[영어 단어] define
define [디퐈인] (단어, 구의 뜻을)정의하다, 명시하다, 규정하다, 분명히 밝히다 ~의 범위를 정하다 If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like. If you define a word or expression, you explain its meaning, for example in a dictionary. The past defines the present and the present defines the future. Can you define what love is to you? We should define the terms c..
[영어 단어] variety
variety [버롸이어디] 여러 가지, 갖가지, 각양각색 다양성 변화, 다양(성), 갖가지 다른 것, 종류 (식물, 언어 등의) 품종, 종류 If something has variety, it consists of things which are different from each other. A variety of things is a number of different kinds or examples of the same thing. A variety of something is a type of it. Recently, as kids experience various media, their dreams have become diversified. Today’s kids often want to be..
[영어 단어] wrap
wrap [뤱p] (포장지 등으로) 싸다, 표장하다, (무엇의 둘레를 단단히) 두르다, 걸치다 싸는 물건, 덥개, 포장지 When you wrap something, you fold paper or cloth tightly round it to cover it completely, for example in order to protect it or so that you can give it to someone as a present. When you wrap something such as a piece of paper or cloth round another thing, you put it around it. If someone wraps their arms, fingers, or legs around..
[영어 단어] alone
alone [얼로운] 혼자, 다른 사람 없이, 단독으로, 외로이, 단지 ~뿐 혼자, 홀로 alone / lonely / lone When you are alone, you are not with any other people. If one person is alone with another person, or if two or more people are alone, they are together, without anyone else present. If you say that you are alone or feel alone, you mean that nobody who is with you, or nobody at all, cares about you. If someone is alone in do..