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[영어 읽기] Talk about a time when you got caught in the rain.


Talk about a time when you got caught in the rain.
On most days, I check the weather forecast on my phone. However, one time the forecast betrayed me. It said that there would be no rain. As a result, I didn't have an umbrella on me. As I was walking out of the subway station, it began to drizzle. Soon, it was pouring. I had to run home at top speed. When I got home, I was soaking wet. My shoes were ruined. Right away, I took a hot shower. However, I still came down with a cold because I got caught in the rain like that. I had a sore throat. I was aching all over. Since then, I always keep a small umbrella in my bag.

예고 없이 비를 맞은 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
나는 대부분의 날에는 휴대폰으로 일기예보를 확인한다. 하지만 한번은 예보에 배신당했다. 예보에는 비소식이 없었다. 그래서 우산을 가지고 있지 않았다. 지하철역에서 걸어 나오는데 빗방울이 떨어지기 시작했다. 머지않아 퍼붓기 시작했다. 전속력으로 집까지 뛰어가야 했다. 집에 도착했을 무렵에는 이미 흠뻑 젖어 있었다. 신발은 엉망이 돼 있었다. 곧바로 뜨거운 물로 샤워를 했다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 비를 그렇게 맞는 바람에 감기에 걸렸다. 목이 아팠다. 온몸이 욱신거렸다. 그때 이후로 늘 가방에 작은 우산을 챙긴다.


come down with

(질병 등에) 걸리다
병이 나다, 아프다.

It seems like I come down with the flu every Christmas.
She came down with the flu last week.
He's coming down with the flu.
You'll come down with something if you don't take care of yourself.
Although they are clean freaks, cats don’t drink much water. So, they often come down with bladder infections.
I came down with a cold last weekend.
I feel so tired that I think I might have come down with something.