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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 男, ダン, 남, male


Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4
Popularity rank: 240 Stroke counts: 7
Korean: 남 (사내)
おとこ [otoko]
お [o]
ダン [dan]
ナン [nan]
Dictionary: 男 (male)
Radical: 田
Parts: 田力
長男 [ちょうなん] eldest son (maybe the only son); first-born son
男性 [だんせい] man; male; the masculine gender
男 [おとこ] man; male; fellow; guy; chap; a bloke
男子 [だんし] youth; a young man
男女 [だんじょ] men and women; man and woman; both genders
伊達男 [だておとこ] dandy 一男 [いちなん] boy
下女下男 [げじょげなん] servants
下男 [げなん] manservant
寡男 [やもお] widower
間男 [まおとこ] married woman's secret lover
既婚男性 [きこんだんせい] married man
貴男 [あなた] you (referring to someone of equal or lower status)
男気 [おとこぎ] chivalrous spirit
好男子 [こうだん] handsome man