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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 駅, エキ, 역, station


Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 4
Popularity rank: 724 Stroke counts: 14
Korean: 역 (역)
エキ [eki]
Dictionary: 駅 (station)
Radical: 馬
Parts: 馬尸
駅 [えき] railway station; train station; / staging post on a highway (in pre-modern Japan)
駅前 [えきまえ] in front of station
駅伝 [えきでん] long-distance relay race; / stagecoach; post horse
駅長 [えきちょう] station master
駅弁 [えきべん] boxed lunch bought at a station (often a local specialty); / variety of sexual position