Japanese Kanji (608) 썸네일형 리스트형 [일본어 한자] 緑, リョク, 록, green green 緑 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1180 Stroke counts: 14 Korean: 록 (푸르다) みどり [midori] リョク [ryoku] ロク [roku] Dictionary: 緑 (green) Radical: 糸 Parts: ヨ糸幺小水隶 緑 [みどり] green; / greenery (esp. fresh verdure) 緑地 [りょくち] green tract of land 緑色 [みどりいろ] green; emerald green; green color of new foliage; verdure 緑化 [りょっか] greening (i.e. planting to increase greenery); tree planting; affor.. [일본어 한자] 様, ヨウ, 양, Esq Esq.; way; manner; situation; polite suffix 様 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 493 Stroke counts: 14 Korean: 양 (모양, 본, 본보기, 견본) さま [sama] さん [san] ヨウ [yō] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 様 (Esq.) Radical: 木 Parts: 王水并木羊 様子 [ようす] state; state of affairs; situation; circumstances; / appearance; look; aspect; / sign; indication 同様 [どうよう] identical; equal to; same (kind); like; similarity 模様 [もよう.. [일본어 한자] 意, イ, 의, idea idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking 意 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 99 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 의 (뜻, 생각) - イ [i] Dictionary: 意 (idea) Radical: 心 Parts: 音心日立 意味 [いみ] meaning; significance; sense 意見 [いけん] opinion; view; comment 意向 [いこう] intention; idea; inclination 合意 [ごうい] agreement; consent; mutual understanding; accord; consensus 意識 [いしき] consciousness; / b.. [일본어 한자] 鉄, テツ, 철, iron iron 鉄 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 672 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 철 (쇠, 검은 쇠, 검은빛) くろがね [kurogane] テツ [tetsu] Dictionary: 鉄 (iron) Radical: 金 Parts: ノ金二矢大 鉄道 [てつどう] railroad; railway; rail transport 鉄 [てつ] iron (Fe); / strong and hard (as iron); / railway; / railway enthusiast 地下鉄 [ちかてつ] underground train; subway 鉄鋼 [てっこう] iron and steel 国鉄 [こくてつ] national railway (esp. former J.. [일본어 한자] 農, ノウ, 농, agriculture agriculture; farmers 農 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 385 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 농 (농사, 농부) - ノウ [nō] Dictionary: 農 (agriculture) Radical: 辰 Parts: |衣一辰日厂 農業 [のうぎょう] agriculture 農家 [のうか] farmer; farming family; / farmhouse 農民 [のうみん] farmer; peasant 農協 [のうきょう] agricultural cooperative 農村 [のうそん] agricultural community; farm village; / rural [일본어 한자] 路, ロ, 로, path path; route; road; distance 路 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 529 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 로 (길, 통행, 도로, 도리) -じ [-ji] みち [michi] ロ [ro] ル [ru] Dictionary: 路 (path) Radical: 足 Parts: 口足夂 道路 [どうろ] road; highway 路線 [ろせん] route; line; alignment 路上 [ろじょう] (on the) road; (on the) way; (in the) street 進路 [しんろ] route; course; path; / one's future course (e.g. after graduating high school).. [일본어 한자] 詩, シ, 시, poem poem; poetry 詩 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 1196 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 시 (시) うた [uta] シ [shi] Dictionary: 詩 (poem) Radical: 言 Parts: 言寸土 詩 [し] poem; verse of poetry 詩人 [しじん] poet 詩集 [ししゅう] poetry anthology; collection of poems; collected poems 詩歌 [しか] Japanese and Chinese poetry; / poetry; poems 近代詩 [きんだいし] modern poetry; modern-style poetry [일본어 한자] 福, フク, 복, blessing blessing; fortune; luck; wealth 福 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 467 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 복 (복) - フク [fuku] Dictionary: 福 (blessing) Radical: 示 Parts: 一口田礻 福祉 [ふくし] welfare; well-being; social welfare; social security; social service 福 [ふく] good fortune 社会福祉 [しゃかいふくし] social welfare 幸福 [こうふく] happiness; well-being; joy; welfare; blessedness 祝福 [しゅくふく] blessing [일본어 한자] 漢, カン, 한, Sino- Sino-; China 漢 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1487 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 한 (한나라) - カン [kan] Dictionary: 漢 (Sino-) Radical: 水 Parts: 氵⺾口一大 漢字 [かんじ] Chinese characters; kanji 漢文 [かんぶん] Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics; / writing composed entirely of kanji 漢方薬 [かんぽうやく] Chinese herbal medicine 漢語 [かんご] Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word; / (ancient) Chi.. [일본어 한자] 暗, アン, 암, darkness darkness; disappear; shade; informal; grow dark; be blinded 暗 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1040 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 암 (어둡다, 눈에 보이지 않다, 숨기다) くら·い [kura i] くら·む [kura mu] くれ·る [kure ru] アン [an] Dictionary: 暗 (darkness) Radical: 日 Parts: 音日立 暗殺 [あんさつ] assassination 真っ暗 [まっくら] total darkness; pitch dark; / bleak future; poor prospects 明暗 [めいあん] light and darkness; light and sh.. [일본어 한자] 想, ソウ, 상, concept concept; think; idea; thought 想 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 381 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 상 (생각하다) おも·う [omo u] ソウ [sō] ソ [so] Dictionary: 想 (concept) Radical: 心 Parts: 心木目 構想 [こうそう] plan; plot; idea; conception; vision; scheme 予想 [よそう] expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture 思想 [しそう] thought; idea; ideology 感想 [かんそう] impressions; thoughts; feelings; reactio.. [일본어 한자] 感, カン, 감, emotion emotion; feeling; sensation 感 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 233 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 감 (느끼다, 느낌이 통하다) - カン [kan] Dictionary: 感 (emotion) Radical: 心 Parts: ノ口心戈 感じ [かんじ] feeling; sense; impression 感覚 [かんかく] sense; sensation; feeling; intuition 感染 [かんせん] infection; contagion 感情 [かんじょう] emotion; feeling; feelings; sentiment 感想 [かんそう] impressions; thoughts; feelings; reactions [일본어 한자] 業, ギョウ, 업, business business; vocation; arts; performance 業 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 43 Stroke counts: 13 Korean: 업 (일, 직업) わざ [waza] ギョウ [gyō] ゴウ [gō] Dictionary: 業 (business) Radical: 木 Parts: |一王并木羊耒 農業 [のうぎょう] agriculture 企業 [きぎょう] enterprise; business; company; corporation 事業 [じぎょう] project; enterprise; business; industry; operations; venture; service; / act; deed; conduct 業界 [ぎょうかい] busin.. [일본어 한자] 歯, シ, 치, tooth tooth; cog 歯 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1106 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 치 (이, 나이, 어금니) よわい [yowai] は [ha] よわ·い [yowa i] よわい·する [yowai suru] シ [shi] Dictionary: 歯 (tooth) Radical: 齒 Parts: 止歯米凵齒 歯 [は] tooth 歯止め [はどめ] brake; drag; skid; pawl; / restraint; curtailment; self-imposed limit; check 歯科 [しか] dentistry 歯ブラシ [はブラシ] toothbrush 歯医者 [はいしゃ] dentist [일본어 한자] 飲, イン, 음, drink drink; smoke; take 飲 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 969 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 음 (마시다, 호흡하다) の·む [no mu] -の·み [-no mi] イン [in] オン [on] Dictionary: 飲 (drink) Radical: 食 Parts: 欠食 飲食 [いんしょく] food and drink; eating and drinking 飲料 [いんりょう] beverage; drink 飲む [のむ] to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine); / to smoke (tobacco); / to engulf; to overwhelm; / to keep down; to s.. [일본어 한자] 悲, ヒ, 비, grieve grieve; sad; deplore; regret 悲 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1014 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 비 (슬프다, 서럽다) かな·しい [kana shī] かな·しむ [kana shimu] ヒ [hi] Dictionary: 悲 (grieve) Radical: 心 Parts: 心非 悲劇 [ひげき] tragedy; tragic drama; tragic play; / tragedy; calamity; disaster 悲しみ [かなしみ] sadness; sorrow; grief; / affection; love 悲観 [ひかん] pessimism; disappointment 悲惨 [ひさん] disastrous; tragic.. [일본어 한자] 集, シュウ, 집, gather gather; meet; congregate; swarm; flock 集 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 210 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 집 (모으다) あつ·まる [atsu maru] あつ·める [atsu meru] つど·う [tsudo u] シュウ [shū] Dictionary: 集 (gather) Radical: 隹 Parts: 木隹 編集 [へんしゅう] editing; compilation 集団 [しゅうだん] group; mass 集会 [しゅうかい] meeting; assembly; gathering; congregation; convention; rally 集中 [しゅうちゅう] concentration; focusing; con.. [일본어 한자] 陽, ヨウ, 양, sunshine sunshine; yang principle; positive; male; heaven; daytime 陽 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1071 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 양 (볕, 양지, 태양, 낮) ひ [hi] ヨウ [yō] Dictionary: 陽 (sunshine) Radical: 阜 Parts: 一日勿⻖阜 太陽 [たいよう] sun 陽 [よう] yang (i.e. the positive); / the open (i.e. a visible place) 陽子 [ようし] proton 山陽 [さんよう] south side of a mountain; Sanyo district 陽気 [ようき] cheerful; jovial; merry.. [일본어 한자] 階, カイ, 계, story story; stair; counter for stories of a building 階 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 513 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 계 (층계, 한 계단, 품계, 차례) きざはし [kizahashi] カイ [kai] Dictionary: 階 (story) Radical: 阜 Parts: 白比⻖阜 段階 [だんかい] grade; level; stage; class; phase; steps; order; gradation 一階 [いっかい] one floor; first-floor 二階 [にかい] second floor; upstairs 階段 [かいだん] stairs; stairway; staircase 階級 [かいきゅ.. [일본어 한자] 開, カイ, 개, open open; unfold; unseal 開 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 59 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 개 (열다, 꽃이 피다, 펴다, 늘어놓다) ひら·く [hira ku] ひら·き [hira ki] -びら·き [-bira ki] ひら·ける [hira keru] あ·く [a ku] あ·ける [a keru] カイ [kai] Dictionary: 開 (open) Radical: 門 Parts: 一門廾 開発 [かいはつ] development; exploitation 展開 [てんかい] development; evolution; progressing; unfolding; (plot) twist; / expansion; spreading out.. [일본어 한자] 遊, ユウ, 유, play play 遊 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 941 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 유 (놀다, 즐기다) あそ·ぶ [aso bu] あそ·ばす [aso basu] ユウ [yū] ユ [yu] Dictionary: 遊 (play) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶子方辵 遊び [あそび] playing; / play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing button or lever has an effect) 遊説 [ゆうぜい] election tour; election campaign; stumping 外遊 [がいゆう] foreign travel 遊ぶ [あそぶ] to play; to enjoy ones.. [일본어 한자] 運, ウン, 운, carry carry; luck; destiny; fate; lot; transport; progress; advance 運 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 255 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 운 (옮기다, 움직이다, 돌다, 나르다) はこ·ぶ [hako bu] ウン [un] Dictionary: 運 (carry) Radical: 辵 Parts: 辶車冖辵 運動 [うんどう] exercise; physical training; work-out; / appeal; campaign; drive; crusade; movement; lobbying; / motion; movement 運転 [うんてん] operation (of a machine, etc.); o.. [일본어 한자] 軽, ケイ, 경, lightly lightly; trifling; unimportant 軽 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 790 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 경 (가볍다) かる·い [karu i] かろ·やか [karo yaka] かろ·んじる [karo njiru] ケイ [kei] Dictionary: 軽 (lightly) Radical: 車 Parts: 車土又 手軽 [てがる] easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheap 軽傷 [けいしょう] minor injury 気軽 [きがる] carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; sprightly; / ease 軽減 [けいげん] abatement; reduction 軽 [けい] ligh.. [일본어 한자] 落, ラク, 낙, fall fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet 落 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 420 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 낙 (떨어지다, 떨어뜨리다) お·ちる [o chiru] お·ち [o chi] お·とす [o tosu] ラク [raku] Dictionary: 落 (fall) Radical: 艸 Parts: 口氵夂⺾艸 下落 [げらく] depreciation; decline; fall; slump 落ち着いた [おちついた] calm; composed; cool; / settled; fixed; established; / unobtrusive; quiet; subdued 墜落 [ついらく] fall; crash (e.g. .. [일본어 한자] 葉, ヨウ, 엽, leaf leaf; plane; lobe; needle; blade; spear; counter for flat things; fragment; piece 葉 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 414 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 엽 (잎, 꽃입, 시대, 갈래) は [ha] ヨウ [yō] Dictionary: 葉 (leaf) Radical: 艸 Parts: 木世⺾艸 言葉 [ことば] language; dialect; / word; words; phrase; term; expression; remark; / speech; (manner of) speaking; / learning to speak; language acquisition 葉 [は ] lea.. [일본어 한자] 勝, ショウ, 승, victory victory; win; prevail; excel 勝 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 185 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 승 (이기다, 뛰어나다, 훌륭하다) か·つ [ka tsu] -が·ち [-ga chi] まさ·る [masa ru] すぐ·れる [sugu reru] かつ [katsu] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 勝 (victory) Radical: 力 Parts: 月人大二并力 優勝 [ゆうしょう] overall victory; championship 勝利 [しょうり] victory; triumph; conquest; success; win 決勝 [けっしょう] decision of a contest; finals (in spo.. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 24 다음