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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 五, ゴ, 오, five


Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4
Popularity rank: 31 Stroke counts: 4
Korean: 오 (다섯)
いつ [itsu]
いつ·つ [itsu·tsu]
ゴ [go]
Dictionary: 五 (five)
Radical: 二
Parts: 一二五
五 [ご] five
五月 [ごがつ] May
五十 [ごじゅう] fifty
五輪 [ごりん] Olympic rings; Olympics
十五 [じゅうご] 15; fifteen
九寸五分 [きゅうすんごふん] dagger
五つ [いつ-つ] five
五つ子 [いつ-つ こ] quintuplets
五悪 [ご あく] the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft, adultery, falsehood, and drink)
五官 [ごかん] the five sense organs
五感 [ごかん] the five senses