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[영어 단어] beat oneself up beat oneself up 자책하다 to speak negatively to or about oneself Jake was always beating himself up over things he did in the past.
[영어 단어] insist insist [인시-st] (~ 해야 한다고) 고집하다, 주장하다, 우기다 주장하다, 요구하다, 강요하다 강하게 주장하다 demand / require / expect / insist / ask If you insist that something should be done, you say so very firmly and refuse to give in about it. If you insist on something, you say firmly that it must be done or provided. If you insist that something is the case, you say so very firmly and refuse to say otherwise, even though other ..
[영어 단어] persuasive persuasive [퍼슈웨이시-v] 설득력있는 Someone or something that is persuasive is likely to persuade a person to believe or do a particular thing. After hearing his persuasive speech, I changed my mind.
[영어 단어] eloquent eloquent [엘뤄퀀t] 웅변/연설을 잘 하는, 유창한 감정을 드러내는, 무언의 웅변을 하는 Speech or writing that is eloquent is well expressed and effective in persuading people. A person who is eloquent is good at speaking and able to persuade people. eloquent speaker 언변이 있는 사람 우창한 언변가 However, I still have a lot to learn. I plan to try even harder to become a more eloquent speaker.
[영어 단어] make one's mark make one's mark 이름을 남기다 His third novel finally helped him to make his mark in the sci-fi genre.
[영어 단어] express one's gratitude express one's gratitude 감사를 표하다 There is no better way to express your gratitude to someone than to give them a gift certificate. I sent her a message to express my gratitude. I don't know how to express my gratitude to my parents. May 15th in Korea is Teachers’ Day. It’s a day when we give thanks to the teachers or professors who taught us. Students in school write handwritten letters to their ..
[영어 단어] express express [익s쁘뤠s] (감정, 의견 등을) 표현하다, 나타내다 (기체나 액체를) 짜내다 급행, 속달편, 명확한, 신속한, 급행으로 When you express an idea or feeling or express yourself, you show what you think or feel. If an idea or feeling expresses itself in some way, it can be clearly seen in someone's actions or in its effects on a situation. In mathematics, if you express a quantity or mathematical problem in a particular way, you write it u..
[영어 단어] demanding demanding [디멘-딩] (일이) 부담이 큰, 힘든 요구가 많은, 쉽게 만족하지 않는 difficult / hard / challenging / demanding / taxing / testing A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention. People who are demanding are not easily satisfied or pleased. Compared to high school, college classes were demanding. There were so many tests. There were mid-terms in April and finals in June. We also had som..
[영어 단어] confession confession [컨풰션] (죄의) 자백, 고백/인정, 고해 성사 (종교적 신념 등의) 고백 A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime. Confession is the act of admitting that you have done something that you are ashamed of or embarrassed about. If you make a confession of your beliefs or feelings, you publicly tell people that this is what you believe or feel. In th..
[영어 단어] confess confess [컨풰s] (죄, 잘못을) 자백하다, (수치스럽거나 당황스러운 것을) 고백하다, 시인/인정하다 고해/고백 성사를 하다 admit / acknowledge / concede / confess / allow / grant If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it. If someone confesses or confesses their sins, they tell God or a priest about their sins so that they can be forgiven. You use expressions like 'I confess', 'I must confess', or 'I have to con..
[영어 단어] thrilled thrilled [뜨릘-d] (너무 좋아서) 황홀해 하는, 아주 흥분한/신이 난 황홀한, 아주 흥분된, 들뜬 glad / happy / pleased / delighted / thrilled / overjoyed If someone is thrilled, they are extremely pleased about something. I am thrilled to be here. I can't wait. I am thrilled to visit Buckingham Palace. I am thrilled to meet him. I cannot being to tell you how thrilled I am to finally meet you. Nobody was thrilled to see our compa..
[영어 단어] secure secure [씩큐어r] 안심하는, 안전한, 안정된, 단단한, 확고한, 확실한 안전하게 하다, 확보/입수하다 (특히 힘들게) 얻어내다, 획득/확보하다 (단단히) 고정시키다, 잡아매다 안전하게 지키다, 단단히 보안 장치를 하다 담보를 제공하다/잡히다 If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort. If you secure a place, you make it safe from harm or attack. If you secure an object, you fasten it firmly to another object. If a loan is secured, the person who lends..
[영어 단어] exfoliate exfoliate [익s뽈뤼에잇t] (피부의 죽은 세포를) 벗겨 내다, 박리/박피하다 To exfoliate your skin means to remove the dead cells from its surface using something such as a brush or a special cream. I also exfoliate and moisturize my skin regularly.
[영어 단어] give it a go give it a go 시도해 보다 I've never eaten it before, but I'll give it a go. Thankfully, there are a ton of beauty programs on TV that walk you through all the necessary steps. I make a mental note of the products that experts swear by and give it a go.
[영어 단어] swear swear [s웨어r] (~을 하겠다고) 맹세하다, 단언하다, 욕하다 swear - swore - sworn If someone swears, they use language that is considered to be rude or offensive, usually because they are angry. If you swear to do something, you promise in a serious way that you will do it. If you say that you swear that something is true or that you can swear to it, you are saying very firmly that it is true. If someone is sworn to..
[영어 단어] swear by something swear by something ~의 이름으로 맹세하다 ~의 효능을 확신하다, ~의 효과를 장담하다 ~을 확실히 믿다 확실히 보장하다 used to show that you are making a serious promise to believe strongly that something/somebody is very useful and helpful I make a mental note of the products that experts swear by and give it a go. I also exfoliate and moisturize my skin regularly. My personal trainer swears by yoga. I think he left early but I can't sw..
[영어 단어] walk someone through walk someone through (어떤 것을 익힐 수 있도록 단계별로) ~에게 보여주다 I'll walk you through the contract terms first, and then you can ask questions. You'll need to walk investors through our strategy for next year. walk someone through something ~에게 ~을 직접 보여 주다/알려주다 Thankfully, there are a ton of beauty programs on TV that walk you through all the necessary steps. I make a mental note of the products that expert..
[영어 단어] flaky flaky [플뤠이끼-] (조각조각으로) 얇게 벗겨지는 벗겨지기 쉬운 엷은 조각 모양의, 조각조각의 각질이 일어나는 (사람이) 괴짜인, 뭘 잘 잊어먹는 Something that is flaky breaks easily into small thin pieces or tends to come off in small thin pieces. If you describe an idea, argument, or person as flaky, you mean that they are rather eccentric and unreliable. Dermatologists label my skin type as a combination as opposed to dry or oily. It's a nightmare. I ..
[영어 단어] harsh harsh [하아r쉬] 가혹한, 냉혹한, 혹독한, 거친, 냉엄한 (너무 강하거나 밝거나 추해서) 눈에 거슬리는, 야한 귀에 거슬리는, 듣기 싫은 (손상을 줄 수 있을 정도로) 너무 쌘 Harsh climates or conditions are very difficult for people, animals, and plants to live in. Harsh actions or speech are unkind and show no understanding or sympathy. Something that is harsh is so hard, bright, or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful. Harsh voices and sounds are ones that a..
[영어 단어] break out break out 발발/발생하다 피부 트러블이 생기다 (여드름 등이) 마구 나다, 피부 트러블이 생기다 appear violently if something unpleasant such as a fire, a war, etc. breaks out, it starts suddenly (break out of something) to escape from a place or from a situation if something breaks out on your skin, your skin becomes covered in something Dermatologists label my skin type as a combination as opposed to dry or oily. It's a nightmare...
[영어 단어] as opposed to as opposed to ~와는 대조적으로, ~이 아니라 used to make a contrast between two things My utility bill arrives quarterly as opposed to monthly.
[영어 단어] label label [뤠이벌] (종이 등에 물건에 대한 정보를 적어 붙여 놓은) 표, 라벨, 상표, 표시 라벨/상표/표을 붙이다, (표 같은 것에 필요한 정보를) 적다 ~에 라벨을 달다, 꼬리표를 달다 (라벨을 붙여서) 분류하다 ~을 (~이라고) 부르다 label / tag / sticker A label is a piece of paper or plastic that is attached to an object in order to give information about it. If you say that someone gets a particular label, you mean that people show disapproval of them by describing them with a critical w..
[영어 단어] in no time in no time 잽싸게, 순식간에, 당장에 (놀라울 정도로) 곧 so soon or so quickly that it is surprising Usually, I know my way around a kitchen. I can cook up a meal in no time. However, I recently botched up badly. I hired professional movers to make the move easier. We took inventory of all my belongings and the movers packed them up in the boxes. In no time, we cleared out my old place. I can't believe it. The ice..
[영어 단어] nuts and bolts nuts and bolts (기계 등의) 기본, 실무 We don't need to get into the nuts and bolts now.
[영어 단어] get a move on get a move on 서두르다 Our visitors are arriving soon. We should get a move on. We have a lot of topics to cover in the meeting, so let's get a move on. Now that I'm back from taking sick leave, I need to get a move on.
[영어 단어] stint stint [s틴t] (일정 기간 동안의 일, 활동) (할당된) 일, 일정 기간의 노동, 정량, 근무 기간 아끼다, 인색하게 쓰다 (돈, 음식 등을) 절약하다, 아끼다, 바싹 줄이다 A stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place. I learned a lot about service during my stint as a waiter. After a brief stint as a car salesman, Henry started his own business.