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[영어 읽기] Talk about a playground you used to play at when you were a kid. Talk about a playground you used to play at when you were a kid. I remember living in an apartment when I was a kid. There was a playground right in front of my apartment building. I used to play there all the time with my friends. We used to play in the sand or go on rides such as swings or slides. I also played tag or soccer sometimes. Plus, I rode my bike there as well. I remember falling dow..
[영어 읽기] Talk about typhoons that hit Korea every summer. Talk about typhoons that hit Korea every summer. One or two big typhoons hit Korea every summer. When a big typhoon makes landfall, there are strong winds and heavy rain. The strong winds wreak havoc, blowing over fences and causing property damage. Sometimes, people get injured when they are hit by flying debris. Some rivers overflow because of too much rain. There are floods all over the place..
[영어 읽기] Talk about today’s weather. Talk about today’s weather. It is early summer here in Korea right now. The weather is fair today and we have clear skies. There are almost no clouds, and there is high visibility. The days are getting longer, so it’s bright even at 7 p.m. The morning low was 20 degrees, and the daytime high was 26 degrees. The weather is getting hotter and hotter every day. People are starting to dress lightly...
[영어 읽기] Talk about the first overseas trip you went on. Talk about the first overseas trip you went on. I remember going on a trip Thailand when I was a kid. It was my first trip overseas, so I was very excited. I still remember when I first boarded the plane. It gave me a thrill. When we arrived, we first went to the hotel to check-in. Then, we went to our room and unpacked our things. After that, we went on a sightseeing tour. I was amazed by the t..
[일본어 단어] あな(穴) 구멍 あな(穴) 구멍 蟲(むし)が穴(あな)に入(はい)る。 벌레가 구멍으로 들어간다.
[일본어 단어] あと(後) 뒤 あと(後) 뒤 先生(せんせい)の後(あと)に立(た)っている。 선생님 뒤에 서 있다. 3日(みっか)後(あと)で旅行(りょこう)に行(い)きます。 3일뒤에 여행갑니다.
[일본어 단어] あと(跡) 흔적 あと(跡) 흔적 字(じ)を書(か)いて消(け)した跡(あと)がある。 글자를 쓰고 지운 흔적이 있다.
[일본어 단어] あてる (當てる) 대다 あてる (當てる) 대다 大(おお)きな音(おと)がして耳(みみ)に手(て)を當(あ)てた。 큰 소리가 나서 귀에 손을 댔다.
[일본어 단어] あてはめる (當てはめる) 적용시키다 あてはめる (當てはめる) 적용시키다 クロースワードに字(じ)を當(あ)てはめるのはおもしろい。 크로스단어퍼즐에 글자를 넣어맞추는(적용시키는) 것은재미있다.
[일본어 한자] 健, ケン, 건, healthy healthy; health; strength; persistence 健 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 572 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 건 (굳세다, 건강하다, 튼튼하다) すこ·やか [suko yaka] ケン [ken] Dictionary: 健 (healthy) Radical: 人 Parts: 亻廴聿 健康 [けんこう] health; / healthy; sound; fit; wholesome 保健 [ほけん] health preservation; hygiene; sanitation 健全 [けんぜん] healthy; sound; wholesome 穏健 [おんけん] quiet; dependable; uniform; (politically)..
[일본어 한자] 巣, ソウ, 소, nest nest; rookery; hive; cobweb; den 巣 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1588 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 소 (새집, 집, 큰 피리, 악기) す [su] す·くう [su kū] ソウ [sō] Dictionary: 巣 (nest) Radical: 木 Parts: ⺌田木 巣 [す] nest; rookery; breeding place; hive; / den; / haunt; / (spider's) web 古巣 [ふるす] old haunts; former homes 卵巣 [らんそう] ovary 巣立ち [すだち] leaving the nest; / going out into the world; becoming inde..
[일본어 한자] 郡, グン, 군, country county; district 郡 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 965 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 군 (고을, 관청, 떼, 무리) こおり [kōri] グン [gun] Dictionary: 郡 (county) Radical: 邑 Parts: 一口⻏ノ 郡 [ぐん] district; county; / district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period) 郡部 [ぐんぶ] rural districts; counties 郡長 [ぐんちょう] district headman; head county official 共産国家郡 [きょうさんこっかぐん] Communist ..
[일본어 한자] 連, レン, 련, take along take along; lead; join; connect; party; gang; clique 連 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 30 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 련 (잇닿다, 연속하다) つら·なる [tsura naru] つら·ねる [tsura neru] つ·れる [tsu reru] -づ·れ [-zu re] レン [ren] Dictionary: 連 (take along) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶車辵 連邦 [れんぽう] commonwealth; federation of states; confederation; union 連合 [れんごう] union; alliance; combination; / RENGO (Japanese Trad..
[일본어 한자] 訓, クン, 훈, instruction instruction; Japanese character reading; explanation; read 訓 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1134 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 훈 (가르치다, 타이르다, 이끌다, 인도하다) おし·える [oshi eru] よ·む [yo mu] くん·ずる [kun zuru] クン [kun] キン [kin] Dictionary: 訓 (instruction) Radical: 言 Parts: 言川 訓練 [くんれん] training; drill; practice; discipline 教訓 [きょうくん] lesson; precept; teachings; moral 特訓 [とっくん] special training; ..
[일본어 한자] 航, コウ, 항, navigate navigate; sail; cruise; fly 航 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 665 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 항 (배, 선박) - コウ [kō] Dictionary: 航 (navigate) Radical: 舟 Parts: 舟亠几 航空 [こうくう] aviation; flying 航空機 [こうくうき] aircraft 航海 [こうかい] voyage; navigation; sailing; passage; cruise 運航 [うんこう] operating (e.g. ships, aircraft) 難航 [なんこう] difficult voyage; hard flight; / rough going; rough passage; running ..
[일본어 한자] 脈, ミャク, 맥, vein vein; pulse; hope 脈 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1477 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 맥 (줄기, 맥, 맥박, 혈관) すじ [suji] ミャク [myaku] Dictionary: 脈 (vein) Radical: 肉 Parts: 斤月厂 人脈 [じんみゃく] personal connections 文脈 [ぶんみゃく] context 動脈 [どうみゃく] artery 山脈 [さんみゃく sanmyaku] mountain range 脈 [みゃく] pulse; / vein; / chain (of mountains, etc.); / hope; / thread (of an argument)
[영어 읽기] Talk about why traveling overseas is becoming easier. Talk about why traveling overseas is becoming easier. Traveling overseas is becoming easier and easier as time goes by. That’s because modes of transportation have become a lot better over the years. For example, plane tickets have become a lot easier on the wallet thanks to low-cost carriers. Routes are becoming more varied, too. So, traveling by air is much easier. Trains have become a lot fas..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the things you do when you travel overseas. Talk about the things you do when you travel overseas. I like to go sightseeing when I travel overseas. I often visit tourist attractions such as historic sites or landmarks. I take a lot of pictures while I look around these places. I like to post them online in real time. I also like to go to restaurants to enjoy the local food. I search online to find the best restaurants. I usually make a li..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how grocery shopping has changed over the years. Talk about how grocery shopping has changed over the years. In the past, people used to get groceries at marketplaces. There were traditional markets in every neighborhood. But these days, people often get groceries at large discount store chains. These chains are run by large corporations and they offer good deals for all sorts of daily necessities. Meanwhile, people can also shop online for gr..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the last time you bought groceries at a store. Talk about the last time you bought groceries at a store. I recently went to get groceries with my family. We went to a local supermarket chain near my home. The supermarket was very large in size. There is a wide range of products, so there a lot of options to choose from. They have good prices and high-quality goods, so we get great deals there. This time around, we got some rice, bread, fruit..
[영어 읽기] Talk about a typical problem that occurs at gatherings. Talk about a typical problem that occurs at gatherings. One of the biggest concerns when it comes to gatherings is overdrinking. Drinking is fine if you do it in moderation. However, people sometimes overdo it and get wasted. Unpleasant things can happen when people get drunk. First, they could make embarrassing mistakes. A good example is drunk dialing someone for whatever reason. They could al..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the different types of gatherings you have. Talk about the different types of gatherings you have. I often have social gatherings with my friends. We meet at bars and grab some drinks. Drinks help break the ice and loosen up the mood. I sometimes play drinking games with the people I am with. Sometimes, we go bar-hopping. I also have staff dinners from time to time. It is a great chance to bond with co-workers. Also, I go to after-parties..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you bumped into a friend at a coffee shop. Talk about when you bumped into a friend at a coffee shop. I remember bumping into my friend at a coffee shop. I was waiting in line to place my order. Suddenly, someone called my name. I looked back and saw my friend. I was beside myself to see her because I hadn’t seen her in ages. We asked how each other was doing and did some catching up. My friend told me about her new job, and I told her a..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how coffee shops have changed over the years. Talk about how coffee shops have changed over the years. In the past, people mostly went to coffee shops to drink coffee. People sat at their tables and chatted over coffee or tea. But these days, many coffee places sell food as well. People can grab a bite if they are hungry. They can get their drinks or food to go. Plus, people sometimes study or work at coffee shops. There is free Wi-Fi at mo..
[영어 읽기] Talk about a foreign restaurant you went to recently. Talk about a foreign restaurant you went to recently. My friends and I had a get-together recently. We went to a Vietnamese place, and they had the best pho in town. The meat broth for the noodles was really tasty. The beef in the noodles was also juicy and tender. The food tasted extra good especially because I was starving. We also ordered some side dishes for the table. I look forward to goin..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how you choose restaurants. Talk about how you choose restaurants. When I choose which restaurant I want to go to, I think about taste above everything else. I like to dine at restaurants that serve tasty food. I also take into account the mood of a restaurant. The atmosphere helps me enjoy the meal. Of course, I also have to think about the bill. I like to get good deals when I go out to eat. I cannot go to a restaurant t..