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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 田, デン, 전, rice field


rice field; rice paddy
Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3
Popularity rank: 90 Stroke counts: 5
Korean: 전 (밭)
た [ta]
デン [den]
Dictionary: 田 (rice field)
Radical: 田
Parts: 田
水田 [すいでん] (water-filled) paddy field
上田 [じょうでん] high rice field; very fertile rice field
油田 [ゆでん] oil field
田舎 [いなか] rural area; countryside; the sticks; hometown
田園 [でんえん ] the country; countryside; rural districts
塩田 [えんでん] saltpan
凹田 [くぼた] rice field in a low place
下田 [げでん] worn-out rice land
我田引水 [がでにんすい] seeking one's own interests
刈田 [かりた] harvested rice field
乾田 [かんでん] dry paddy field
桑田 [そうでん] mulberry plantation
秋田県 [あきたけん] Akita prefecture (Tohoku area)