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[영어 읽기] Talk about the last time you went to a beach.


Talk about the last time you went to a beach.
Last year, I went to the beach with my family. We went to a beach on the east coast of Korea. We stayed at a beachside cabin that had a great view of the ocean. The weather was a bit nippy, so we didn’t go in the water. We just dipped our feet in the water. For lunch, we had raw fish and shrimp at a local restaurant. At dinner, we had drinks with our meal. We also set off firecrackers on the beach. We stayed up all night talking and enjoying some family time.

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작년에 가족들과 바닷가에 놀러 갔다. 한국의 동해안에 있는 해수욕장으로 갔다. 해변의 전망이 멋진 바닷가 펜션에 묵었다. 날씨가 조금 쌀쌀해서 바닷물에 들어가지는 않고 발만 담그고 놀았다. 점심으로는 현지 음식점에서 생선회와 새우를 먹었다. 저녁 때는 식사를 하며 술을 마셨다. 밤에는 해변에서 폭죽놀이도 했다. 밤늦게까지 가족들과 이야기하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.