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Pattern English

[영어 패턴] It sucks to + V It sucks to + V ~ 한 건 짜증나
[영어 패턴] It sounds like you + P.V It sounds like you + P.V 네가 ~ 했던 거 같아.
[영어 패턴] It sounds like + N It sounds like + N (들어보니) ~인 것 같아 It sounds like someone whistling. It sounds like a good idea.
[영어 패턴] It shouldn't take more than ~ It shouldn't take more than ~ ~ 보다는 많이 걸리지 않을 거에요. But it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.
[영어 패턴] It shouldn't be more than ~ It shouldn't be more than ~ ~ 보다는 많지 않을거에요. Oh, it shouldn't be more than 20 dollars.
[영어 패턴] It should have ~ It should have ~ ~했어야 했다 It should've only taken half an hour or less. It should've taken much less than this. It should've taken only less than an hour. It should've only taken five hours.
[영어 패턴] It should be no longer than It should be no longer than (그건) ~ 보다는 길지 않을꺼야 It should be no longer than 30 minutes. 30분 이상은 안 된다. It should be no longer than 25 words and must include: who, what where, when, why, and how. 25 자 이하 여야하며 누가, 무엇을, 언제, 언제, 왜, 어떻게 포함해야합니다. An introduction can vary in length depending on the overall length of the essay, but in a traditional five-paragraph essay it should be no longer than one para..
[영어 패턴] It should be ~ It should be ~ (그건) ~ 일거야. ~할 거야. It should be done by Monday. It should be taken care of by them. It should be okay, so don't worry. 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] It seems too ~ It seems too ~ 너무 ~ 한 것 같아. 너무 ~ 해 보여. It seems too small for all our guests.
[영어 패턴] It seems to me ~ It seems to me ~ 나에겐 ~ 처럼 보인다. ~인 것 같군요. It seems to me the only one who needs to act more like a princess…
[영어 패턴] It seems to be ~ It seems to be ~ ~해 보이네. It seems to be the right size shoe. 사이즈가 맞는 것 같다. It seems to be too high for me to jump. 내가 뛰기에는 너무 높은 것 같다. It seems to be the best time to buy stocks. 지금이 주식을 사기에 가장 좋은 시기인 것 같다. It seems to be wrong. 틀린 것 같다. It seems to be too small for you. 너한테는 너무 작은 것 같아. It seems to be small on you. 당신한테 작아 보이는데요. It seems to be a little too big. 조금 큰 것 같군요. It seems to be their..
[영어 패턴] It seems that ~ It seems that ~ ~ 한 것 같아 ~ 한 것 같아 보여. It seems that we spent too much time talking. It seems that the store doesn't give refunds. It seems that we got lost
[영어 패턴] It seems reasonable, but ~ It seems reasonable, but ~ 합리적인 것 같으나 ~
[영어 패턴] It seems nice but ~ It seems nice but ~ 좋긴 한데 ~ It seems nice but it's kind of complicated to get to.
[영어 패턴] It seems like you don't + V It seems like you don't + V 넌 ~ 하지 않은 것 같은데.
[영어 패턴] It seems like it has a problem with ~ It seems like it has a problem with ~ ~에 문제가 생긴것 같아. It seems like it has a problem with the engine.
[영어 패턴] It seems like + N It seems like + N ~ 처럼 느껴져. ~ 한 것 같아. (내 생각을 부드럽게 말할 때)
[영어 패턴] It seems as if ~ It seems as if ~ ~ 한 것 같은데요. 마치 ~ 인 것 같네요. (사실이 아닌것, 현실성이 없을 때) It seems as if it was meant to be. 그것은 마치 의도된 것 같다. It seems as if they had never gotten into a fight. 그들은 전혀 싸웠던 거 같지 않았어요. It seems as if the motorcycle is flying in the air. 오토바이가 마치 공중을 날고 있는 것처럼 보인다. It seems as if Korea is perpetually under a big gray cloud. 정말이지 커다란 회색 구룸이 대한민국 사회 전체를 계속해서 덮고 있는 것만 같은 느낌이 들 정도다. It seems as i..
[영어 패턴] It says that ~ It says that ~ ~ 라고 쓰여 있어. (계약서 등의 문서나 표지판에 써있는 것을 확인할 때) It says that the company wants to open a new branch in Seoul. It says that the domain is incorrect. It says that this house was built 100 years ago. It says that your license has expired. It says that God created heaven and earth. 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] It says ~ It says ~ ~라고 쓰여 있어요. It says "No smoking." It says "Pets are welcome." It says "Don't touch."
[영어 패턴] It says (here) that ~ It says (here) that ~ ~ 라고 쓰여 있어
[영어 패턴] It reminded me of ~ It reminded me of ~ 그로 인해 ~이 생각났다 (떠올랐다)
[영어 패턴] It really gets me that ~ It really gets me that ~ ~ 하니[이니] 진짜 짜증나네요 It really gets me that such a foolish man has so much influence. It really gets me that we really get ripped off with prices.
[영어 패턴] It pisses me off when ~ It pisses me off when ~ ~ (할) 때 열 받아
[영어 패턴] It pissed me off when he + P.V It pissed me off when he + P.V 그가 ~ 해서 짜증났다.
[영어 패턴] It pains me to say ~ It pains me to say ~ 나도 이런 말 하기 속상하지만 ~ 마음이 아프지만 ~ It pains me to say this, but you can no longer be trusted.