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[영어 단어] spot spot [s^팟] (특정한) 장소, 지점, 곳, 점, (지저분한) 얼룩 (액체의) 소량/약간, 조금 발견하다, 지목하다, 더럽히다 현금거래에 한한, 현물의 dot / mark / spot Spots are small, round, colored areas on a surface. / You can refer to a particular place as a spot. Spots on a person's skin are small lumps or marks. / A spot of a liquid is a small amount of it. If you have a spot of something, you have a small amount of it. A spot in a television or radi..
[영어 단어] robust robust [로우붜st] 원기 왕성한, 팔팔한 (기구 등이) 튼튼한, 강력한 (체제, 조직이) 탄탄한 씩씩한, 투지 넘치는, 확신에 찬 Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy. Robust views or opinions are strongly held and forcefully expressed. Thanks to the robust economy, the unemployment rate is lower than ever.
[영어 단어] cyber cyber [싸이버r-] 컴퓨터와 관계 있는, 컴퓨터(네트워크)의, 사이버의, 인터넷의 cyber security 사이버 보안 If we are not careful about cyber security, our customer information could be at risk.
[영어 단어] breach breach [b뤼-츼] 위반 ~을 저버림, ~의 파괴/파기 (사람, 국가 간의) 관계 단절 (방어벽 등에 생긴) 틈, 구멍 (합의나 약속을) 위반하다, 어기다 (방어벽 등에) 구멍을 뚫다. If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it. If someone or something breaches a barrier, they make an opening in it, usually leaving it weakened or destroyed. If you breach someone's security or their defenses, you manage to get through and attack an area that is heavily g..
[영어 단어] loath loath [로웃] ~하기를 꺼리는 지긋지긋하여, 싫어서, 질색으로 If you are loath to do something, you do not want to do it. I am loath to admit it, but I once failed my driver's license exam. I signed up for driving lessons. I took them too lightly. I didn't pay attention in class. As a result, I failed the exam on my first try.
[영어 단어] conglomerate conglomerate [컨g러머러t] (거대) 복합 기업, 대기업 (잡다한 물건의) 집합체, 복합체 (지리) 역암 A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies. Last year, I applied to various companies for work. Finding employment is a tall order these days. I submitted my resume and took the entrance exam for a major conglomerate. The trade deal was welcomed by most of the major conglomerates.
[영어 단어] take a moment to take a moment to 잠시 시간을 내어 ~하다 Before leaving the train, take a moment to check for anything you many have left behind.
[영어 단어] refrain refrain [뤼f뤠인] (특히 하고 싶은 것을) 삼가다 자주 반복되는 말/불평, 후렴 If you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it. A refrain is a short, simple part of a song, which is repeated many times. A refrain is a comment or saying that people often repeat. Weather forecasts issue alerts or warnings when there will be fine dust in the air. Many people buy air purifiers for their homes. Children and th..
[영어 단어] make it make it (자기 분야에서) 성공하다 (어떤 곳에 간신히) 시간 맞춰 가다 (모임 등에) 가다, 참석하다 (심각한 질병·사고 후에) 살아남다, 이겨 내다 (힘든 경험 등을) 버텨 내다, 이겨 내다 be successful in your job succeed in reaching a place survive after an illness, accident, etc However, I didn't make it. When I failed to get accepted, it really took the wind out of my sails. But soon, I redoubled my efforts I spent another year preparing for college. There's a board ..
[영어 단어] on a first-come, first-served basis on a first-come, first-served basis 선착순으로 used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they arrive Tickets for the workshop are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for the workshop is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The laptops will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
[영어 단어] estimate estimate [에s터메잇t] ~을 어림잡다, ~을 추정하다, 판단/평가하다 견적을 내다 견적, 평가, 판단, 추정, 추산, 견적서 If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it. An estimate is an approximate calculation of a quantity or value. An estimate is a judgment about a person or situation which you make based on the available evidence. An estimate from someone who you employ to do a job for you, su..
[영어 단어] space space [s빼이s] (비어있는, 이용할 수 있는) 공간, 자리, 장소 (장소가) 넓찍함, 시원스러움 우주, 기간, 공간, 지면, (생각할 수 있는) 시간, (자기 마음대로 할 수 있는) 자유 일정한 간격을 두다 land / lot / ground / space / plot You use space to refer to an area that is empty or available. The area can be any size. For example, you can refer to a large area outside as a large open space or to a small area between two objects as a small space. A particular kind of spac..
[영어 단어] Q&A session Q&A session 질의응답 시간 There will be a Q&A session after the presentation, so please write down your questions.
[영어 단어] fast-approaching fast-approaching 빠르게 다가오는 The deadline for conference registration is fast-approaching.
[영어 단어] iron iron [아이언] ~을 다리미질하다 철, 쇄, 다리미, 인두 철제의, 확고한, 강건한 Iron is an element which usually takes the form of hard, dark grey metal. It is used to make steel and also forms part of many tools, buildings, and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food. Iron is an electrical device with a flat metal base. You heat it until the base is hot, then rub it over clothes to remove creases..
[영어 단어] take part in take part in ~에 참여/참가하다, 가담하다 협력하다. After school, I usually take part in extracurricular activities. When I was younger, I liked singing for an audience. I took part in some talent shows. Oh, I took part in a meeting with my condominium association. On major family holidays, people take part in similar rituals called Charye. However, some people don't hold the ceremonies at all for religious rea..
[영어 단어] caterer caterer [케이더러r] (행사의) 음식 공급자 Caterers are people or companies that provide food and drink for a place such as an office or for special occasions such as weddings and parties. The caterer explained the menu options for our employee appreciation banquet.
[영어 단어] refreshment refreshment [뤼f뤠쉬먼t] (공공장소에서 팔거나 공식 행사에서 제공되는) 다과 가벼운 식사, 음료 원기 회복, 상쾌하게 함 Refreshments are drinks and small amounts of food that are provided, for example, during a meeting or a journey. You can refer to food and drink as refreshments. Attendees at the conference were served refreshments between the talks. We will serve refreshments to the board members after the meeting.
[영어 단어] reputable reputable [뤠픠더벌] 평판이 좋은 이름 높은; 훌륭한, 존경할 만한 A reputable company or person is reliable and can be trusted. Most people want to work for a reputable company.
[영어 단어] fortunate fortunate [포r츄넷t] 다행인, 운 좋은, 행운의 행운을 가져다 주는, 상서로운 행운아들 If you say that someone or something is fortunate, you mean that they are lucky. Jooch feels quite fortunate to work at the best radio station in Korea. We are so fortunate to have the kindest director in the world. We were fortunate to have found an affordable apartment in this neighborhood. fortunate in ~에 운이 좋은
[영어 단어] have one's hands full have one's hands full 손을 놓을 수 없다, 아주 바쁘다, 바쁘다 (사람 또는 물건으로) 완전히 손이 차 있다 일거리/고민거리가 많다 "Captain Junk Food is pretty powerful," said D.W. "I think the Bionic Bunny has his hands full." Donna has her hands full with her new baby. Parents have their hands full when their kids go through puberty. Getting through to children is the biggest problem. During adolescence, kids are often not on speaking term..
[영어 단어] bells and whistles bells and whistles (반드시 필요한 것이 아닌) 부가 기능 멋으로 붙어있는 부가 기능 Let's just get a simple coffee maker without all the bells and whistles.
[영어 단어] on cloud nine on cloud nine 매우 기쁜, 아주 행복한 Other times, I was on cloud nine and I jumped up and down in place. I shouted at the top of my lungs with my friends, because we were so happy. I've been on cloud nine since I found out that my book will be published.
[영어 단어] break the bank break the bank (회사 등의)잔고를 바닥내다. to ruin financially or deplete the resources of a bank Let's fly economy class instead of first-class so we don't break the bank. Purchasing new appliances for the kitchen broken the bank, so we couldn't afford other renovations.
[영어 단어] call around call around 여기저기에 전화하다 I'll call around to see if I can find an electrician who can do this work at the last minute.
[영어 단어] venue venue [베뉴-] (콘서트, 스포츠 경기, 회담 등의) 장소 place / site / position / location / scene / spot / venue The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen. As for the ceremony, it is generally held at a hotel or a space designed for weddings. Money is the most common gift to give. This is why a table is set up at the venue with friends handing out white envelopes. Wedding venues get book..