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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 勇, ユウ, 용, courage


courage; cheer up; be in high spirits; bravery; heroism
Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 1319 Stroke counts: 9
Korean: 용 (날래다, 용감하다, 과감하다)
いさ·む [isa mu]
ユウ [yū]
Dictionary: 勇 (courage)
Radical: 力
Parts: 田力マ
勇気 [ゆうき] courage; bravery; valor; valor; nerve; boldness
勇 [ゆう] bravery; courage; heroism
勇ましい [いさましい] brave; valiant; gallant; courageous; / stirring; vigorous; rousing
勇敢 [ゆうかん] brave; heroic; gallant
勇者 [ゆうしゃ] hero; the brave; a man of valor (valor)