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Japanese Kanji

[일본어 한자] 村, ソン, 촌, village village; town 村 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 253 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 촌 (마을, 시골) むら [mura] ソン [son] Dictionary: 村 (village) Radical: 木 Parts: 寸木 村 [むら] village 農村 [のうそん] agricultural community; farm village 市町村 [しちょうそん] cities, towns, and villages 山村 [さんそん] mountain village 村長 [そんちょう] village headman; village mayor 寒村 [かんそん] deserted village 旧村 [きゅうそん] old village 漁村 [ぎょそん] ..
[일본어 한자] 虫, チュウ, 충, insect insect; bug; temper 虫 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1351 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 충 (벌레), 훼(벌레) むし [mushi] チュウ [chū] キ [ki] Dictionary: 虫 (insect) Radical: 虫 Parts: 虫 虫 [むし] insect; bug; cricket; moth; worm 昆虫 [こんちゅう] insect; bug 虫歯 [むしば] cavity; tooth decay; decayed tooth 弱虫 [よわむし] coward; weakling; scaredy-cat 害虫 [がいちゅう] harmful insect; noxious insect ランブル鞭毛虫 [ランブルべんもうちゅう] giar..
[일본어 한자] 耳, ジ, 이, ear ear 耳 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 1328 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 이 (귀) みみ [mimi] ジ [ji] Dictionary: 耳 (ear) Radical: 耳 Parts: 耳 耳 [みみ] ear; hearing; edge; crust; selvage 耳障り [みみざわり] hard (on the ears); offensive (to the ear) 耳鼻科 [じびか] otolaryngology; ear, nose, and throat department 耳元 [みみもと] close to the ear 耳より [みみより] welcome (news); inviting 土耳古 [とるこ] Turkey 白耳義 [べるぎい] Belgiu..
[일본어 한자] 糸, シ, 사, thread thread 糸 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1488 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 사 (실, 가는 실, 매우 적은 수) いと [ito] シ [shi] Dictionary: 糸 (thread) Radical: 糸 Parts: 糸幺小 糸 [いと] thread; yarn; string 糸口 [いとぐち] thread end; beginning; clue 絹糸 [けんし] silk thread 毛糸 [けいと] knitting wool; woolen yarn 生糸 [きいと] raw silk thread 金糸雀 [きんしじゃく] canary (esp. the island canary, Serinus canaria) 亜麻糸 [あまいと] flax yarn..
[일본어 한자] 竹, チク, 죽, bamboo bamboo 竹 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 593 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 죽 (대나무) たけ [take] チク [chiku] Dictionary: 竹 (bamboo) Radical: 竹 Parts: 竹 竹 [たけ] bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae) 爆竹 [ばくちく] firecracker 竹刀 [しない] bamboo sword (for kendo) 竹林 [ちくりん] bamboo thicket 竹馬 [たけうま] stilts (for walking) 割り竹 [わりだけ] split bamboo 幹竹割り [からたけわり] cutting straight down 竿竹 [さおだけ] bamboo p..
[일본어 한자] 気, キ, 기, spirit spirit; mind; air; atmosphere; mood 気 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 113 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 기 (기운, 기백) いき [iki] キ [ki] ケ [ke] Dictionary: 気 (spirit) Radical: 气 Parts: 气丶ノ 気 [き] spirit; mind; heart; nature; disposition; motivation; intention; mood; feelings 気持ち [きもち] feeling; sensation; mood; preparedness 景気 [けいき] business conditions; the market; economic activity; economic c..
[일본어 한자] 早, ソウ, 조, early early; fast 早 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 402 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 조 (이를, 이르다, 서두르다) はや·い [haya·i] はや [haya] はや- [haya-] はや·まる [haya·maru] はや·める [haya·meru] さ- [sa-] ソウ [sō] サッ [satu] Dictionary: 早 (early) Radical: 日 Parts: 十日 早期 [そうき] early stage 早急 [さっきゅう] immediate; prompt; quick; rapid; urgent; pressing 早朝 [そうちょう] early morning 早々 [そうそう] as soon as...; just after...; im..
[일본어 한자] 字, ji, 자, character character; letter; word; section of the village 字 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 485 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 자 (글자, 문자) あざ [aza] あざな [azana] -な [-na] ジ [ji] Dictionary: 字 (character) Radical: 子 Parts: 子宀 赤字 [あかじ] (being in) the red; deficit 数字 [すうじ] numeral; figure; digit; numeric character 黒字 [くろじ] (being in) the black; surplus 文字 [もじ] letter (of alphabet); character 字 [あざ] sect..
[일본어 한자] 名, メイ, 명, name name; noted; distinguished; reputation 名 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 177 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 명 (이름, 평판) な [na] -な [-na] メイ [mei] ミョウ [myō] Dictionary: 名 (name) Radical: 口 Parts: 口夕 名誉 [めいよ] honor; honour; credit; prestige 名前 [なまえ] name; full name; / given name 名 [な] name; given name 有名 [ゆうめい] famous; fame 氏名 [しめい] full name; identity 威名 [いめい] fame 異名 [いみょう] another name 一名..
[일본어 한자] 先, セン, 선, before before; ahead; previous; future; precedence 先 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 173 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 선 (먼저, 미리, 옛날, 이전) さき [saki] ま·ず [ma·zu] セン [sen] Dictionary: 先 (before) Radical: 儿 Parts: ノ土儿 先生 [せんせい] teacher; master; doctor 先月 [せんげつ] last month 先進国 [せんしんこく] advanced (developed) country 優先 [ゆうせん] preference; priority; precedence 先発 [せんぱつ] starting in advance; starting fi..
[일본어 한자] 休, キュウ, 휴, rest rest; day off; retire; sleep 休 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 642 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 휴 (쉴, 쉬다) やす·む [yasu·mu] やす·まる [yasu·maru] やす·める [yasu·meru] キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 休 (rest) Radical: 人 Parts: 亻木 休日 [きゅうじつ] holiday; day off 休み [やすみ] rest; recess; respite 夏休み [なつやすみ] summer vacation; summer holiday 休暇 [きゅうか] holiday; day off; furlough; absence (from work) 連休 [れんきゅう] consecu..
[일본어 한자] 年, ネン, 년, year year; counter for years 年 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 6 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 년 (해, 나이) とし [toshi] ネン [nen] Dictionary: 年 (year) Radical: 干 Parts: ノ一干 来年 [らいねん] next year 今年 [ことし] this year 年間 [ねんかん] (period of) a year; / during an era 前年 [ぜんねん] the preceding year; the previous year; last year 昨年 [さくねん] last year いい年をして [いいとしをして] (in spite of) being old enough to know better..
[일본어 한자] 百, ヒャク, 백, hundred hundred 百 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 163 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 백 (일백), 맥(힘쓰다) もも [momo] ヒャク [hyaku] ビャク [byaku] Dictionary: 百 (hundred) Radical: 白 Parts: 一白 百 [ひゃく] 100; hundred 百貨店 [ひゃっかてん] (department) store; (department) stores 二百 [にひゃく] two hundred; 200 百万 [ひゃくまん] 1,000,000; one million; million; / many 三百 [さんびゃく] 300; three hundred 嘘っ八百 [うそっぱっぴゃく] full of lies 嘘八百 [うそは..
[일본어 한자] 立, リツ, 입, stand up stand up; rise; set up; erect 立 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 58 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 입 (서다, 멈추어 서다), 위 (자리) た·つ [ta·tsu] -た·つ [-ta·tsu] た·ち- [ta·chi-] た·てる [ta·teru] -た·てる [-ta·teru] た·て- [ta·te-] たて- [tate-] -た·て [-ta·te] リツ [ritsu] リュウ [ryū] リットル [rittoru] Dictionary: 立 (stand up) Radical: 立 Parts: 立 立場 [たちば] position; situation; 連立 [れんりつ] coalition; alliance; union 対立 [たい..
[일본어 한자] 石, セキ, 석, stone stone 石 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 342 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 석 (돌) いし [ishi] セキ [seki] シャク [shaku] コク [koku] Dictionary: 石 (stone) Radical: 石 Parts: 口石 石油 [せきゆ] oil; petroleum; kerosene 石 [こく] koku; a traditional unit of volume, approx. 180.4 liters 化石 [かせき] fossil; / petrifaction; petrification 石炭 [せきたん] coal 宝石 [ほうせき] gem; jewel; precious stone 圧し石 [おしいし] stone weight 一石 ..
[일본어 한자] 目, モク, 목, eye eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor 目 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 76 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 목 (눈) め [me] -め [-me] ま- [ma]- モク [moku] ボク [boku] Dictionary: 目 (eye) Radical: 目 Parts: 目 目的 [もくてき] purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention 目標 [もくひょう] mark; objective; target 注目 [ちゅうもく] notice; attention; observation 項目 [こうもく] (data) item; heading; clause 名目 [めいもく] nam..
[일본어 한자] 白, ハク, 백, white white 白 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 483 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 백 (흰, 희다, 분명하다, 깨끗하다) しろ [shiro] しら- [shira-] しろ·い [shiro·i] ハク [haku] ビャク [byaku] Dictionary: 白 (white) Radical: 白 Parts: 白 白 [しろ] white; innocence; an innocent person 白書 [はくしょ] white paper 白人 [はくじん] white person; Caucasian 空白 [くうはく] blank space; vacuum; space; null (NUL) 白紙 [はくし] white paper; flyleaf; / blank pa..
[일본어 한자] 田, デン, 전, rice field rice field; rice paddy 田 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 90 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 전 (밭) た [ta] デン [den] Dictionary: 田 (rice field) Radical: 田 Parts: 田 水田 [すいでん] (water-filled) paddy field 上田 [じょうでん] high rice field; very fertile rice field 油田 [ゆでん] oil field 田舎 [いなか] rural area; countryside; the sticks; hometown 田園 [でんえん ] the country; countryside; rural districts 塩田 [えんでん] salt..
[일본어 한자] 生, セイ, 생, life life; genuine; birth 生 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 29 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 생 (날, 낳다, 살다, 기르다) い·きる [i·kiru] い·かす [i·kasu] い·ける [i·keru] う·まれる [u·mareru] うま·れる [uma·reru] う·まれ [u·mare] うまれ [umare] う·む [u·mu] セイ [sei] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 生 (life) Radical: 生 Parts: 生 生産 [せいさん] production; manufacture 学生 [がくせい] student (esp. a university student) 生活 [せいかつ] living; life (one's..
[일본어 한자] 玉, ギョク, 옥, jewel jewel; ball 玉 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 737 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 옥 (구슬) たま [tama] たま- [tama-] -だま [-dama] ギョク [gyoku] Dictionary: 玉 (jewel) Radical: 玉 Parts: 王丶玉 目玉 [めだま] eyeball; special feature; centerpiece; showpiece; drawcard; special program; loss leader 玉 [たま] ball; sphere; globe; orb; bead; drop; droplet; ball (in sports) 替え玉 [かえだま] proxy; ringer; substitute; doubl..
[일본어 한자] 左, サ, 좌, left left 左 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 630 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 좌 (왼, 왼쪽) ひだり [hidari] サ [sa] シャ [sha] Dictionary: 左 (left) Radical: 工 Parts: ノ一工 左 [ひだり] left; left-hand side 向かって左 [むかってひだり] on the left as one faces (it) 左翼 [さよく] left-wing (politics); left flank; / left field 左右 [さゆう] left and right; influence; control; domination 左派 [さは] left-wing 右から左へ [みぎからひだりへ] from right t..
[일본어 한자] 四, シ, 사, four four 四 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 47 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 사 (넉, 넷) よ [yo] よ·つ [yo·tsu] よっ·つ [yotu·tsu] よん [yon] シ [shi] Dictionary: 四 (four) Radical: 囗 Parts: 儿囗 四 [よん] four 四月 [しがつ] April 十四 [じゅうし] 14; fourteen 四十 [よんじゅう] forty 四百 [よんひゃく] four hundred まっ四角 [まっしかく] square 一天四海 [いってんしかい] the world 下四半期 [しもしはんき] last quarter (of the year) 弦楽四重奏曲 [げんがくしじゅうそうきょく] string quarte..
[일본어 한자] 右, ウ, 우, right right 右 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 602 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 우 (오른쪽, 돕다) みぎ [migi] ウ [u] ユウ [yū] Dictionary: 右 (right) Radical: 口 Parts: ノ一口 右 [みぎ] right; right-hand side 右翼 [うよく] right-wing (politics); extreme right-wing group 左右 [さゆう] left and right; influence; control; domination 右手 [みぎて] right hand; right-hand side; right-hand direction 右派 [うは] right-wing 右から左へ [みぎからひだり..
[일본어 영어] 本, ホン, 본, origin book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things 本 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 10 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 본 (근본, 뿌리, 책) もと [moto] ホン [hon] Dictionary: 本 (origin) Radical: 木 Parts: 一木 基本 [きほん] foundation; basis; standard 本社 [ほんしゃ] head office; main office; headquarters; the parent company 本部 [ほんぶ] headquarters; head office; main office 本当 [ほんとう] trut..
[일본어 한자] 出, シュツ, 출, exit exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude 出 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 13 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 출 (날, 태어나다, 떠나다) で·る [de·ru] -で [-de] だ·す [da·su] -だ·す [-da·su] い·でる [i·deru] い·だす [i·dasu] シュツ [shutsu] スイ [sui] Dictionary: 出 (exit) Radical: 凵 Parts: |山 輸出 [ゆしゅつ] export; / efferent 出身 [しゅっしん] person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school) 出場 [しゅつじょう] (stage) a..
[일본어 한자] 正, セイ, 정, correct correct; justice; righteous 正 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 143 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 정 (바를, 바르다, 정월) ただ·しい [tada·shī] ただ·す [tada·su] まさ [masa] まさ·に [masa·ni] セイ [sei] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 正 (correct) Radical: 止 Parts: 一止 改正 [かいせい] revision; amendment; alteration 正式 [せいしき] due form; official; formality 修正 [しゅうせい] amendment; correction; revision; modification; retouching; upda..