Talk about when you visited someone at the hospital.
One time, my friend got in an accident. He was injured badly and had to be hospitalized. He needed surgery on his knee. He was in hospital for two weeks. I visited him to cheer him up. I brought him some drinks and snacks. We joked around a lot. When I left, I think he was in a better mood. When I was younger, a relative was diagnosed with cancer. He was sick for a long time. I went to visit him before he passed away. He was in a lot of pain. It made me feel very sad. I attended the funeral a few weeks later.
병원에 병문안을 갔던 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
한번은 친구가 사고를 당했다. 심하게 다쳐서 입원을 해야 했다. 무릎에 수술을 해야 될 정도였다. 그는 2주 동안 입원해 있었다. 친구 기분을 위로해 주기 위해 병문안을 갔다. 음료와 간식을 가져다 줬다. 서로 농담을 많이 했다. 내가 병실을 나올 때쯤에는 친구 기분이 나아진 것 같았다. 더 어렸을 때는 친척이 암 진단을 받으셨다. 오랫동안 편찮으셨다. 돌아가시기 전에 뵈러 갔다. 고통이 심하셨다. 덩달아 나도 슬퍼졌다. 몇 주 후에는 장례식에 참석했다.
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