Japanese Kanji (608) 썸네일형 리스트형 [일본어 한자] 別, ベツ, 별, separate separate; branch off; diverge; fork; another; extra; specially 別 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 214 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 별 (나누다, 헤어지다, 따로 떨어지다) わか·れる [waka reru] わ·ける [wa keru] ベツ [betsu] Dictionary: 別 (separate) Radical: 刀 Parts: 刂口力 特別 [とくべつ] special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial 告別 [こくべつ] farewell; leave-taking 差別 [さべつ] distinction; differentiation; disc.. [일본어 한자] 冷, レイ, 랭, cool cool; cold (beer, person); chill 冷 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 667 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 랭 (차다, 식다, 쌀쌀하다, 얼다) つめ·たい [tsume tai] ひ·える [hi eru] ひ·や [hi ya] ひ·ややか [hi yayaka] ひ·やす [hi yasu] ひ·やかす [hi yakasu] さ·める [sa meru] さ·ま [sa ma] レイ [rei] Dictionary: 冷 (cool) Radical: 冫 Parts: 人冫卩一 冷戦 [れいせん] cold war 冷静 [れいせい] calmness; composure; coolness; serenity; presence of mind 冷蔵庫 [.. [일본어 한자] 児, ジ, 아, newborn newborn babe; child; young of animals 児 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 679 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 아 (아이, 아기) こ [ko] -こ [-ko] -っこ [-kko] ジ [ji] ニ [ni] ゲイ [gei] Dictionary: 児 (newborn babe) Radical: 儿 Parts: |日儿 児童 [じどう] children; juvenile 育児 [いくじ] childcare; child-rearing; nursing; upbringing 孤児 [こじ] orphan 幼児 [ようじ] young child; toddler; / child over 1 but not yet of school age 小.. [일본어 한자] 低, テイ, 저, lower lower; short; humble 低 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 435 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 저 (낮다, 싸다) ひく·い [hiku i] ひく·める [hiku meru] ひく·まる [hiku maru] テイ [tei] Dictionary: 低 (lower) Radical: 人 Parts: 亻氏 低下 [ていか] fall; decline; lowering; deterioration; degradation 最低 [さいてい] least; lowest; minimum; / worst; / awful; horrible; nasty; disgusting; / at the very least 低迷 [ていめい] hanging low (ov.. [일본어 한자] 位, イ, 위, rank rank; grade; throne; crown; about; some 位 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 276 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 위 (자리, 곳, 위치) くらい [kurai] ぐらい [gurai] イ [i] Dictionary: 位 (rank) Radical: 人 Parts: 亻立 単位 [たんい] unit; denomination; / credit (in school) 地位 [ちい] (social) position; status 首位 [しゅい] first place; head position; leading position 上位 [じょうい] superior (in rank); top; ranking; / higher orde.. [일본어 한자] 兵, ヘイ, 병, soldier soldier; private; troops; army; warfare; strategy; tactics 兵 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 522 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 병 (병사, 병졸, 무기) つわもの [tsuwamono] ヘイ [hei] ヒョウ [hyō] Dictionary: 兵 (soldier) Radical: 八 Parts: 一斤ハ八 核兵器 [かくへいき] nuclear weapon 兵士 [へいし] soldier 兵器 [へいき] arms; weapon; ordnance 兵 [へい] (common) soldier; rank and file; / army; troops; / warfare; strategy 化学兵器 [かがくへいき.. [일본어 한자] 束, ソク, 속, bundle bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern; manage; control 束 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 918 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 속 (묶다, 동여매다, 결박하다, 합치다) たば [taba] たば·ねる [taba neru] つか [tsuka] つか·ねる [tsuka neru] ソク [soku] Dictionary: 束 (bundle) Radical: 木 Parts: |一口ハ木 約束 [やくそく] promise; agreement; arrangement; one's word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement 拘束 [こうそく] restriction; res.. [일본어 한자] 求, キュウ, 구, request request; want; wish for; require; demand 求 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 220 Stroke counts: 7 Korean: 구 (구하다, 청하다, 탐하다, 취하다) もと·める [moto meru] キュウ [kyū] グ [gu] Dictionary: 求 (request) Radical: 水 Parts: 一水丶 要求 [ようきゅう] demand; firm request; requisition; requirement; desire 請求 [せいきゅう] claim; demand; charge; application; request; billing (for a service) 求人 [きゅうじん] recruiting; job off.. [일본어 한자] 衣, イ, 의, garment garment; clothes; dressing 衣 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1214 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 의 (옷) ころも [koromo] きぬ [kinu] -ぎ [-gi] イ [i] エ [e] Dictionary: 衣 (garment) Radical: 衣 Parts: 衣亠 衣装 [いしょう] clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress 衣料 [いりょう] clothing 衣 [ころも] clothes; garment; / gown; robe; / coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing) 衣類 [いるい] clothes; clothing; garments 衣服 [いふく] clo.. [일본어 한자] 老, ロウ, 노, old man old man; old age; grow old 老 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 803 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 노 (늙다, 익숙하다, 숙달하다) お·いる [o iru] ふ·ける [fu keru] ロウ [rō] Dictionary: 老 (old man) Radical: 老 Parts: 老 老人 [ろうじん] the aged; old person 老後 [ろうご] old age 老人ホーム [ろうじんホーム] retirement home; old people's home; senior citizens' home 長老 [ちょうろう] elder; senior; / senior monk; / dean; presbyter; patriarch 老衰 .. [일본어 한자] 灯, トウ, 등, lamp lamp; a light; light; counter for lights 灯 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1605 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 등 (등, 등잔) ひ [hi] · ほ- [ho-] ともしび [tomoshibi] とも·す [tomo su] あかり [akari] トウ [tō] Dictionary: 灯 (lamp) Radical: 火 Parts: 一火亅 灯 [ひ] light; lamp; torch 灯油 [とうゆ] lamp oil; kerosene 電灯 [でんとう] electric light 灯台 [とうだい] lighthouse; / old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wood.. [일본어 한자] 成, セイ, 성, turn into turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach 成 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 116 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 성 (이루다, 갖추어지다, 살찌다, 익다) な·る [na ru] な·す [na su] -な·す [-na su] セイ [sei] ジョウ [jō] Dictionary: 成 (turn into) Radical: 戈 Parts: ノ戈 成長 [せいちょう] growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult; / growth (of a company, the economy, etc.) 賛成 [さんせい] approval; agreement; support; favo.. [일본어 한자] 好, コウ, 호, fond fond; pleasing; like something 好 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 423 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 호 (좋다, 사이좋다, 아름답다) この·む [kono mu] す·く [su ku] よ·い [yo i] い·い [i i] コウ [kō] Dictionary: 好 (fond) Radical: 女 Parts: 子女 友好 [ゆうこう] friendship 好調 [こうちょう] favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape 格好 [かっこう] shape; form; figure; posture; pose; / appearance; / state; situation;.. [일본어 한자] 各, カク, 각, each each; every; either 各 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 243 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 각 (각각, 각자, 따로따로, 여러) おのおの [onōno] カク [kaku] Dictionary: 各 (each) Radical: 口 Parts: 口夂攵 各々 [おのおの] each; / you (plural) 各位 [かくい] everyone; each and everyone (of you); ladies and gentlemen 各自 [かくじ] each (person); everyone; individual; respective 各地 [かくち] every place; various places 各種 [かくしゅ] every kind;.. [일본어 한자] 兆, チョウ, 조, portent portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms 兆 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1174 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 조 (조:억의 만배, 점괘, 빌미) きざ·す [kiza su] きざ·し [kiza shi] チョウ [chō] Dictionary: 兆 (portent) Radical: 儿 Parts: 儿冫 兆し [きざし] signs; omen; symptoms 兆候 [ちょうこう] sign; indication; omen; symptom 兆 [ちょう] 10^12; 1,000,000,000,000; trillion; / sign; omen; indication; portent 前兆 [ぜんちょう] ome.. [일본어 한자] 共, キョウ, 공, together together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with 共 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 174 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 공 (한가지, 함께, 같이) とも [tomo] とも·に [tomo ni] -ども [-domo] キョウ [kyō] Dictionary: 共 (together) Radical: 八 Parts: ハ|一二八 共同 [きょうどう] doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.) グアテマラ共和国 [グアテマラきょうわこく] the Republic of Guatemala 公共 [こうきょう koukyou] p.. [일본어 한자] 伝, デン, 전, transmit transmit; go along; walk along; follow; report; communicate; legend; tradition 伝 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 416 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 전 (전하다, 펴다, 널리 퍼뜨리다) つた·わる [tsuta waru] つた·える [tsuta eru] つた·う [tsuta u] つだ·う [tsuda u] -づた·い [-zuta i] つて [tsute] デン [den] テン [ten] Dictionary: 伝 (transmit) Radical: 人 Parts: 亻二厶 伝統 [でんとう] tradition; convention 遺伝子 [いでんし] gene; / genetic 宣伝 .. [일본어 한자] 仲, チュウ, 중, go-between go-between; relationship 仲 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 919 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 중 (버금, 둘째, 가운데) なか [naka] チュウ [chū] Dictionary: 仲 (go-between) Radical: 人 Parts: |亻口 仲間 [なかま] company; fellow; colleague; associate; comrade; mate; group; circle of friends; partner 仲介 [ちゅうかい] agency; intermediation 仲 [なか] relation; relationship 仲良く [なかよく] on good terms with; on cordial terms wi.. [일본어 한자] 争, ソウ, 쟁, contend contend; dispute; argue 争 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 271 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 쟁 (다투다, 논쟁하다) あらそ·う [araso u] いか·でか [ika deka] ソウ [sō] Dictionary: 争 (contend) Radical: 爪 Parts: ヨ一亅勹 戦争 [せんそう] war 競争 [きょうそう] competition; contest; rivalry; race; / competition (between organisms or species) 紛争 [ふんそう] dispute; trouble; strife 争い [あらそい] dispute; strife; quarrel; dissension; confl.. [일본어 한자] 印, イン, 인, stamp stamp; seal; mark; imprint; symbol; emblem; trademark; evidence; souvenir; India 印 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 682 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 인 (도장, 인상) しるし [shirushi] -じるし [-jirushi] しる·す [shiru su] イン [in] Dictionary: 印 (stamp) Radical: 卩 Parts: |卩 印象 [いんしょう] impression 調印 [ちょういん] signature; signing; sealing 印刷 [いんさつ] printing 消印 [けしいん] postmark; (postal) cancellation mark 印 [し.. [일본어 한자] 辺, ヘン, 변, environs environs; boundary; border; vicinity 辺 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 428 Stroke counts: 4 Korean: 변 (가장자리, 곁, 측면) あた·り [ata ri] ほと·り [hoto ri] -べ -[be] ヘン [hen] Dictionary: 辺 (environs) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶刀辵 周辺 [しゅうへん] circumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of 辺 [へん] area; vicinity; region; / side; edge; / circumstances 岸辺 [きしべ] shore; bank (o.. [일본어 한자] 札, サツ, 찰, tag tag; paper money; counter for bonds; placard; bid 札 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 921 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 찰 (편지, 조각, 공문서) ふだ [fuda] サツ [satsu] Dictionary: 札 (tag) Radical: 木 Parts: 乙木 入札 [にゅうさつ] bid; tender; bidding 札 [ふだ] ticket; token; check; receipt; / label; tag; / sign; card; plate; / playing card; / charm; talisman 切り札 [きりふだ] trump card; / ace up one's sleeve; secret w.. [일본어 한자] 功, コウ, 공, achievement achievement; merits; success; honor; credit 功 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 857 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 공 (공로, 공적, 일, 사업, 보람) いさお [isao] コウ [kō] ク [ku] Dictionary: 功 (achievement) Radical: 力 Parts: 工力 成功 [せいこう] success; hit 功績 [こうせき] achievements; merit; meritorious service; meritorious deed 功労 [こうろう] meritorious deed; services 奏功 [そうこう] success; achievement; fruition 年功序列 [ねんこう.. [일본어 한자] 司, シ, 사, director director; official; govt office; rule; administer 司 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 759 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 사 (일을 맏다, 엿보다, 살피다, 지키다) つかさど·る [tsukasado ru] シ [shi] Dictionary: 司 (director) Radical: 口 Parts: 一口亅 司法 [しほう] administration of justice 司令官 [しれいかん] commandant; commanding officer; general 上司 [じょうし] (one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups 司会 [しかい] leading a meetin.. [일본어 한자] 加, カ, 가, add add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada 加 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 130 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 가 (더하다, 가하다, 들다) くわ·える [kuwa eru] くわ·わる [kuwa waru] カ [ka] Dictionary: 加 (add) Radical: 力 Parts: 口力 参加 [さんか] participation 加盟 [かめい] joining (an association, agreement, etc.); participation; affiliation; accession 増加 [ぞうか] increase; rise; growth; addition; increment 追加 [ついか].. [일본어 한자] 令, レイ, 령, orders orders; ancient laws; command; decree 令 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 804 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 령 (하여금, 가령, 법령, 규칙) - レイ [rei] Dictionary: 令 (orders) Radical: 人 Parts: 人卩一 司令官 [しれいかん] commandant; commanding officer; general 命令 [めいれい] order; command; decree; directive; / (software) instruction; statement 令 [れい] command; order; dictation 政令 [せいれい] government ordinance; cabinet o.. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 24 다음