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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 栄, エイ, 영, flourish


flourish; prosperity; honor; glory; splendor
Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2
Popularity rank: 920 Stroke counts: 9
Korean: 영 (영화, 영광, 영광, 명예, 꽃)
さか·える [saka eru]
は·え [ha e]
-ば·え [-ba e]
は·える [ha eru]
え [e]
エイ [ei]
ヨウ [yō]
Dictionary: 栄 (flourish)
Radical: 木
Parts: ⺌木冖
栄養 [えいよう] nutrition; nourishment
繁栄 [はんえい] prospering; prosperity; thriving; flourishing
栄光 [えいこう] glory
栄える [さかえる] to prosper; to flourish
光栄 [こうえい] honor; honor; glory; privilege