본문 바로가기

Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 芸, ゲイ, 예, technique


technique; art; craft; performance; acting; trick; stunt
Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 719 Stroke counts: 7
Korean: 예 (재주, 기예, 법도, 학문), 운 (평지, 향기, 김매다)
う·える [u eru]
のり [nori]
わざ [waza]
ゲイ [gei]
ウン [un]
Dictionary: 芸 (technique)
Radical: 艸
Parts: 二厶⺾艸
芸術 [げいじゅつ] (fine) art; the arts
芸能 [げいのう] public entertainment; performing arts; / accomplishments; attainments
芸 [げい] art; craft; accomplishment; artistic skill; technique; performance
文芸 [ぶんげい] literature; / the arts; art and literature; liberal arts
学芸 [がくげい] arts and sciences; liberal arts