Japanese Kanji (608) 썸네일형 리스트형 [일본어 한자] 島, トウ, 도, island island 島 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 245 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 도 (섬) しま [shima] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 島 (island) Radical: 山 Parts: 山鳥白 島 [しま] island; / territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.); turf 朝鮮半島 [ちょうせんはんとう] Korean peninsula 中島 [なかじま] island in a pond or river 半島 [はんとう] peninsula; / Korea 列島 [れっとう] archipelago; the chain of islands [일본어 한자] 面, メン, 면, mask mask; face; features; surface 面 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 186 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 면 (낯, 얼굴, 모양, 모습) おも [omo] おもて [omote] つら [tsura] メン [men] ベン [ben] Dictionary: 面 (mask) Radical: 面 Parts: 面 面 [つら] face; mug; / surface; / cheek meat; / cheek; cheeks; / surrounding area 当面 [とうめん] current; urgent; pressing; impending; / to confront (an issue); to face (up to something); / .. [일본어 한자] 追, ツイ, 추, chase chase; drive away; follow; pursue; meanwhile 追 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 411 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 추 (쫓다, 이루다) お·う [o u] ツイ [tsui] Dictionary: 追 (chase) Radical: 辵 Parts: |口辶辵 追加 [ついか] addition; supplement; appending; appendix 追及 [ついきゅう] investigation (e.g. into someone's guilt); questioning; pressing; hounding; pinning down; / catching up; overtaking 追い込む [おいこむ] to herd; .. [일본어 한자] 送, ソウ, 송, escort escort; send 送 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 311 Stroke counts: 8 Korean: 송 (보내다, 전달하다) おく·る [oku ru] ソウ [sō] Dictionary: 送 (escort) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶并大一辵 放送 [ほうそう] broadcast; broadcasting 輸送 [ゆそう] transport; transportation 送る [おくる] to send (a thing); to dispatch; to despatch; to transmit; / to take or escort (a person somewhere) 先送り [さきおくり] postpone 見送る [みおくる] to see someone o.. [일본어 한자] 負, フ, 부, defeat defeat; negative; -; minus; bear; owe; assume a responsibility 負 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 443 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 부 (짐을 지다, 떠맡다, 빚지다, 업다, 패하다) ま·ける [ma keru] ま·かす [ma kasu] お·う [o u] フ [fu] Dictionary: 負 (defeat) Radical: 貝 Parts: 貝目ハ勹 負担 [ふたん] burden; load; responsibility 勝負 [しょうぶ] victory or defeat; / match; contest; game; bout 負け [まけ] defeat; loss; losing (a game); /.. [일본어 한자] 美, ビ, 미, beauty beauty; beautiful 美 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 462 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 미 (아름답다, 맛나다) うつく·しい [utsuku shī] ビ [bi] ミ [mi] Dictionary: 美 (beauty) Radical: 羊 Parts: 王大并羊 美術 [びじゅつ] art; fine arts 美術館 [びじゅつかん] art gallery; art museum 美しい [うつくしい] beautiful; lovely 美 [び] beauty 美人 [びじん] a beautiful woman [일본어 한자] 級, キュウ, 급, class class; rank; grade 級 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 785 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 급 (등급, 층계) - キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 級 (class) Radical: 糸 Parts: ノ糸幺小及 高級 [こうきゅう] high class; high grade; / high rank; seniority 級 [きゅう] class (e.g. school); grade; rank; / kyū; kyu; junior rank in martial arts, go, shogi, etc. 階級 [かいきゅう] (social) class; / rank; grade 同級生 [どうきゅうせい] classmate 上級 [じょうきゅう].. [일본어 한자] 秒, ビョウ, 초, second second (1; 60 minutes) 秒 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1015 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 초 (분초), 묘 (말단) - ビョウ [byō] Dictionary: 秒 (second (1) Radical: 禾 Parts: ノ禾小 秒 [びょう] second (unit of time) 秒読み [びょうよみ] countdown 秒速 [びょうそく] per second 毎秒 [まいびょう] every second ナノ秒 [ナノびょう] nanosecond; billionth of a second; ns [일본어 한자] 神, シン, 신, gods gods; mind; soul 神 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 347 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 신 (귀신, 신령, 정신) かみ [kami] かん- [kan-] こう- [kō-] シン [shin] ジン [jin] Dictionary: 神 (gods) Radical: 示 Parts: |日礻田 精神 [せいしん] mind; spirit; soul; heart; ethos; / attitude; mentality; will; intention; / spirit (of a matter); essence; fundamental significance 神 [かみ] god; deity; divinity; spirit; kami; / incredib.. [일본어 한자] 研, ケン, 연, polish polish; study of; sharpen 研 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 336 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 연 (갈다, 문지르다, 연구하다) と·ぐ [to gu] ケン [ken] Dictionary: 研 (polish) Radical: 石 Parts: |口石亅廾ノ 研究 [けんきゅう] study; research; investigation 研究所 [けんきゅうしょ] research establishment; research institute; laboratory 研修 [けんしゅう] training (esp. in-service); induction course 研究者 [けんきゅうしゃ] researcher 研究員 [けんきゅういん] r.. [일본어 한자] 発, ハツ, 발, departure departure; discharge; publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots 発 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 32 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 발 (피다, 쏘다, 일어나다, 떠나다) た·つ [ta tsu] あば·く [aba ku] おこ·る [oko ru] つか·わす [tsuka wasu] はな·つ [hana tsu] ハツ [hatsu] ホツ [hotsu] Dictionary: 発 (departure) Radical: 癶 Parts: 二儿癶 開発 [かいはつ] development; exploitation 発言 [はつげん] statement; remark; observati.. [일본어 한자] 界, カイ, 계, world world 界 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 158 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 계 (경계, 둘레, 한계) - カイ kai Dictionary: 界 (world) Radical: 田 Parts: 田人儿 世界 [せかい] the world; society; the universe; / sphere; circle; world; / renowned; world-famous; well-known outside of Japan; / realm governed by one Buddha; space 政界 [せいかい] political world 業界 [ぎょうかい] business world; business circles; (the) industry .. [일본어 한자] 畑, 전, farm farm; field; garden; one's specialty; (kokuji) 畑 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1176 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 전 (밭, 화전) はた [hata] はたけ [hatake] -ばたけ [-batake] - Dictionary: 畑 (farm) Radical: 田 Parts: 火田 畑 [はたけ] field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.); cultivated land; vegetable plot; kitchen garden; plantation 田畑 [たはた] fields (of rice and other crops) 桑畑 [くわばたけ] mulberry field; mulber.. [일본어 한자] 洋, ヨウ, 양, ocean ocean; western style 洋 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 763 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 양 (큰 바다) - ヨウ [yō] Dictionary: 洋 (ocean) Radical: 水 Parts: 王氵并羊 太平洋 [たいへいよう] Pacific Ocean 東洋 [とうよう] Orient 海洋 [かいよう kaiyou] ocean 大西洋 [たいせいよう] the Atlantic Ocean 西洋 [せいよう] the west; Western countries [일본어 한자] 柱, チュウ, 주, pillar pillar; post; cylinder; support 柱 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1119 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 주 (기둥, 줄기) はしら [hashira] チュウ [chū] Dictionary: 柱 (pillar) Radical: 木 Parts: 王木丶 柱 [はしら] pillar; post; / support; prop; mainstay; / counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc. 電柱 [でんちゅう] utility pole; power pole; telephone pole; telegraph pole; lightpole 支柱 [しちゅう] prop; stay; support; brace; .. [일본어 한자] 相, ソウ, 상, inter- inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councilor; aspect; phase; physiognomy 相 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 45 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 상 (서로, 바탕, 도움) あい- [ai-] ソウ [sō] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 相 (inter-) Radical: 目 Parts: 木目 外相 [がいしょう] Foreign Minister 首相 [しゅしょう] Prime Minister; Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.); Premier 相手 [あいて] companion; partner; company; / .. [일본어 한자] 昭, ショウ, 소, shining shining; bright 昭 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 697 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 소 (밝다, 밝게 빛나다), 조 (비추다, 비치다) - ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 昭 (shining) Radical: 日 Parts: 口刀日 昭和 [しょうわ] Shōwa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7); Showa era 昭和天皇 [しょうわてんのう] Emperor Shōwa (1901-1989, reigned 1926-1989); Emperor Showa; Emperor Hirohito 昭和年間 [しょうわねんかん] Shōwa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7); Showa era 昭昭 [しょうしょう] .. [일본어 한자] 拾, シュウ, 습, pick up pick up; gather; find; go on foot; ten 拾 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1479 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 습 (줍다, 습득하다), 십 (열) ひろ·う [hiro u] シュウ [shū] ジュウ [jū] Dictionary: 拾 (pick up) Radical: 手 Parts: 口人扌 収拾 [しゅうしゅう] control; bringing under control; settling (a matter); putting in order 拾い物 [ひろいもの] a find; / windfall; bargain 拾う [ひろう] to pick up; to find; to gather 拾得 [しゅうとく] finding .. [일본어 한자] 持, ジ, 지, hold hold; have 持 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 119 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 지 (가지다, 손에 쥐다, 보전하다) も·つ [mo tsu] -も·ち [-mo chi] も·てる [mo teru] ジ [ji] Dictionary: 持 (hold) Radical: 手 Parts: 寸土扌 維持 [いじ] maintenance; preservation; improvement 支持 [しじ] support; backing; endorsement; approval; / support; holding up; propping 気持ち [きもち] feeling; sensation; mood; / preparedness; readiness; attit.. [일본어 한자] 指, シ, 지, finger finger; point to; indicate; put into; play (chess); measure (ruler) 指 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 155 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 지 (가리키다, 지시하다, 손가락) ゆび [yubi] さ·す [sa su] -さ·し [-sa shi] シ [shi] Dictionary: 指 (finger) Radical: 手 Parts: 日匕扌 指導 [しどう] guidance; leadership; instruction; direction; coaching 指定 [してい] designation; specification; assignment; appointment; pointing at 指揮 [し.. [일본어 한자] 急, キュウ, 급, hurry hurry; emergency; sudden; steep 急 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 309 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 급 (급하다, 중요하대) いそ·ぐ [iso gu] いそ·ぎ [iso gi] キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 急 (hurry) Radical: 心 Parts: ヨ心勹 緊急 [きんきゅう] urgency; emergency 急速 [きゅうそく] rapid (e.g. progress) 急 [きゅう] sudden; abrupt; unexpected; / urgent; pressing; / steep; sharp; precipitous; / rapid; swift; fast 急激 [きゅうげき] sudden; abrup.. [일본어 한자] 待, タイ, 대, wait wait; depend on 待 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 391 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 대 (기다리다, 대비하다) ま·つ [ma tsu] -ま·ち [-ma chi] タイ [tai] Dictionary: 待 (wait) Radical: 彳 Parts: 寸土彳 期待 [きたい] expectation; anticipation; hope 招待 [しょうたい] invitation 待遇 [たいぐう] treatment; reception; service; / working conditions; salary; pay; remuneration 接待 [せったい] reception; welcome; serving (food); / wining and.. [일본어 한자] 度, ド, 도, degrees degrees; occurrence; time; counter for occurrences 度 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 110 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 도 (법도, 도구 정도), 탁 (헤아리다, 생각하다) たび [tabi] -た·い [-ta i] ド [do] ト [to] タク [taku] Dictionary: 度 (degrees) Radical: 广 Parts: 又广一凵 程度 [ていど] degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about; approximately 制度 [せいど] system; institution; organization; o.. [일본어 한자] 炭, タン, 탄, charcoal charcoal; coal 炭 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1307 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 탄 (숯, 숯불) すみ [sumi] タン [tan] Dictionary: 炭 (charcoal) Radical: 火 Parts: 火山厂 炭素 [たんそ] carbon (C) 石炭 [せきたん] coal 炭鉱 [たんこう] coal mine; coal pit 炭 [すみ sumi] charcoal; / charred remains 炭酸 [たんさん] carbonic acid; / carbonated water; / baking soda; sodium carbonate [일본어 한자] 屋, オク, 옥, roof roof; house; shop; dealer; seller 屋 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 616 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 옥 (집, 주거, 지붕) や [ya] オク [oku] Dictionary: 屋 (roof) Radical: 尸 Parts: 至土厶尸 部屋 [へや] room; chamber; / apartment; flat; pad; / stable 屋根 [やね] roof 総会屋 [そうかいや] extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings 小屋 [こや] hut; cabin; shed; (animal) pen; / small theatre (theater); temp.. [일본어 한자] 県, ケン, 현, prefecture prefecture 県 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 140 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 현 (고을, 마을) か·ける [ka keru] ケン [ken] Dictionary: 県 (prefecture) Radical: 目 Parts: 小目 県警 [けんけい] prefectural police 同県 [どうけん] the same prefecture 都道府県 [とどうふけん] administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures 県知事 [けんちじ] prefectural governor 県立 [けんりつ] prefectural.. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ··· 24 다음