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[영어 회화] We have to stop relying on the Middle East for our oil.


(Jim is talking to Roger at work … )
Jim: Gas is coming down.
Roger: I know. I filled up my car last night.
Jim: How much did it run you?
Roger: Twenty-five dollars. It's usually higher than that.
Jim: We have to find another source of fuel other than oil.
Roger: I know. We have to stop relying on the Middle East for our oil.
Jim: We have to try other sources.
Roger: But the oil industry in this country is so powerful.
Jim: I know. They aren't going to allow another source of energy to take their profits.
Roger: Wouldn't it be great if we could run our cars on water?

(짐이 직장에서 로저와 얘기한다..)
짐: 개솔린 가격이 내리고 있어.
로저: 맞아. 어제 밤에 내 차도 기름을 가득 넣었어.
짐: 얼마나 들었어?
로저: 25달러. 보통 그보다는 높은데 말야.
짐: 게솔린 말고 다른 연료를 찾아야하는데 말야.
로저: 그러게. 우리 연료를 중동에 의존하는 건 이제 그만해야 해.
짐: 다른 자원들을 써봐야해.
로저: 하지만 이 나라는 주유 산업이 워낙 막강해서.
짐: 그러게. 다른 에너지 자원이 이득을 빼앗아가는 걸 가만 놔두지 않을 거야.
로저: 물로 자동차가 갈 수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까?

rely on
~에 의지/의존하다,
~을 필요로 하다
~을 믿다, 실뢰하다
~에 기대다, 의지하다
trust / depend on / rely on / count on / believe in
to need or depend on somebody/something
to trust or have confidence in somebody/something
I am lucky to have such good friends to rely on.
Can I rely on you to be on time?
I rely on the subway to get to work every day.