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[영어 회화] He got laid off from his job.


(Jack's wife greets him as he comes home from work…)
Audrey: Hi how was your day?
Jack: Just like most days. Nothing to get excited about.
Audrey: Well I have some news that might change your attitude.
Jack: We finally won the lottery right?
Audrey: Jason wants to move back home.
Jack: What?! You're joking, right?
Audrey: Nope. He got laid off from his job.
Jack: Out of the blue, he lost his job? No warning?
Audrey: I don't know the details. He just said he wanted some time to get his act together.
Jack: I hope it doesn't take too much time.

(잭이 퇴근하니 아내가 반갑게 맞이한다…)
오드리: 여보 오늘 어땠어?
잭: 다른 때하고 똑같아. 재미 하나도 없어.
오드리: 있잖아. 정신이 확 들 수도 있는 소식이 좀 있어.
잭: 드디어 복권에 당첨됐구나 그렇지?
오드리: 제이슨이 다시 집으로 들어오겠대.
잭: 뭐?! 농담이지 그렇지?
오드리: 아니야. 제이슨이 회사에서 일시 해고됐어.
잭: 갑자기 실직을 했다고? 아무 예고도 없이?
오드리: 자세한 건 몰라. 시간을 좀 갖고 마음을 가다듬고 싶대.
잭: 너무 오래 걸리지 않았으면 좋겠네.