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[영어 회화] Don't you wish you could do that?


(Troy is talking to his wife Marie.)
Marie: Ever since John decided to become an independent consultant he's been doing extremely well.
Troy: I know. He told me yesterday that he's almost more business than he can handle.
Marie: How does he do it?
Troy: Well, he's very good and he gets around a lot.
Marie: That's true. I've seen him at every reception and conference that I've been to.
Troy: And he's always there handing out his business cards.
Marie: I know he talks to anyone who is a potential client.
Troy: He sells himself very well.
Marie: Don't you wish you could do that?
Troy: Not really. I'm happy with the job I have.

(트로이가 아내 마리와 얘기하고 있다.)
마리: 존은 컨설턴트로 독립하더니 펄펄 날아.
트로이: 알아. 어제 그러는데 거의 감당할 수 없을 정도로 비즈니스가 잘 된데.
마리: 어떻게 그렇게 잘 한데?
트로이: 글쎄 워낙 잘 하는데다 열심히 뛰잖아.
마리: 맞아. 만찬이나 회의에 가보면 항상 있어.
트로이: 그리고 항상 명함을 건네고.
마리: 누구라도 잠재 고객에게는 말을 걸고.
트로이: 자기 홍보를 아주 잘 해.
마리: 당신도 그렇게 했으면 좋겠다 싶지 않아?
트로이: 꼭 그런 건 아니야. 지금하는 일로 만족해.