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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 期, キ, 기, period period; time; date; term 期 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 117 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 기 (기약하다, 약속하다, 기다리다) - キ [ki] ゴ [go] Dictionary: 期 (period) Radical: 月 Parts: 甘月ハ 期間 [きかん] period; term; interval 期待 [きたい] expectation; anticipation; hope 時期 [じき] time; season; period; phase; stage 長期 [ちょうき] long-term 早期 [そうき] early stage
[일본어 한자] 着, チャク, 착, don don; arrive; wear; counter for suits of clothing 着 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 376 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 착 (붙다, 옷을 입다, 머리에 쓰다) き·る [ki ru] -ぎ [-gi] き·せる [ki seru] -き·せ [-ki se] つ·く [tsu ku] つ·ける [tsu keru] チャク [chaku] ジャク [jaku] Dictionary: 着 (don) Radical: 羊 Parts: ノ王并目羊 決着 [けっちゃく] conclusion; decision; end; settlement 着実 [ちゃくじつ] steady; sound; solid; reliable; trustworthy..
[일본어 한자] 筆, ヒツ, 필, writing brush writing brush; writing; painting brush; handwriting 筆 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1132 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 필 (붓, 글씨, 필기구) ふで [fude] ヒツ [hitsu] Dictionary: 筆 (writing brush) Radical: 竹 Parts: 竹聿 執筆 [しっぴつ] writing (e.g. as a profession) 筆頭 [ひっとう] brush tip; / first on a list; / head; chief 筆 [ふで] writing brush 筆者 [ひっしゃ] writer; author 鉛筆 [えんぴつ] pencil
[일본어 한자] 等, トウ, 등, etc etc.; and so forth; class (first); quality; equal; similar 等 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 798 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 등 (무리, 등급, 순위) ひと·しい [hito shī] など [nado] |-ら [-ra] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 等 (etc.) Radical: 竹 Parts: 寸竹土 高等 [こうとう] high class; high-grade 平等 [びょうどう] equality; impartiality; evenness 均等 [きんとう] equality; uniformity; evenness 対等 [たいとう] equality (esp. of status, on e..
[일본어 한자] 童, ドウ, 동, juvenile juvenile; child 童 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1138 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 동 (아이) わらべ [warabe] ドウ [dō] Dictionary: 童 (juvenile) Radical: 立 Parts: 里立 児童 [じどう] children; juvenile 童話 [どうわ] children's story; fairy tale 童謡 [どうよう] children's song; nursery rhyme 学童 [がくどう] school child; pupil 童 [わらべ] child
[일본어 한자] 短, タン, 단, short short; brevity; fault; defect; weak point 短 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 689 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 단 (짧다, 키가 작다, 가깝다) みじか·い [mijika i] タン [tan] Dictionary: 短 (short) Radical: 矢 Parts: 口豆并矢 短期 [たんき] short-term 短大 [たんだい] junior college; vocationally oriented two or three-year post-secondary education institution 短縮 [たんしゅく] shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbre..
[일본어 한자] 登, トウ, 등, ascend ascend; climb up 登 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 566 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 등 (오르다, 나가다) のぼ·る [nobo ru] あ·がる a [garu] トウ [tō] ト [to] ドウ [dō] ショウ [shō] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 登 (ascend) Radical: 癶 Parts: 口豆并癶 登録 [とうろく] registration; accession; register; entry; record 登場 [とうじょう] entry (on stage); appearance (on screen); / entrance; introduction (into a market) 登校 [とうこう] attendanc..
[일본어 한자] 湯, トウ, 탕, hot water hot water; bath; hot spring 湯 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1356 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 탕 (끓이다, 온천), 상 (물이 세차게 흐르다) ゆ [yu] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 湯 (hot water) Radical: 水 Parts: |一氵日勿 湯 [ゆ] hot water; / hot bath; hot spring; / molten iron 銭湯 [せんとう] public bath; bathhouse 湯気 [ゆげ] steam; vapor; vapor 熱湯 [ねっとう] boiling water 湯治 [とうじ] hot-spring cure; taking the baths
[일본어 한자] 港, コウ, 항, harbor harbor 港 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 495 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 항 (항구) みなと [minato] コウ [kō] Dictionary: 港 (harbor) Radical: 水 Parts: 氵ハ已井 空港 [くうこう] airport 香港 [ほんこん] Hong Kong; Hongkong 港 [みなと] harbour; harbor; port 港湾 [こうわん] harbour; harbor 開港 [かいこう] opening a port (seaport, airport, etc.); starting operations at a port; / opening a port to foreign vessels or trade
[일본어 한자] 湖, コ, 호, lake lake 湖 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1344 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 호 (호수) みずうみ [mizūmi] コ [ko] Dictionary: 湖 (lake) Radical: 水 Parts: 月口十氵 湖 [みずうみ] lake 湖畔 [こはん] lake shore 湖沼 [こしょう] lakes and marshes 琵琶湖 [びわこ] Lake Biwa 湖水 [こすい] lake
[일본어 한자] 温, オン, 온, warm warm 温 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 838 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 온 (따듯하다, 데우다) あたた·か [atata ka] あたた·かい [atata kai] あたた·まる [atata maru] あたた·める [atata meru] ぬく [nuku] オン [on] Dictionary: 温 (warm) Radical: 水 Parts: 皿氵日 気温 [きおん] atmospheric temperature 温泉 [おんせん] hot spring; / onsen; hot spring resort; hot spring spa 温暖 [おんだん] warm; mild; temperate 温度 [おんど] temperature 高温 [こうおん] hig..
[일본어 한자] 植, ショク, 식, plant plant 植 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 699 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 식 (심다, 세우다, 수립하다), 치 (두다, 서다, 기대다) う·える [u eru] う·わる [u waru] ショク [shoku] Dictionary: 植 (plant) Radical: 木 Parts: 十木目 移植 [いしょく] transplanting (plants, organs, culture, etc.); transplant; grafting; / porting (software) 植物 [しょくぶつ] plant; vegetation 植民地 [しょくみんち] colony; / colonial 入植 [にゅうしょく] settlement; immigration..
[일본어 한자] 暑, ショ, 서, sultry sultry; hot; summer heat 暑 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1442 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 서 (날씨가 덥다) あつ·い [atsu i] ショ [sho] Dictionary: 暑 (sultry) Radical: 日 Parts: 日老 暑さ [あつさ] heat (of the weather); hotness 猛暑 [もうしょ] heat wave; fierce heat 残暑 [ざんしょ] late summer heat; lingering summer heat 暑い [あつい] hot; warm; sultry; heated; / passionate; impassioned; burning (desire, etc.); / on e..
[일본어 한자] 寒, カン, 한, cold cold 寒 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1456 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 한 (차다, 춥다, 오싹하다, 어렵다) さむ·い [samu i] カン [kan] Dictionary: 寒 (cold) Radical: 宀 Parts: 一ハ宀丶井 寒さ [さむさ] coldness 寒波 [かんぱ] cold wave 寒い [さむい] cold (e.g. weather); / uninteresting (esp. joke); lame; dull; weak; corny 寒冷 [かんれい] cold; coldness; chilliness 寒気 [かんき] chill; the shivers; shivering fit; / cold; coldness; cold ..
[일본어 한자] 章, ショウ, 장, badge badge; chapter; composition; poem; design 章 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 990 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 장 (글, 문장, 악곡, 구별) - ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 章 (badge) Radical: 立 Parts: 音十日立 章 [しょう] chapter; section; / medal 文章 [ぶんしょう] writing; composition; essay; article; prose; (writing) style; / sentence 憲章 [けんしょう] charter 勲章 [くんしょう] decoration; order; medal 受章 [じゅしょう] reception of a deco..
[일본어 한자] 問, モン, 문, question question; ask; problem 問 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 64 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 문 (묻다, 방문하다, 찾다) と·う [to u] と·い [to i] とん [ton] モン [mon] Dictionary: 問 (question) Radical: 門 Parts: 口門 質問 [しつもん] question; inquiry; enquiry 訪問 [ほうもん] call; visit 問題 [もんだい] question (e.g. on a test); problem; / problem (e.g. societal, political); question; issue 問う [とう] to ask; to inquire; / to bla..
[일본어 한자] 部, ブ, 부, section section; bureau; dept; class; copy; part; portion; counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine 部 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 36 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 부 (떼, 집단, 마을, 분류, 분야) -べ [-be] ブ [bu] Dictionary: 部 (section) Radical: 邑 Parts: 口⻏立 部分 [ぶぶん] portion; section; part 部長 [ぶちょう] head (chief, director) of a section or department; / head of a (school) club; head of a (school) t..
[일본어 한자] 都, ト, 도, metropolis metropolis; capital 都 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 123 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 도 (도읍, 도시, 나라, 성) みやこ [miyako] ト [to] ツ [tsu] Dictionary: 都 (metropolis) Radical: 邑 Parts: 日⻏老 都内 [とない] (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area 都市 [とし] town; city; municipal; urban 京都 [きょうと] Kyoto (city) 首都 [しゅと] capital city; metropolis 都 [みやこ] capital; metropolis; seat of government; / capital (of ..
[일본어 한자] 進, シン, 진, advance advance; proceed; progress; promote 進 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 142 Stroke counts: 10 Korean: 진 (나아가다, 오르다) すす·む [susu mu] すす·める [susu meru] シン [shin] Dictionary: 進 (advance) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶隹辵 推進 [すいしん] propulsion; drive; / promotion (e.g. of government policy); furtherance; implementation 進出 [しんしゅつ] advance (into a new market or stage of progress); launching (a new caree..
[일본어 한자] 転, テン, 전, revolve revolve; turn around; change 転 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 327 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 전 (구르다, 회전하다, 옮기다) ころ·がる [koro garu] ころ·げる [koro geru] ころ·がす [koro gasu] ころ·ぶ [koro bu] まろ·ぶ [maro bu] うたた [utata] うつ·る [utsu ru] くる· [kuru] テン [ten] Dictionary: 転 (revolve) Radical: 車 Parts: 車二厶 運転 [うんてん] operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; running; run; / driving; / working (capita..
[일본어 한자] 習, シュウ, 습, learn learn 習 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 706 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 습 (익히다, 익숙하다, 배우다, 연습/복습하다) なら·う [nara u] なら·い [nara i] シュウ [shū] ジュ [ju] Dictionary: 習 (learn) Radical: 羽 Parts: 羽白冫 練習 [れんしゅう] practice; practising 学習 [がくしゅう] study; learning; tutorial 演習 [えんしゅう] practice; practising; / exercises; manoeuvres; maneuvers; / seminar (student debates, presentations, etc.); practicu..
[일본어 한자] 終, シュウ, 종, end end; finish 終 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 256 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 종 (마치다, 끝내다) お·わる [o waru] -お·わる [-o waru] おわ·る [owa ru] お·える [o eru] つい [tsui] つい·に [tsui ni] シュウ [shū] Dictionary: 終 (end) Radical: 糸 Parts: 糸幺小夂 最終 [さいしゅう] last; final; closing 最終的 [さいしゅうてき] final; eventual 終結 [しゅうけつ] end; close 終了後 [しゅうりょうご] after the end (of something); post- 終わり [おわり] the end
[일본어 한자] 笛, テキ, 적, flute flute; clarinet; pipe; whistle; bagpipe; piccolo 笛 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1928 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 적 (피리) ふえ [fue] テキ [teki] Dictionary: 笛 (flute) Radical: 竹 Parts: |竹日田 笛 [ふえ] flute; fife; pipe; recorder; flageolet; shakuhachi; clarinet; / whistle 汽笛 [きてき] steam whistle 口笛 [くちぶえ] whistle (sound made with the lips) 警笛 [けいてき] horn; alarm; whistle; foghorn 草笛 [くさぶえ] re..
[일본어 한자] 第, ダイ, 제, No. No.; residence 第 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 160 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 제 (차례) - ダイ [dai] テイ [tei] Dictionary: 第 (No.) Radical: 竹 Parts: 弓竹 次第に [しだいに] gradually (progress into a state); / in sequence; in order; in turn 第一歩 [だいいっぽ] first step 第三者 [だいさんしゃ] third party; third person; outsider; disinterested person 第二次世界大戦 [だいにじせかいたいせん] Second World War; World War II; WWII; WW2 ..
[일본어 한자] 祭, サイ, 제, ritual ritual; offer prayers; celebrate; deify; enshrine; worship 祭 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1124 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 제 (제사) まつ·る [matsu ru] まつ·り [matsu ri] まつり [matsuri] サイ [sai] Dictionary: 祭 (ritual) Radical: 示 Parts: 示二小人癶 祭 [まつり] festival; feast 祭典 [さいてん] festival 祭る [まつる] to deify; to enshrine; / to pray; to worship 冠婚葬祭 [かんこんそうさい] important ceremonial occasions in fami..
[일본어 한자] 球, キュウ, 구, ball ball; sphere 球 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 302 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 구 (공, 둥글다) たま [tama] キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 球 (ball) Radical: 玉 Parts: 王水丶玉 野球 [やきゅう] baseball 地球 [ちきゅう] the earth; the globe 球 [きゅう] sphere; / counter for balls 四球 [しきゅう] four balls; base on balls; a walk 球場 [きゅうじょう] baseball stadium