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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 客, キャク, 객, guest guest; visitor; customer; client 客 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 557 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 객 (손님, 나그네) - キャク [kyaku] カク [kaku] Dictionary: 客 (guest) Radical: 宀 Parts: 口夂宀 客 [きゃく] guest; visitor; / customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist; sightseer; passenger 乗客 [じょうきゃく] passenger 顧客 [こきゃく] customer; client; patron 観客 [かんきゃく] audience; spectator; spectators 旅客 [..
[일본어 한자] 品, ヒン, 품, goods goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses 品 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 225 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 품 (물건) しな [shina] ヒン [hin] ホン [hon] Dictionary: 品 (goods) Radical: 口 Parts: 口品 商品 [しょうひん] commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise 作品 [さくひん] work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production 製品 [せいひん] manufactured goods..
[일본어 한자] 係, ケイ, 계, person in charge person in charge; connection; duty; concern oneself 係 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 232 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 계 (매다, 이어매다, 묶다, 잇다) かか·る [kaka ru] かかり [kakari] -がかり [-gakari] かか·わる [kaka waru] ケイ [kei] Dictionary: 係 (person in charge) Radical: 人 Parts: ノ亻糸幺小 関係 [かんけい] relation; relationship; connection; / participation; involvement; concern; / influence; effect; / sexual relati..
[일본어 한자] 乗, ジョウ, 승, ride ride; power; multiplication; record; counter for vehicles; board; mount; join 乗 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 377 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 승 (타다, 오르다) の·る [no ru] -の·り [-no ri] の·せる [no seru] ジョウ [jō] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 乗 (ride) Radical: ノ Parts: |ノ一禾ハ丿 乗用車 [じょうようしゃ] (passenger) car; automobile 乗客 [じょうきゃく] passenger 乗り [のり nori] riding; ride; / spread (of paints); / -seater (e..
[일본어 한자] 重, ジュウ, 중, heavy heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold 重 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 193 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 중 (무겁다), 동 (아이) え [e] おも·い [omo i] おも·り [omo ri] おも·なう [omo nau] かさ·ねる [kasa neru] かさ·なる [kasa naru] おも [omo] ジュウ [jū] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 重 (heavy) Radical: 里 Parts: |ノ一日里 重要 [じゅうよう] important; momentous; essential; principal; major 重大 [じゅうだい] serious; important; signific..
[일본어 한자] 苦, ク, 고, suffering suffering; trial; worry; hardship; feel bitter; scowl 苦 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 623 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 고 (쓰다, 괴롭다) くる·しい [kuru shī] -ぐる·しい [-guru shī] くる·しむ [kuru shimu] くる·しめる [kuru shimeru] にが·い [niga i] · にが·る [niga ru] ク [ku] Dictionary: 苦 (suffering) Radical: 艸 Parts: 口十⺾艸 苦労 [くろう] trouble; hardship; difficulty; labour; labor; toil; pains; / anxiety; worry; conce..
[일본어 한자] 服, フク, 복, clothing clothing; admit; obey; discharge 服 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 873 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 복 (옷) - フク [fuku] Dictionary: 服 (clothing) Radical: 月 Parts: 月又卩 服 [ふく] clothes (esp. Western clothes); / counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc. 制服 [せいふく] uniform 服装 [ふくそう] garments; attire 不服 [ふふく] dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; com..
[일본어 한자] 取, シュ, 취, take take; fetch; take up 取 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 122 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 취 (가지다, 손에들다, 취하다, 의지하다) と·る [to ru] と·り [to ri] と·り- [to ri-] とり [tori] -ど·り [-do ri] シュ [shu] Dictionary: 取 (take) Radical: 又 Parts: 耳又 取引 [とりひき] transactions; dealings; business 取っ手 [とって] handle; grip; knob 取材 [しゅざい] news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for me..
[일본어 한자] 者, シャ, 자, someone someone; person 者 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 38 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 자 (놈, 사람, 것) もの [mono] シャ [sha] Dictionary: 者 (someone) Radical: 老 Parts: 日老 患者 [かんじゃ] patient 記者 [きしゃ] reporter 容疑者 [ようぎしゃ] suspect (person) 業者 [ぎょうしゃ] trader; dealer; businessman; vendor; supplier; manufacturer; / fellow trader; people in the same trade 労働者 [ろうどうしゃ] employee; worker; / laborer (laborer)..
[일본어 한자] 和, ワ, 화, harmony harmony; Japanese style; peace; soften; Japan 和 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 124 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 화 (화하다, 화목하다, 화해하다) やわ·らぐ [yawa ragu] やわ·らげる [yawa rageru] なご·む [nago mu] なご·やか [nago yaka] ワ [wa] オ [o] カ [ka] Dictionary: 和 (harmony) Radical: 口 Parts: 禾口 平和 [へいわ] peace; harmony 和平 [わへい] peace グアテマラ共和国 [グアテマラきょうわこく] Republic of Guatemala 緩和 [かんわ] relief; mitigation; allev..
[일본어 한자] 委, イ, 위, committee committee; entrust to; leave to; devote; discard 委 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 187 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 위 (맡기다, 버리다, 쌓다) ゆだ·ねる [yuda neru] イ [i] Dictionary: 委 (committee) Radical: 女 Parts: 禾女 委員 [いいん] committee member 委員会 [いいんかい] committee; commission; board; panel; committee meeting 委員長 [いいんちょう] committee chairman 公取委 [こうとりい] Fair Trade Commission 委託 [いたく] entrusting (some..
[일본어 한자] 具, グ, 구, tool tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture 具 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 629 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 구 (갖추다, 구비하다, 모두, 일일이) そな·える [sona eru] つぶさ·に [tsubusa ni] グ [gu] Dictionary: 具 (tool) Radical: 八 Parts: 一ハ目八 具体的 [ぐたいてき] concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial 具体 [ぐたい] concrete; tangible; material 道具 [どうぐ] tool; implem..
[일본어 한자] 物, ブツ, 물, thing thing; object; matter 物 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 215 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 물 (물건, 만물, 사물) もの [mono] もの- [mono]- ブツ [butsu] モツ [motsu] Dictionary: 物 (thing) Radical: 牛 Parts: 勿牛勹 人物 [じんぶつ] person; character; figure; personage; man; woman; / one's character; one's personality 動物 [どうぶつ] animal 物質 [ぶっしつ] material; substance; / matter 建物 [たてもの] building 物語 [ものがたり] tale; story;..
[일본어 한자] 受, ジュ, 수, accept accept; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch; receive 受 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 136 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 수 (받다, 거두어들이다) う·ける [u keru] -う·け -[u ke] う·かる [u karu] ジュ [ju] Dictionary: 受 (accept) Radical: 又 Parts: 爪又冖 受験 [じゅけん] taking an examination (esp. school and university entrance) 受賞 [じゅしょう] winning (a prize) 受け入れ [うけいれ] receiving; acceptance; reception 受注 [じゅちゅう..
[일본어 한자] 油, ユ, 유, oil oil; fat 油 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 690 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 유 (기름) あぶら [abura] ユ [yu] ユウ [yū] Dictionary: 油 (oil) Radical: 水 Parts: |氵日田 石油 [せきゆ] oil; petroleum; kerosene 原油 [げんゆ] crude oil 油 [あぶら] oil 油田 [ゆでん yuden] oil field 産油国 [さんゆこく] oil-producing countries (nations)
[일본어 한자] 波, ハ, 파, waves waves; billows; Poland 波 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 740 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 파 (물결, 진동하는 결) なみ [nami] ハ [ha] Dictionary: 波 (waves) Radical: 水 Parts: 氵皮又 波 [なみ] wave 電波 [でんぱ] electromagnetic wave; radio wave; reception; signal; / saying strange things 波紋 [はもん] ripple; ring on the water; / repercussions; / Japanese slit drum; instrument made of iron with slits on top; makes ..
[일본어 한자] 注, チュウ, 주, pour pour; irrigate; shed (tears); flow into; concentrate on; notes; comment; annotate 注 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 497 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 주 (붓다, 물을 대다, 뜻을 두다, 흐르다) そそ·ぐ [soso gu] さ·す [sa su] つ·ぐ [tsu gu] チュウ [chū] Dictionary: 注 (pour) Radical: 水 Parts: 王氵丶 注目 [ちゅうもく] notice; attention; observation 注文 [ちゅうもん] order; request 注意 [ちゅうい] caution; being careful; attention (heed); ..
[일본어 한자] 泳, エイ, 영, swim swim 泳 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1223 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 영 (헤엄치다) およ·ぐ [oyo gu] エイ [ei] Dictionary: 泳 (swim) Radical: 水 Parts: 氵水丶 水泳 [すいえい] swimming 泳ぐ [およぐ] to swim 競泳 [きょうえい] competitive swimming; swimming race 平泳ぎ [ひらおよぎ] breaststroke (swimming) 背泳ぎ [せおよぎ] backstroke (swim.)
[일본어 한자] 板, ハン, 판, plank plank; board; plate; stage 板 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 926 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 판 (널판지, 판자, 명패) いた [ita] ハン [han] バン [ban] Dictionary: 板 (plank) Radical: 木 Parts: 又木厂 看板 [かんばん] signboard; sign; billboard; hoarding; doorplate; / draw; attraction; feature; highlight; spokesman 板 [いた] board; plank; / sheet (of metal); plate (of glass); pane; slab; / cutting board; chopping b..
[일본어 한자] 昔, セキ, 석, once upon a time once upon a time; antiquity; old times 昔 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1197 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 석 (옛, 옛날, 어제, 저녁, 끝), 착 (섞이다) むかし [mukashi] セキ [seki] シャク [shaku] Dictionary: 昔 (once upon a time) Radical: 日 Parts: |一二日 昔 [むかし] olden days; former 一昔 [ひとむかし] ages; long time; decade; the past ten years 昔話 [むかしばなし] old tale; folk tale; legend; / reminiscence 昔のまま [むかしのまま] the way..
[일본어 한자] 放, ホウ, 방, set free set free; release; fire; shoot; emit; banish; liberate 放 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 288 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 방 (놓다, 내쫓다, 석방/추방하다, 널리펴다) はな·す [hana su] -っぱな·し [-ppana shi] はな·つ [hana tsu] はな·れる [hana reru] こ·く [ko ku] · ほう·る [hō ru] ホウ [hō] Dictionary: 放 (set free) Radical: 攴 Parts: 方攵攴 放送 [ほうそう] broadcast; broadcasting 開放 [かいほう] opening (a door, window, etc.); leaving open..
[일본어 한자] 所, ショ, 소, place place 所 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 221 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 소 (바-일의 방도나 방법, 것, 곳, 장소) ところ [tokoro] -ところ [-tokoro] どころ [dokoro] とこ [toko] ショ [sho] Dictionary: 所 (place) Radical: 戶 Parts: 斤戸一尸戶 事務所 [じむしょ] office 場所 [ばしょ] place; location; spot; position; / room; space; / basho; wrestling tournament 所得 [しょとく] income; earnings 研究所 [けんきゅうしょ] research establishment; research inst..
[일본어 한자] 岸, ガン, 안, beach beach 岸 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 556 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 안 (언덕, 낭떠어지) きし [kishi] ガン [gan] Dictionary: 岸 (beach) Radical: 山 Parts: 干山厂 湾岸 [わんがん] gulf coast; bay coast 海岸 [かいがん] coast; beach 沿岸 [えんがん] coast; shore; littoral 岸 [きし] bank; coast; shore 対岸 [たいがん] opposite shore
[일본어 한자] 定, テイ, 정, determine determine; fix; establish; decide 定 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 48 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 정 (정하다, 바로잡다) さだ·める [sada meru] さだ·まる [sada maru] さだ·か [sada ka] テイ [tei] ジョウ [jō] Dictionary: 定 (determine) Radical: 宀 Parts: 疋宀 決定 [けってい] decision; determination 予定 [よてい] plans; arrangement; schedule; program; programme; expectation; estimate 協定 [きょうてい] arrangement; pact; agreement 安定 ..
[일본어 한자] 実, ジツ, 실, reality reality; truth 実 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 68 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 실 (열매, 씨, 종자, 내용, 본질) み [mi] みの·る [mino ru] まこと [makoto] まことに [makotoni] みの [mino] みち·る [michi ru] ジツ [jitsu] シツ [shitsu] Dictionary: 実 (reality) Radical: 宀 Parts: 士大宀 現実 [げんじつ] reality; actuality; hard fact 事実 [じじつ] fact; truth; reality 実施 [じっし] enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying..
[일본어 한자] 始, シ, 시, commence commence; begin 始 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 244 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 시 (비로소, 바야흐로, 먼저) はじ·める [haji meru] -はじ·める [-haji meru] はじ·まる [haji maru] シ [shi] Dictionary: 始 (commence) Radical: 女 Parts: 口女厶 開始 [かいし] start; commencement; beginning; initiation 始まり [はじまり] origin; beginning 終始 [しゅうし] beginning and end; / doing something from beginning to end 年始 [ねんし] New Year's call; ..