사회 각계각층 people from diverse backgrounds People from all walks of life came to hear Tony Rosten speak.