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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 才, サイ, 재, genius


genius; years old; cubic shaku
Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 1497 Stroke counts: 3
Korean: 재 (재주, 재능)
サイ [sai]
Dictionary: 才 (genius)
Radical: 手
Parts: ノ一亅
才能 [さいのう] talent; ability
天才 [てんさい] genius; a prodigy; natural gift
秀才 [しゅうさい] bright person; talented student; a prodigy
才 [さい] -years-old
才 [さい] ability; gift; talent; aptitude; genius
偉才 [いさい] genius
画才 [がさい] artistic talent
鬼才 [きさい] wizard
賢才 [けんさい] man of ability
口才 [こうさい] clever speech
才覚 [さいかく] ready wit
才学 [さいがく] talent and education
才幹 [さいかん] ability
才器 [さいき] talent