[영어 단어] pick up
pick up ~을 집어올리다, 구매하다 회복되다, 개선되다, 더 강해지다 다시 시작하다, 계속하다 (정도가) 심해지다 줍다, 구매하다, 데리러 가다, 습득하다, 배우다, 익히다 정리 정돈 하다 ~을 알아차리다 to become better; to improve if the wind picks up, it starts to blow more strongly to start again; to continue I'll pick up lunch. Let's go. The swell of the wave picked them up. I recently went to a large discount store with my family. We picked up a lot of fresh produce. My wif..
[영어 단어] break
break [b뤠익k] 부수다, 중단하다 고장나다, (법, 약속을) 어기다, 파괴, 틈, 중단, 휴식 break - broke - broken When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped. If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits. If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or i..
[영어 단어] still
still [s띨] 조용하게 하다, 잠잠하게 하다, 진정시키다 정지해 있는, 움직이지 않는, 차분한 아직도 (계속해서), 여전히 (비교급으로) 훨씬, 더욱, 그래도, 그럼에도 불구하고 If a situation that used to exist still exists, it has continued and exists now. If something that has not yet happened could still happen, it is possible that it will happen. If something that has not yet happened is still to happen, it will happen at a later time. If you stay still, you stay ..
[영어 단어] base
base [베이s] (사상, 사실 등의) 기초, 기반, 토대, 근거지, 본부, 본사, 근거지를 두다 ~의 기초를 쌓다, ~에 근거를 두다 기본의, 기초의 basis / foundation / base The base of something is its lowest edge or part. The base of something is the lowest part of it, where it is attached to something else. The base of an object such as a box or vase is the lower surface of it that touches the surface it rests on. The base of an object that has several ..
[영어 단어] through
through [쓰루우] ~을 통해, ~을 관통해서, ~사이로 (장벽, 단계, 테스트를) 지나, 거쳐, 통과하여 (~을 포함하여) ~까지 ~을 통하여, ~때문에 (한쪽 끝에서 다른 쪽 끝으로) 지나/뚫고서, ~사이로 (처음부터 끝까지) 다, 내내, 줄곧 (여정 중간에 쉬지 않고) 곧장, 직행으로 (전화를) 연결하여 (형용사 뒤에 쓰여) 완전히 inclusive / through To move through something such as a hole, opening, or pipe means to move directly from one side or end of it to the other. To cut through something means to cut it in two pieces or to m..
[영어 단어] early
early [어r-얼뤼] (어떤 기간, 사건 등의) 초(창)기의, 이른, 조기의 (보통, 예상, 계획보다) 빠른/이른 (어떤 기간, 사건 등의) 초(창)기에, 일찍, 조기에 (현재 시간보다) 앞에, 전에, (~보다) 전에, 이미 Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. Early means before the time that was arranged or expected. Early means near the beginning of a day, week, year, or other period of time. Early means near the beginning of a period in history,..