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Pattern English

[영어 패턴] Don't tell me ~ Don't tell me ~ ~라고 말하지마 ~는 아니겠지. Don't tell me you ate them all again! Don't tell me you're going to put kimchee on your tuna sandwich! Don't tell me you didn't see it. Don't tell me it's raining again. Don't tell me you have changed your mind. Don't tell me you were late again. Don't tell me what to do. 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] Don't tell me (that) ~ Don't tell me (that) ~ 나에게 ~ 라고 말하지는 마. 설마 ~ 는 아니겠지. Don't tell me that he told a lie. Don't tell me you lost your bag.
[영어 패턴] Don't tell ~ Don't tell ~ ~ 라고 말하지마 Don't tell me that you left it at home. Don't tell me that you don't remember. Don't tell me that you're not going to help me. Don't tell me that you're having an affair with a married woman.
[영어 패턴] Don't take it so ~ Don't take it so ~ 너무 ~ 하지 마세요. Don't take it so hard.
[영어 패턴] Don't take ~ Don't take ~ ~ 하지 마세요. Don't take this the wrong way.
[영어 패턴] Don't pester me to ~ Don't pester me to ~ ~ 해 달라고 조르지 말아요.
[영어 패턴] Don't pester me for ~ Don't pester me for ~ ~ 을 달라고 조르지 마세요
[영어 패턴] Don't neglect ~ Don't neglect ~ ~ 소홀히 하면 안 돼요
[영어 패턴] Don't mention it. Don't mention it. 괜찮아요. Jason: On the way back, do you want me to get anything for you? A sandwich or coffee, maybe? Lisa: That's very sweet of you. A sandwich sounds great to me. Jason: Oh, don't mention it. I'll get you a regular coffee as well.
[영어 패턴] Don't make me ~ Don't make me ~ 내가 ~ 하게 하지마
[영어 패턴] Don't make believe ~ Don't make believe ~ ~ 하는/인 척하지 마세요.
[영어 패턴] Don't lose your ~ Don't lose your ~ ~ 을 잃어버리지 마세요. 잊지 마세요."
[영어 패턴] Don't let them + V Don't let them + V 그들이 ~ 하도록 두지 마. Don't let them steal your idea. Don't let them bring you down. Don't let them break their word. Don't let them burst your bubble. Don't let them make you nervous. 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] Don't let + someone ~ Don't let + someone ~ ~ 가 ~ 하지 못하게 해. Don't let me drive. Don't let him inside the building. Don't let too many people know about your enjoyment. Don't let him catch you reading his letters. 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] Don't hesitate to ~ Don't hesitate to ~ 주저하지 마시고 ~하세요.
[영어 패턴] Don't give up ~ Don't give up ~ ~ 포기하지 마
[영어 패턴] Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. 오해하지 마. 오해하지 않았으면 좋겠어 Parents' birthdays can be a real can of worms. Don't get me wrong. I love my parents. I enjoy celebrating their birthdays. But the fly in the ointment is shopping for their gifts.
[영어 패턴] Don't get ~ Don't get ~ ~ 하지 마. Don't get me wrong.
[영어 패턴] Don't forget to check + N Don't forget to check + N ~ 확인하는 거 잊지 마.
[영어 패턴] Don't forget to + V Don't forget to + V 잊지말고 꼭 ~ 해라. ~하는 거 잊지 마. Don't forget to bring it tomorrow. Don't forget to close all the windows before bed. Don't forget to get me a present. Don't forget to set your alarm. Don't forget to send me an email. Don't forget to wash your hands. Don't forget to turn off the computer.
[영어 패턴] Don't forget ~ Don't forget ~ ~ 을 잊지 마세요. Don't forget he's your boss. Don't forget you should turn off the lights. Don't forget you have to withdraw some extra cash from the ATM.
[영어 패턴] Don't feel like S + V Don't feel like S + V ~한다고 생각하지 마. Don't feel like you have to buy me a present. Don't feel like you need to pay for lunch today.
[영어 패턴] Don't ever + V + again. Don't ever + V + again. 다시는 ~ 하지 마. Don't ever text while driving again. Don't ever do such a foolish and dangerous thing again!
[영어 패턴] Don't even think of + G Don't even think of + G ~ 할 생각은 하지도 마.
[영어 패턴] Don't even think about ~ Don't even think about ~ ~ 은 생각도 하지마. ~ 할 생각도 하지 마.
[영어 패턴] Don't even ~ ! Don't even ~ ! ~하지도 마! ~ 할 꿈도 꾸지 마" Don't ever do that! Don't ever text while driving. Don't ever do such a foolish and dangerous thing! Don’t ever change!