본문 바로가기

Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 参, サン, 참, nonplussed


nonplussed; three (in documents); going; coming; visiting; visit; be defeated; die; be madly in love; participate; take part in
Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 201 Stroke counts: 8
Korean: 참 (참여하다, 간여하다, 나란하다) 삼 (석, 셋)
まい·る [mai ru]
まい- [mai-]
まじわる [majiwaru]
みつ [mitsu]
サン [san]
シン [shin]
Dictionary: 参 (nonplussed)
Radical: 厶
Parts: 一厶彡
参加 [さんか] participation
参院 [さんいん] House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)
参考 [さんこう] reference; consultation
参加者 [さんかしゃ] participant; entrant
参入 [さんにゅう] entering (the marketplace); introducing (something) to the market; access