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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 宮, キュウ, 궁, Shinto shrine


Shinto shrine; constellations; palace; princess
Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1
Popularity rank: 367 Stroke counts: 10
Korean: 궁 (집, 가옥, 대궐)
みや [miya]
キュウ [kyū]
グウ [gū]
ク [ku]
クウ [kū]
Dictionary: 宮 (Shinto shrine)
Radical: 宀
Parts: 口宀
宮内庁 [くないちょう] Imperial Household Agency
神宮 [じんぐう] high-status Shinto shrine with connection to imperial family; imperial Shinto shrine
宮殿 [きゅうでん] palace
子宮 [しきゅう] womb; uterus
宮中 [きゅうちゅう] imperial court