본문 바로가기

Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 目, モク, 목, eye


eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor
Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4
Popularity rank: 76 Stroke counts: 5
Korean: 목 (눈)
め [me]
-め [-me]
ま- [ma]-
モク [moku]
ボク [boku]
Dictionary: 目 (eye)
Radical: 目
Parts: 目
目的 [もくてき] purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
目標 [もくひょう] mark; objective; target
注目 [ちゅうもく] notice; attention; observation
項目 [こうもく] (data) item; heading; clause
名目 [めいもく] name; title; appellation
御目出度う御座います [おめでとうございます] congratulations
駄目になる [だめになる] to spoil
繋ぎ目 [つなぎめ] joint
軽目焼 [かるめやき] hard caramelized sugar candy
駄目押し [だめおし] making doubly sure
一つ目 [ひとつめ] one-eyed
一合目 [いちごうめ] the start of a climb up a hill
一丁目 [いcちょうめ] Block 1
ひと目 [いちもく] (a) glance
一目惚れ [ひとめぼれ] to be taken with someone at first sight