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[영어 회화] Well now that you're here let's get this meeting started.


(Co-workers are waiting for Brian so they can start a business meeting … )
John: Where's Brian?
Steve: He's not here yet.
John: I know that. Where is he?
Matthew: Who knows?
Steve: Did you try his cell?
John: Yes but he doesn't answer. We have to have this meeting today.
Brian: (hurrying in to the meeting room) I'm sorry I'm late.
John: What kept you?
Brian: There was a pile up on the freeway; about twenty cars. I had to drive around it.
John: Well now that you're here let's get this meeting started.

(직장 동료들이 회의를 시작하려고 브라이언을 기다리고 있다 …)
존: 브라이언이 어디있지?
스티브: 아직 안왔어.
존: 그거야 알지. 도대체 어디 있는 거야?
매튜: 어떻게 알겠어?
스티브: 핸드폰으로 전화해봤어?
존: 응 전화를 안받아. 우리 오늘 이 회의를 해야 하는데.
브라이언: (회의실로 급히 들어오며) 늦어서 미안.
존: 왜 늦었어?
브라이언: 프리웨이에서 차량 연쇄 충돌사고가 났어. 한 20대정도. 돌아와야 했어.
존: 자 이제 자네가 왔으니까 회의를 시작하자고.