분류 전체보기 (8270) 썸네일형 리스트형 [영어 읽기] Describe what you do on a typical shopping day. Describe what you do on a typical shopping day. On a typical shopping day, I first decide what to buy. I also think about where to go. I make sure to dress light and wear comfy shoes. That’s because I have to walk around a lot. I search online for the things I want to buy. I also search for the clothes and colors that are “in” these days. When I get to the shopping mall, I first look around and .. [영어 읽기] Talk about the last time you went to a beach. Talk about the last time you went to a beach. Last year, I went to the beach with my family. We went to a beach on the east coast of Korea. We stayed at a beachside cabin that had a great view of the ocean. The weather was a bit nippy, so we didn’t go in the water. We just dipped our feet in the water. For lunch, we had raw fish and shrimp at a local restaurant. At dinner, we had drinks with our.. [영어 읽기] Talk about what you do when you go to beaches. Talk about what you do when you go to beaches. I do lots of things when I go to beaches. During the day, I swim in the ocean and enjoy the waves. Sometimes, I get a tan on the beach. I also take walks along the beach. It feels great to breathe in the fresh air. I usually have seafood like fish or shrimp for dinner. Sometimes I grill meat and seafood on the grill. At night, I often have a few dri.. [영어 읽기] Talk about how you got your driver’s license. Talk about how you got your driver’s license. To get my driver’s license, first I had to prep for a written exam. I studied traffic laws, and figured out the meaning of various road signs and lanes. I also learned how to follow traffic signals, and the proper way to drive I various situations. After studying, I took the test and I aced it. Then I went to a driving school to prep for the road tes.. [영어 읽기] Talk about your experience of going to fast food places. Talk about your experience of going to fast food places. I go to American fast food places from time to time. I usually visit those places for a handy meal when I watch a movie or go shopping. Most fast food places have a fixed menu, so I have a rough idea what to order before I go. I normally order one of their signature dishes. I sometimes get the food to go or sometimes eat if on the spot. Th.. [영어 읽기] Talk about a fast food chain you used to go to when you were young. Talk about a fast food chain you used to go to when you were young. I remember going to a fast food place near my home when I was a kid. I always ordered a burger combo. I got a burger, French fries, and a carbonated drink. I also ordered side dishes like chicken nuggets, chicken fingers, or onion rings. Sometimes I also had a milk shake. I still remember the hamburgers I ate when I was young, b.. [영어 읽기] Talk about some changes in weather patterns. Talk about some changes in weather patterns. One of the most pronounced changes in Korea’s weather is that summers are getting hotter by the year. I remember having a hard time last summer because it was especially bad. Even after dark, it didn’t cool off and we had tropical nights. It was the hottest summer in the books for Korea. Some predict that Korea will develop a subtropical climate. Glob.. [영어 읽기] Talk about Korea’s seasons. Talk about Korea’s seasons. Korea has four distinct seasons. The weather is very nice in spring and fall. The temperatures are just right for outdoor activities. On the other hand, summer is sweltering hot. Daytime highs can be higher than 30 degrees Celsius. We have a rainy season in summer, and it pours. Also, it is very humid and sticky. Winter is the complete opposite. It is freezing cold an.. [영어 읽기] Talk about the outdoor activities people like to do. Talk about the outdoor activities people like to do. Residential environments have been improved beyond recognition these days. Each neighborhood has lots of local parks. They are great places to take in nature. People often visit these parks at night or on weekends. They might go for a stroll, or work up a sweat in earnest. Korea’s geography is also varied. There are lots of mountains, rivers, .. [영어 읽기] Talk about the last time you engaged in some outdoor activity. Talk about the last time you engaged in some outdoor activity. The weather is mild in the spring, so I often go out on weekends. Last weekend, I went to a riverside park with my family. We took a walk around the park to get some exercise. Then we laid a mat on the ground and ate a packed lunch. The change of pace felt good. The park was crowded with people getting some sun like us. A while ago, .. [영어 읽기] Talk about when you left your umbrella behind somewhere. Talk about when you left your umbrella behind somewhere. Sometimes, I lost track of my umbrella. Most commonly, I leave it behind at a bar. When I get drunk, sometimes it slips my mind that I brought an umbrella. Of course, there are times when I completely forget to bring an umbrella when I set out from my house. I think to myself that I should bring an umbrella when the weather forecast calls .. [영어 읽기] Talk about the umbrellas you have at home. Talk about the umbrellas you have at home. I have a couple of umbrellas at home. I keep them in the closet next to the front door. I have a few umbrellas that are long, like sticks. The handles have a rounded shape, like a hook, so it’s easy to hang them up. They are on the large side, so they are useful when there is heavy rain. Other umbrellas can be folded in half. They are a good size, and t.. [영어 읽기] Talk about how restaurants are changing. Talk about how restaurants are changing. People these days are really busy. They sometimes don’t have time to make a home-cooked meal themselves. So, they eat out or order in much more often. More restaurants will deliver to your door. Meanwhile, people have become much more health-conscious than in the past. They tend to prefer health foods. Due to this trend, many restaurants talk up their hea.. [영어 읽기] Talk about what you do when you go to a restaurant. Talk about what you do when you go to a restaurant. When I arrive at a restaurant, I first decide where to sit. I sometimes decide on my own. Sometimes, one of the waiters shows me to our table. When I get the menu, I decide what to get. If I don’t know what to order, I ask for help. When the food comes out, I start to dig in. I ask for more water or sauce whenever I need to. After I eat, I go u.. [영어 읽기] Talk about the reasons that make you cancel your plans. Talk about the reasons that make you cancel your plans. Sometimes in life, we have to cancel appointments or plans for various reasons. Feeling under the weather is the most common reason. If you catch a cold or disagree with something you eat, you might have to cancel plans. Other times, people cancel plans because of the weather conditions. Also, plans might be set back if a matter of urgency .. [일본어 한자] 残, ザン, 잔, remainder remainder; leftover; balance 残 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 380 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 잔 (잔인하다, 흉악하다, 해치다, 멸하다, 남다, 나머지) のこ·る [noko ru] のこ·す [noko su] そこな·う [sokona u] のこ·り [noko ri] ザン [zan] サン [san] Dictionary: 残 (remainder) Radical: 歹 Parts: ノ毛丶歹 残った分 [のこったぶん] amount left over; remaining portion 残り [のこり] remnant; residue; remaining; left-over 残念 [ざんねん] deplorable; regretta.. [일본어 한자] 梅, バイ, 매, plum plum 梅 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1232 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 매 (매화) うめ [ume] バイ [bai] Dictionary: 梅 (plum) Radical: 木 Parts: 母木毋 梅 [うめ] Japanese apricot (Prunus mume); Japanese plum; ume; Chinese plum 梅雨 [つゆ] rainy season (in Japan from early June to mid-July); / rain during the rainy season 梅干し [うめぼし] umeboshi; pickled dried ume; pickled dried plum 梅雨明け [つゆあけ] the end of .. [일본어 한자] 挙, キョ, 거, raise raise; plan; project; behavior; actions 挙 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 257 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 거 (들다, 일으키다, 행하다) あ·げる [a geru] あ·がる [a garu] こぞ·る [kozo ru] キョ [kyo] Dictionary: 挙 (raise) Radical: 手 Parts: 手⺌ハ 選挙 [せんきょ] election 総選挙 [そうせんきょ] general election (of the lower house) 挙げる [あげる] to raise; to elevate; / to do up (one's hair); / to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fir.. [일본어 한자] 徒, ト, 도, junior junior; emptiness; vanity; futility; uselessness; ephemeral thing; gang; set; party; people 徒 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 817 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 도 (무리, 동아리, 동류, 제자, 문하생, 종, 하인) いたずら [itazura] あだ [ada] ト [to] Dictionary: 徒 (junior) Radical: 彳 Parts: 走土彳 生徒 [せいと] pupil; student; schoolchild 教徒 [きょうと] believer; adherent 徒歩 [とほ] walking; going on foot 学徒 [がくと] student; follo.. [일본어 한자] 席, セキ, 석, seat seat; mat; occasion; place 席 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 370 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 석 (자리, 앉을 자리, 돗자리) むしろ [mushiro] セキ [seki] Dictionary: 席 (seat) Radical: 巾 Parts: 巾广 主席 [しゅせき] head; chief; / chairman; governor; president; / top student; head of the class 出席 [しゅっせき] attendance; presence; appearance; / to attend; to be present; to appear 議席 [ぎせき] parliamentary seat 席 [せき] s.. [일본어 한자] 帯, タイ, 대, sash sash; belt; obi; zone; region 帯 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 746 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 대 (띠-너비가 좁고 기다랗게 생긴 물건, 근처) お·びる [o biru] おび [obi] タイ [tai] Dictionary: 帯 (sash) Radical: 巾 Parts: |一巾冖 地帯 [ちたい] area; zone; belt (of land) 世帯 [せたい] household; home; family; housekeeping 熱帯 [ねったい] tropics 携帯 [けいたい] something carried (in the hand); handheld; portable; / mobile telephone; ce.. [영어 읽기] Talk about a time you had to cancel a plan. Talk about a time you had to cancel a plan. A while ago, I had plans to meet up with some friends. We were going to have dinner together. It was a Friday night, so we even booked a table at a restaurant. However, an urgent issue came up at work, so I had to deal with it. I had to work late. I couldn’t make it to dinner with my friends. I told my friends what happened in our group chat room. I wa.. [영어 읽기] Talk about when you went to a theme park when you were a child. Talk about when you went to a theme park when you were a child. I remember jumping up and down in excitement when I went to theme parks as a kid. I’ll never forget the sense of anticipation I felt when we got our tickets. Once inside, I went on a lot of rides. I remember rides that moved at breakneck speed, and also the bumper cars. Some facilities were such big draws that I had to stand in line.. [영어 읽기] Talk about major amusement parks in Korea. Talk about major amusement parks in Korea. There are amusement parks in most areas of Korea. There are three large-scale amusement parks in Seoul and its surrounding areas. One is a cultural complex in a downtown area. It’s connected to a department store, a theater, hotels, and skyscraper. The park has both indoor and outdoor facilities. It always gets crowded on weekends. The other two major p.. [영어 읽기] Talk about a memorable hotel you stayed at. Talk about a memorable hotel you stayed at. A few years ago, I went to a Southeast Asian country for my vacation. I booked a room at a hotel right on the beach. My room had an ocean view. The view was so beautiful, it was beyond words. The food at the hotel was cooked by a top chef, and it was fit for a king. Around the hotel pool, there was space to kick back and relax. I felt recharged at the .. [영어 읽기] Talk about what you do when you first arrive at a hotel. Talk about what you do when you first arrive at a hotel. I normally stay at hotels when I go on vacations or business trips. When I arrive at a hotel, I first go to the front desk to check-in. I usually book in advance, so I only need to tell them my name. I get my room keys and head to my room. When I get to my room, I first take a look around. I also take a look at the view outside. After that.. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 319 다음