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[영어 회화] You look beat. (Joel walks into the classroom and sees his classmate Daniel … ) Daniel: Hi Joel. Joel: Oh hi Daniel. Daniel: You look beat. Joel: I am. I stayed up late last night. Daniel: Why? Joel: I was studying for today's test. Daniel: Don't worry. You'll ace it. Joel: I hope so. I have to pass this class. Daniel: You'll do fine. After the test, we'll celebrate over pizza. Joel: I hope you're right. (조얼이 ..
[일본어 한자] 今, コン, 금, now now 今 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 49 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 금 (이제, 지금) いま [ima] コン [kon] キン [kin] Dictionary: 今 (now) Radical: 人 Parts: 人一 今後 [こんご] from now on; hereafter 今年 [ことし] this year 今回 [こんかい] now; this time; lately 今月 [こんげつ] this month 今日 [こんにち konnichi] today; this day; these days; recently; nowadays 古往今来 [こおうこんらい] in all ages 古今 [ここん] ancient and modern times 古今東西 [..
[일본어 한자] 元, ゲン, 원, beginning beginning; former time; origin 元 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 192 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 원 (으뜸, 처음, 시초, 우두머리) もと [moto] ゲン [gen] ガン [gan] Dictionary: 元 (beginning) Radical: 儿 Parts: 二儿元 地元 [じもと] home area; home town; local 元首 [げんしゅ] ruler; sovereign 元 [もと] origin; source; base; basis; foundation; root; cause; ingredient; material 元気 [げんき] lively; full of spirit; energetic; vig..
[일본어 한자] 少, ショウ, 소, few few; little 少 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 287 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 소 (적다, 작다, 젊다) すく·ない [suku·nai] すこ·し [suko·shi] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 少 (few) Radical: 小 Parts: ノ小 少し [すこし] small quantity; little; few; something 少年 [しょうねん] boy; juvenile; young boy; youth; a lad 少なくとも [すくなくとも] at least 減少 [げんしょう] decrease; reduction; decline 少数 [しょうすう] minority; few 少と [ちと] a little bit 寡少..
[일본어 한자] 午, ゴ, 오, noon noon; a sign of the horse; 11AM-1PM; seventh sign of Chinese zodiac 午 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 154 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 오 (낮) うま [uma] ゴ [go] Dictionary: 午 (noon) Radical: 十 Parts: ノ干十 午後 [ごご] afternoon; p.m. 午前 [ごぜん] morning; a.m. 正午 [しょうご] noon; mid-day 午 [うま] seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Horse, 11am-1pm, south, May) 午前中 [ごぜんちゅう] in the morning; during the m..
[일본어 한자] 内, ナイ, 내, inside inside; within; between; among; house; home 内 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 44 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 내 (안, 속), 납 (들일) うち [uchi] ナイ [nai] ダイ [dai] Dictionary: 内 (inside) Radical: 冂 Parts: 人冂 国内 [こくない] internal; domestic 内閣 [ないかく] cabinet (of a government); ministry 都内 [とない] (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area 内容 [ないよう] contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import 市内 ..
[일본어 한자] 弓, キュウ, 궁, bow bow; bow (archery, violin) 弓 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1802 Stroke counts: 3 Korean: 궁 (활) ゆみ [yumi] キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 弓 (bow) Radical: 弓 Parts: 弓 弓 [ゆみ] bow (and arrow); archery; bow 弓道 [きゅうどう] (Japanese) archery 弓矢 [ゆみや] bow and arrow 洋弓 [ようきゅう] (Western) archery; Western-style bow 弓鋸 [ゆみのこ yuminoko] hacksaw 梓弓 [あずさゆみ] catalpa bow 弓具 [きゅうぐ] things used in archery 弓形 [ゆみ..
[일본어 한자] 工, コウ, 공, craft craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48) 工 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 299 Stroke counts: 3 Korean: 공 (장인, 기교, 솜씨, 일, 기능) - コウ [kō] ク [ku] グ [gu] Dictionary: 工 (craft) Radical: 工 Parts: 工 工場 [こうじょう] factory; plant; mill; workshop 工事 [こうじ] construction work 工業 [こうぎょう] (manufacturing) industry 工作 [こうさく] handicraft; / work; construction; manufacturing 工夫 [くふう] scheme; devi..
[일본어 한자] 才, サイ, 재, genius genius; years old; cubic shaku 才 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1497 Stroke counts: 3 Korean: 재 (재주, 재능) - サイ [sai] Dictionary: 才 (genius) Radical: 手 Parts: ノ一亅 才能 [さいのう] talent; ability 天才 [てんさい] genius; a prodigy; natural gift 秀才 [しゅうさい] bright person; talented student; a prodigy 才 [さい] -years-old 才 [さい] ability; gift; talent; aptitude; genius 偉才 [いさい] genius 画才 [がさい] artistic t..
[일본어 한자] 丸, ガン, 환, round round; full (month); perfection; -ship; pills; make round; roll up; curl up; seduce; explain away 丸 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 542 Stroke counts: 3 Korean: 환 (둥글다, 방울, 알) まる [maru] まる·める [maru·meru] まる·い [maru·i] ガン [gan] Dictionary: 丸 (round) Radical: 丶 Parts: 九丶 日の丸 [ひのまる] outline of the sun; the Japanese flag 丸み [まるみ] roundness; rotundity; mellowness; maturity 丸める [まるめる] to..
[일본어 한자] 万, マン, 만, ten thousand ten thousand; 10,000 万 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 375 Stroke counts: 3 Korean: man, mug よろず [yorozu] マン [man] バン [ban] Dictionary: 万 (ten thousand) Radical: 一 Parts: |ノ一 百万 [ひゃくまん] 1,000,000; one million; million; many 十万 [じゅうまん] 100,000; hundred thousand 数万 [すうまん] tens of thousands 万全 [ばんぜん] perfection; flawlessness 万引き [まんびき] shoplifting; shoplifter 一天万乗 [いってんばんじょう] the whol..
[일본어 한자] 刀, トウ, 도, sword sword; saber; knife 刀 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1794 Stroke counts: 2 Korean: 도 (칼) かたな [katana] そり [sori] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 刀 (sword) Radical: 刀 Parts: 刀 刀 [かたな] (single-edged) sword; katana; dagger; knife; scalpel 小刀 [こがたな] (small) knife; short sword; small sword 太刀 [たち] long sword 短刀 [たんとう] short sword; dagger; dirk 竹刀 [しない] bamboo sword (for kendo); bamboo fencing stick..
[일본어 한자] 森, シン, 삼, forest forest; woods 森 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 609 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 삼 (수풀) もり [mori] シン [shin] Dictionary: 森 (forest) Radical: 木 Parts: 木 森 [もり] forest; / shrine grove 森林 [しんりん] forest; woods 森厳 [しんげん] solemn 森羅万象 [しんらばんしょう] all things in nature; the whole creation 森林限界 [しんりんげんかい] tree line; forest line; timberline 森閑 [しんかん] silence 森林 [しんりん] forest 青森県 [あおもりけん] Aomori pr..
[일본어 한자] 校, コウ, 교, exam exam; school; printing; proof; correction 校 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 294 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 교 (학교, 가르치다) - コウ [kō] キョウ [kyō] Dictionary: 校 (exam) Radical: 木 Parts: 父木亠 高校 [こうこう] senior high school; high school 学校 [がっこう] school 小学校 [しょうがっこう] primary school; elementary school; grade school 高校生 [こうこうせい] senior high school student 校長 [こうちょう] principal; headmaster シュタイナー学校..
[일본어 한자] 音, オン, 음, sound sound; noise 音 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 491 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 음 (소리, 그늘) おと [oto] ね [ne] オン [on] イン [in] -ノン [-non] Dictionary: 音 (sound) Radical: 音 Parts: 音日立 音楽 [おんがく] music 音 [おと] sound; noise; report; note; fame 本音 [ほんね] real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks 騒音 [そうおん] noise 音声 [おんせい] voice; speech; the sound of a voice; sound (e.g. of a TV) ..
[일본어 한자] 草, ソウ, 초, grass grass; weeds; herbs; pasture; write; draft 草 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 967 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 초 (풀, 거친 풀, 황야) くさ [kusa] くさ- [kusa-] -ぐさ [-gusa] ソウ [sō] Dictionary: 草 (grass) Radical: 艸 Parts: 十日⺾艸 草 [くさ] grass; weed; herb; thatch 草案 [そうあん] draft (for a speech, bill, etc.) 草の根 [くさのね] grassroots; rank and file; the roots of grass 草原 [そうげん] grass-covered plain; grasslands;..
[일본어 한자] 青, セイ, 청, blue blue; green 青 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 589 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 청 (푸르다, 젊다) あお [ao] あお- [ao-] あお·い [ao·i] セイ [sei] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 青 (blue) Radical: 青 Parts: 月青土二亠 青年 [せいねん] youth; a young man 青 [あお] blue; azure; green; green light (traffic) 青山 [せいざん] lush mountain; green mountain 青木 [あおき] Japanese laurel; spotted laurel 青春 [せいしゅん] youth; springtime of life; adoles..
[일본어 한자] 雨, ウ, 우, rain rain 雨 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 950 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 우 (비) あめ [ame] あま- [ama-] -さめ [-same] ウ [u] Dictionary: 雨 (rain) Radical: 雨 Parts: 雨 雨 [あめ] rain 大雨 [おおあめ] heavy rain 梅雨 [つゆ] rainy season (in Japan from early June to mid-July) 雨戸 [あまど] sliding storm shutter 雨天 [うてん] rainy weather ひと雨 [ひとあめ] shower 雨雲 [あまぐも] rain cloud 雨蛙 [あまがえる] tree frog (esp. the Japanese tree ..
[영어 패턴] Can I call you ~ ? Can I call you ~ ? 제가 ~에 전화해도 될까요?
[영어 패턴] Can I buy a ~ here ? Can I buy a ~ here ? 여기에서 ~를 살 수 있어요? Can I buy a cookbook here? Can I buy a charger here? Excuse me, but can I buy a mousepad here?
[영어 패턴] Can I borrow ~ ? Can I borrow ~ ? ~ 좀 빌려주실래요? 내가? ~ 을 빌릴 수 있을까요? (내가 직접 빌리는 것을 예상) Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your car? Can I borrow your jacket? Can I borrow some money? Can I borrow a book? Can I borrow you bike?
[영어 패턴] Can I ask you to + V ? Can I ask you to + V ? 너한테 ~ 해 달라고 해도 될까? Can I ask you to send this baggage to Korea?
[영어 패턴] Can I ask you briefly to + V ? Can I ask you briefly to + V ? 간단히 ~ 부탁해도 될까요? Can I ask you briefly to introduce yourself?
[영어 패턴] Can I ask you ~ ? Can I ask you ~ ? ~ 좀 바라도 / 물어봐도 될까요?
[영어 패턴] Can I ask why ~ ? Can I ask why ~ ? 왜 ~ 인지 여쭤봐도 되나요? Can I ask why you want to close the account?
[영어 패턴] Can I ask ~ ? Can I ask ~ ? ~ 를 여쭤 봐도 될까요?