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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 道, ドウ, 도, road-way road-way; street; district; journey; course; moral; teachings 道 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 207 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 도 (길, 가다, 깨닫다) みち [michi] ドウ [dō] トウ tō Dictionary: 道 (road-way) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶自并首辵 道 [みち] road; path; street; lane; passage; / route; way; / distance; journey; / road (e.g. to victory); course 報道 [ほうどう] information; report; journalism; news; / to repor..
[일본어 한자] 朝, チョウ, 조, morning morning; dynasty; regime; epoch; period; (North) Korea 朝 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 248 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 조 (아침) あさ [asa] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 朝 (morning) Radical: 月 Parts: 月十日 北朝鮮 [きたちょうせん] North Korea 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 [ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); DPRK 朝鮮 [ちょうせん] Korea 朝鮮半島 [ちょうせんはんとう] Korean peninsula 朝日 [あさひ] morning sun
[일본어 한자] 買, バイ, 매, buy buy 買 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 520 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 매 (사다, 세내다, 고용하다) か·う [ka u] バイ [bai] Dictionary: 買 (buy) Radical: 貝 Parts: 貝目ハ罒 売買 [ばいばい] trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing 買収 [ばいしゅう] acquisition (esp. corporate); buy-out; takeover; purchase; / bribery; buying off; corruption 買い物 [かいもの] shopping; purchased goods 買い [かい..
[일본어 한자] 絵, カイ, 회, picture picture; drawing; painting; sketch 絵 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 895 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 회 (그림, 그리다) - カイ [kai] エ [e] Dictionary: 絵 (picture) Radical: 糸 Parts: 糸幺小二人厶 絵画 [かいが] painting; picture 絵 [え] picture; drawing; painting; sketch 絵本 [えほん] picture book 絵の具 [えのぐ] paint; coloring materials; colors; colors 油絵 [あぶらえ] oil painting
[일본어 한자] 答, トウ, 답, solution solution; answer 答 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 486 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 답 (대답, 해답, 장소) こた·える [kota eru] こた·え [kota e] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 答 (solution) Radical: 竹 Parts: 口竹人 回答 [かいとう] reply; answer 答申 [とうしん] report; reply; findings 答え [こたえ] answer; reply; response; solution 答弁 [とうべん] response; reply; answer; defence; defense 応答 [おうとう] reply; answer; response
[일본어 한자] 晴, セイ, 청, clean up clear up 晴 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1022 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 청 (개다, 맑다) は·れる [ha reru] は·れ [ha re] は·れ- [ha re-] -ば·れ [-ba re] は·らす [ha rasu] セイ [sei] Dictionary: 晴 (clear up) Radical: 日 Parts: 月青土二日亠 素晴らしい [すばらしい] wonderful; splendid; magnificent 晴れ [はれ] clear weather; fine weather; / formal; ceremonial; public; / cleared of suspicion 快晴 [かいせい] clear weather; cloudles..
[일본어 한자] 場, ジョウ, 장, location location; place 場 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 52 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 장 (마당, 때, 시기, 경우) ば [ba] ジョウ [jō] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 場 (location) Radical: 土 Parts: 土日勿 市場 [いちば] (town) market; / (the) marketplace 場所 [ばしょ] place; location; spot; position; / room; space; / basho; wrestling tournament 立場 [たちば] position; situation; / viewpoint; standpoint; point of view 工場 [こうじょう] fac..
[일본어 한자] 黒, コク, 흑, black black 黒 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 573 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 흑 (검다, 어둡다) くろ [kuro] くろ·ずむ [kuro zumu] くろ·い [kuro i] コク [koku] Dictionary: 黒 (black) Radical: 黑 Parts: 黒里灬黑 黒字 [くろじ] (being in) the black; surplus; / black letter 黒 [くろ] black; / black go stone; / guilt; guilty person 黒人 [こくじん] black person; / woman in the nightlife business; demimondaine; geisha and prostitutes..
[일본어 한자] 黄, コウ, 황, yellow yellow 黄 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1240 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 황 (누렇다, 노래지다) き [ki] こ- [ko-] コウ [kō] オウ [ō] Dictionary: 黄 (yellow) Radical: 黃 Parts: 黄田ハ黃 黄 [き] yellow 黄金 [おうごん] gold 黄色 [きいろ] yellow; amber 硫黄 [いおう] sulfur (S); sulfur 黄色い [きいろい] yellow; / high-pitched (voice); shrill
[일본어 한자] 鳥, チョウ, 조, bird bird; chicken 鳥 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1043 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 조 (새) とり [tori] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 鳥 (bird) Radical: 鳥 Parts: 鳥灬 鳥 [とり] bird; / bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry 野鳥 [やちょう] wild bird 白鳥 [はくちょう] swan (Cygnus spp.); / white-feathered bird 小鳥 [ことり] small bird; little bird 鳥居 [とりい] torii; Shinto shrine archway
[일본어 한자] 魚, ギョ, 어, fish fish 魚 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 1208 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 어 (물고기) うお [uo] さかな [sakana] -ざかな [-zakana] ギョ [gyo] Dictionary: 魚 (fish) Radical: 魚 Parts: 魚田灬 魚 [さかな] fish 金魚 [きんぎょ kingyo] goldfish 魚介類 [ぎょかいるい] marine products; seafood; fish and shellfish 鮮魚 [せんぎょ] fresh fish 熱帯魚 [ねったいぎょ] tropical fish
[일본어 한자] 雪, セツ, 설, snow snow 雪 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1131 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 설 (눈) ゆき [yuki] セツ [setsu] Dictionary: 雪 (snow) Radical: 雨 Parts: ヨ雨 雪 [ゆき] snow 雪辱 [せつじょく] vindication of honor; vindication of honor; making up for loss; revenge 雪崩 [なだれ] avalanche; snowslide 吹雪 [ふぶき] snowstorm; blizzard 積雪 [せきせつ] fallen snow; snow cover
[일본어 한자] 野, ヤ, 야, plains plains; field; rustic; civilian life 野 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 120 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 야 (들, 들판) の [no] の- [no-] ヤ [ya] ショ [sho] Dictionary: 野 (plains) Radical: 里 Parts: 矛里亅 野球 [やきゅう] baseball 分野 [ぶんや] field; sphere; realm; division; branch 野党 [やとう] opposition party; political opposition; opposition 与野党 [よやとう] ruling and opposition parties; parties in and out of power..
[일본어 한자] 週, シュウ, 주, week week 週 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 540 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 주 (한바퀴 돌다, 회전하다) - シュウ [shū] Dictionary: 週 (week) Radical: 辵 Parts: 口辶土冂辵 週 [しゅう] week 週刊 [しゅうかん] weekly publication 先週 [せんしゅう] last week; the week before 毎週 [まいしゅう] every week 今週 [こんしゅう] this week
[일본어 한자] 船, セン, 선, ship ship; boat 船 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 713 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 선 (배) ふね [fune] ふな- [funa-] セン [sen] Dictionary: 船 (ship) Radical: 舟 Parts: 口舟ハ 船 [ふね] ship; boat; watercraft; vessel; steamship; / tank; tub; vat; trough 漁船 [ぎょせん] fishing boat 造船 [ぞうせん] shipbuilding 船舶 [せんぱく] vessel; ship; shipping; seacraft 船長 [せんちょう] ship's captain; skipper; / length of a ship; / boatman
[일본어 한자] 組, ソ, 조, association association; braid; plait; construct; assemble; unite; cooperate; grapple 組 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 204 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 조 (베를 짜다, 꿰매다, 조직하다) く·む [ku mu] くみ [kumi] -ぐみ [-gumi] ソ [so] Dictionary: 組 (association) Radical: 糸 Parts: 一糸幺小目 組織 [そしき] organization; organisation; formation; / structure; construction; setup; constitution 番組 [ばんぐみ] program (e.g. TV); programm..
[일본어 한자] 細, サイ, 세, dainty dainty; get thin; taper; slender; narrow 細 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 537 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 세 (가늘다, 작다, 드물다) ほそ·い [hoso i] ほそ·る [hoso ru] こま·か [koma ka] こま·かい [koma kai] サイ [sai] Dictionary: 細 (dainty) Radical: 糸 Parts: 糸幺小田 細胞 [さいぼう saibou] cell 細かい [こまかい komakai] small; / fine; minute; / minor; trivial; / sensitive; attentive 詳細 [しょうさい shousai] details; particulars; ..
[일본어 한자] 理, リ, 리, logic logic; arrangement; reason; justice; truth 理 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 86 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 리 (다스리다, 수선하다, 사리, 도리) ことわり [kotowari] リ [ri] Dictionary: 理 (logic) Radical: 玉 Parts: 王里玉 理由 [りゆう] reason; pretext; motive 管理 [かんり] control; management (e.g. of a business) 理事 [りじ] director; trustee 理解 [りかい] understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy 総理 [そうり] prime mi..
[일본어 한자] 教, キョウ, 교, teach teach; faith; doctrine 教 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 166 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 교 (가르치다, 본받다) おし·える [oshi eru] おそ·わる [oso waru] キョウ [kyō] Dictionary: 教 (teach) Radical: 攴 Parts: 子老攵攴 教授 [きょうじゅ] professor; / teaching; instruction 教育 [きょういく] education; schooling; training; instruction; teaching; upbringing; / culture; cultivation; education 宗教 [しゅうきょう] religion; religious affi..
[일본어 한자] 強, キョウ, 강, strong strong 強 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 112 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 강 (강하다, 굳세다) つよ·い [tsuyo i] つよ·まる [tsuyo maru] つよ·める [tsuyo meru] し·いる [shi iru] こわ·い [kowa i] キョウ [kyō] · ゴウ [gō] Dictionary: 強 (strong) Radical: 弓 Parts: 弓虫厶 強化 [きょうか] strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification 強制 [きょうせい] compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement 勉強 [べんきょう..
[일본어 한자] 高, コウ, 고, tall tall; high; expensive 高 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 65 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 고 (높다, 뛰어나다) たか·い [taka i] たか [taka] -だか [-daka] たか·まる [taka maru] たか·める [taka meru] コウ [kō] Dictionary: 高 (tall) Radical: 高 Parts: 口高亠冂 最高 [さいこう] most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme; / best; wonderful; finest 高校 [こうこう] senior high school; high school 円高 [えんだか] appreciation of the yen; stron..
[일본어 한자] 馬, バ, 마, horse horse 馬 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 639 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 마 (말) うま [uma] うま- [uma-] ま [ma] バ [ba] Dictionary: 馬 (horse) Radical: 馬 Parts: 馬 馬 [うま] horse; / horse racing; / promoted bishop 出馬 [しゅつば] running (for election); coming forward as a candidate; / going on horseback; 競馬 [けいば] horse racing 馬場 [ばば] horse-riding ground 競馬場 [けいばじょう] racecourse; race track
[일본어 한자] 通, ツウ, 통 traffic traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc. 通 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 80 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 통 (통하다, 내왕하다) とお·る [tō ru] とお·り [tō ri] -とお·り [-tō ri] -どお·り [-dō ri] とお·す [tō su] とお·し [tō shi] -どお·し [-dō shi] かよ [kayo] ツウ [tsū] ツ [tsu] Dictionary: 通 (traffic) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶用マ辵 通信 [つうしん] correspondence; communication; transmissi..
[일본어 한자] 記, キ, 기, scribe scribe; account; narrative 記 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 149 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 기 (기록하다, 적다, 쓰다) しる·す [shiru su] キ [ki] Dictionary: 記 (scribe) Radical: 言 Parts: 言已 記録 [きろく] record; minutes; document; / record (e.g. in sports); results; score; / to record; to document 書記 [しょき] clerk; secretary; / writing down; putting on record 記事 [きじ] article; news story; report; account..
[일본어 한자] 書, ショ, 서, write write 書 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 169 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 서 (글, 글씨) か·く [ka ku] -が·き [-ga ki] -がき [-gaki] ショ [sho] Dictionary: 書 (write) Radical: 曰 Parts: 日聿 書記 [しょき] clerk; secretary; / writing down; putting on record 秘書 [ひしょ] (private) secretary; / treasured book; secret book 文書 [ぶんしょ] document; writing; letter; paperwork; note; records; archives 報告書 [ほうこくしょ] (written..
[일본어 한자] 紙, シ, 지, paper paper 紙 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 559 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 지 (종이) かみ [kami] シ [shi] Dictionary: 紙 (paper) Radical: 糸 Parts: 氏糸幺小 手紙 [てがみ] letter 紙 [かみ] paper 用紙 [ようし] blank form; / sheets of paper; sheet of paper 紙面 [しめん] space on a page (e.g. in a newspaper); / surface of paper; / letter; writings; document 白紙 [はくし] white paper; flyleaf; / blank paper; / clean slate; la..