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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 祭, サイ, 제, ritual


ritual; offer prayers; celebrate; deify; enshrine; worship
Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 1124 Stroke counts: 11
Korean: 제 (제사)
まつ·る [matsu ru]
まつ·り [matsu ri]
まつり [matsuri]
サイ [sai]
Dictionary: 祭 (ritual)
Radical: 示
Parts: 示二小人癶
祭 [まつり] festival; feast
祭典 [さいてん] festival
祭る [まつる] to deify; to enshrine; / to pray; to worship
冠婚葬祭 [かんこんそうさい] important ceremonial occasions in family relationships
前夜祭 [ぜんやさい] the eve (of a festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve)