부수다, 중단하다
고장나다, (법, 약속을) 어기다,
파괴, 틈, 중단, 휴식
break - broke - broken
When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.
If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits.
If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through.
When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works.
If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement.
If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it.
If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it.
break a bronco
야생마를 길들이다
break a fever
해열을 하다
The doctor told me she suspected the flu. After a simple test, she diagnosed me with influenza A. I got an IV drip to break the fever. I also got a prescription for some medicine.
break a limb
break a record
기록을 깨다
The number of overseas travelers is increasing exponentially. The number of foreigners visiting Korea is also breaking records every year.
The athlete broke a record at the Olympics.
You don't need to break records to do a good job.
break an illusion
환상을 깨다
break bread
함께 식사하다
빵을 찢다/쪼개다, 성찬식을 하다
Unsurprisingly, a baby's first birthday is a momentous occasion in most cultures. Korea also follows this template. Many parents pull out all the stops and hold extravagant parties for their babies. Friends and neighbors come bearing gifts and break bread together.
break down
고장나다, 실패하다, 아주 나빠지다
감정을 주체하지 못하다/허불어지다
무너지다, 절연 파괴되다
(화학적으로) 분해되다, 보다 작은 부분으로 나뉘다
(분석할 수 있도록) 나누어지다
if a vehicle, etc. breaks down, it stops working because of a fault
if talks, a marriage, etc. break down, they fail
to lose control of your feelings and start crying
if your health breaks down, it becomes very bad
(into something) to be divided into parts so that it is easier to discuss, to analyze or to deal with
(into something) if a substance breaks down, it separates into different parts or changes into something else in a chemical process
become mentally ill
The elevator broke down again at work. We all had to use the stairs.
The washer started to break down.
The product hasn't broken down for a long time.
Turn it off before it breaks down.
For many years, my washer had given me no trouble. However, it started to break down a few weeks ago.
The car broke down on the highway.
It sounds like it's going to break down.
We often take our home appliances for granted. But when they break down, we realize how much we depend on them.
Our car broke down on the highway.
My computer broke down again.
She broke down after her husband died.
Doctors can even control how long before they break down in your body.
break even
돈을 잃지도 따지도 않다
(사업 등이) 본전치기를 하다
to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity
In Las Vegas breaking even is like winning.
At this point, I know we can't make a profit, so I'd be happy just to break even.
For this quarter, we only had enough sales to break even, so let's try harder next quarter.
break free from
~에서 도망치다
break free from a prison
break in
(건물에) 침입하다
interrupt / enter a place unlawfully
to enter a building illegally or by force
(on something) to interrupt somebody when they are speaking or doing something
While we were discussing the situation, Terri broke in to give her opinion.
The burglar broke in between midnight and 3 AM.
break in on
(갑자기) ~에 침입하다, 끼어들다
갑자기 ~을 가로막다, 훼방놓다
갑자기 ~에 나타나다,
문득(마음)에 떠오르다, 문득(입)에서 나오다
interrupt (a conversation)
Jane broke in on the conversation and told us to get back to work.
break into pieces
여러 조각으로 깨지다.
break into something
(건물에) 침입하다,
(자동차 문 등을) 억지로 열다
(갑자기) ~하기 시작하다,
(갑자기) (더 빨리) 달리기 시작하다
새로운 일을 시작하다
to enter a building, open a car, etc. illegally and by force
to suddenly begin to do something such as laugh, shout, run, etc.
to use a note/bill of high value to buy something costing less
to interrupt somebody's thoughts
to start to get involved in an activity and be successful at it, especially when this is difficult
to open and use something that you have been saving for an emergency or a special occasion
He blew out a puff of air, then broke into a leaping run.
They broke into the circle on either side of the knights.
He broke into a big grin.
Jane broke into the conversation and told us what she knew.
I wish I hadn't broken into karate so fast because I had a lot of injuries.
It looks like thieves broke into our store.
break jail
break off
(억지로) 분리되다, 갈라지다
말/일을 멈추다
(break something off something) to separate something from something else, using force; to become separated from something in this way
to stop speaking or stop doing something suddenly before you have finished
Annie broke off a leaf and sniffed it.
Sally broke her engagement to John off.
break off an engagement
해약하다, 파약하다
break open
부수고 열다
(병, 박스 등을) 따다, 열다, 개봉하다.
Let's break open the wine and make a toast to your birthday.
Well, let's break open the champagne and celebrate.
Everyone loves to break open their Christmas presents.
break room
After lunch, I was barely able to keep my eyes open. I kept nodding off. I had to take a quick cat nap in the breakroom.
If any snacks are left over after the meeting, please take them to the break room.
break something in
~을 길들이다, 훈련시키다
(특히 새 신을) 길을 들이다
if you break in new shoes or boots, you wear them until they become comfortable
(in the past) to prepare the engine of a new car for normal use by driving it slowly and carefully
to train a person so that they get used to a new job or situation; to train a horse so that you can ride it
Once, I was walking in a new pair of heels. I had not yet broken them in. I walked too quickly and tripped. I had run in my stockings. My knees turned black and blue. My shins were scuffed and bled.
break something into pieces
~를 분해하다, 분리하다
So you're breaking it into pieces?
Why are you breaking it into pieces?
break something off
~을 (억지로) 분리시키다/가르다
(갑자기) 중단하다
to end something such as a relationship
break sweat
열씸히 땀을 흘리다, 노력하다
use a lot of physical effort
break the bank
돈이 많이 들다
(일반적으로) 파산시키다,
무일푼이 되게 하다
금전적인 타격을 입히다
I like to go hiking whenever I get the chance. It's a great way to work up a sweat, and it doesn't break the bank.
Overall, renting items is a good way to use big-ticket items without breaking the bank.
I don't think it will break the bank.
I want to get something that won't break the bank.
Almost anything can be delivered, and the delivery fees won't break the bank.
Sushi restaurants are a dime a dozen in Korea. Some are top-shelf places with swanky atmospheres. However, there are also sushi chain restaurants where people can eat their fill without breaking the bank.
break the ice
(특히 회의, 파티 등을 시작할 때) 서먹서먹한/딱딱한 분위기를 깨다
어색함을 풀다
make a social situation more informal and relaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc
We ended up falling out of touch. Recently, we ran into each other by chance. I swallowed my pride and said hello. We soon broke the ice.
I was so nervous on my blind date that I couldn't break the ice.
I often have staff dinners with my co-workers. We have dinner over some drinks. Drinking helps break the ice or loosen up the mood. Sometimes, we go from one bar to another to do several rounds.
I often have social gatherings with my friends. We meet at bars and grab some drinks. Drinks help break the ice and loosen up the mood.
She told a little about herself to break the ice.
break through
(무력으로 ~을) 뚫고 나아가다, 돌파하다
돌파구를 찾다
(해, 달이 구름 뒤에서) 나타나다
to make a way through a barrier using force
to appear from behind something
break through something
~을 타개/극복 하다
to become greater in size or quantity than a particular level
to succeed in dealing with a problem, such as an attitude that somebody has
break up
부서지다, 끝이 나다, 파하다
(휴대전화의 통화가) 끊기다
(especially BrE) if a school or the children in it break up, school closes for the holidays at the end of a period of the school year (a term)
to come to an end; to stop working together
(usually used in the progressive tenses) if the connection between two telephones, or two radios that are used for sending and receiving messages, is breaking up, the people speaking can no longer hear each other clearly
(into something) if a group of people or a family breaks up, or somebody breaks it up, the members separate and do not stay together
if a group of people who are gathered together break up, or somebody breaks them up, they go away in different directions
Puppy love was tricky. I wore my heart on my sleeve and it was shattered. Driven by jealousy, my first boyfriend cheated on me and it left me heartbroken. It was a clear sign to break up but I was hung up on my first love.
I think you need to break up with her.
We broke up because we couldn't set aside our differences.
Because of this, parents sometimes object to their children's marriage. This can lead to heated arguments. Often, couples break up because of their parents.
I think it's time for them to break up.
I was sad for a long time after we broke up.
I broke the cracker up into pieces and put it in the soup.
The police broke the demonstration up before it got out of control.
Sam and Diane broke up again. What a rocky relationship.
break up with
(남녀 사이의 관계)를 끝내다
(누구와) 헤어지다.
I'm thinking about breaking up with Tom.
I'm thinking about breaking up with ABC company.
What year did the Beatles break up?
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