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[영어 단어] consistent consistent [컨씨s턴t] 한결같은, 일관된 거듭되는, 변함없는 ~와 일치하는 일관성 있는 Someone who is consistent always behaves, in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things or achieves the same level of success in something. If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other. An argument or set of ideas that is consistent is one in which no part contradicts or conflicts with ..
[영어 단어] time-consuming time-consuming (많은) 시간이 걸리는 시간이 걸리는, 시간을 낭비하는 If something is time-consuming, it takes a lot of time. The process can be time-consuming. To save time, it helps to check in advance which items are permissible. Airport security can feel like a hassle, but it's necessary to guarantee safety. Recruitment is a time-consuming process for employers. Reading the customer comments is time-consuming, but ..
[영어 단어] relevant relevant [뤌러번t] (논의 중인 주제, 생각하는 상황과 밀접하게) 관련 있는, 적절한 (사람들의 삶 등에) 의의가 있는, 유의미한 적절한, 타당한 Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person. The relevant thing of a particular kind is the one that is appropriate. All relevant information should be sent to your manager. We need to check whether the new regulations are relevant to our ..
[영어 단어] tackle tackle [테끌] (힘든 문제, 상황과) 씨름하다, (힘든 문제, 상황에 대해) 솔직하게 말하다, 따지다, 달라붙다, 착수하다, 태클하다 기구, 용구, (낚시용) 도구, 태클 If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way. If you tackle someone in a game such as a hockey or football, you try to take the ball away from them. If you tackle someone in rugby or American football, you knock them to the ground. If you tackle..
[영어 단어] count count [카운t] (올바른 순서로 수를) 세다, 계산하다, 생각하다 (정식으로) 인정하다, 인정되다 계산, 셈, 총계 기소항목, 죄목 When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number. If you count all the things in a group, you add them up in order to find how many there are. If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable. A count is the action of counting a particular set of t..
[영어 단어] fault fault [포울-t] 잘못, 결점, 흠, 실수 잘못을 저지르다, 비난하다 If a bad or undesirable situation is your fault, you caused it or are responsible for it. A fault is a mistake in what someone is doing or in what they have done. A fault in someone or something is a weakness in them or something that is not perfect. If you cannot fault someone, you cannot find any reason for criticizing them or the things that they are ..
[영어 단어] reschedule reschedule [뤼s께줘얼] 약속을 다시 잡다 If someone reschedules an event, they change the time at which it is supposed to happen. To reschedule a debt means to arrange for the person, organization, or country that owes money to pay it back over a longer period because they are in financial difficulty. We rescheduled for another day. Can we reschedule our meeting? It's very rude to reschedule a blind date. A..
[영어 단어] let somebody down let somebody down ~의 기대를 저버리다 ~를 실망시키다 disappoint to fail to help or support somebody in the way that they hoped or expected to tell somebody some bad news in a kind way so that they will not be too disappointed or upset I felt let down when I didn't receive a birthday card from my sister. Of course. You've told me many secrets and I've never let you down.
[영어 단어] presentation presentation [p뤼줸테이션] 제출, 제시, 수여, 증정 (제공, 설명하거나 보여주는 방식) (신제품, 작품 등에 대한) 발표, 설명, 프레젠테이션 증정식, 시상식 Presentation is the appearance of something, which someone has worked to create. A presentation is a formal event at which someone is given a prize or award. When someone gives a presentation, they give a formal talk, often in order to sell something or get support for a proposal.
[영어 단어] lend lend [뤤-d] 빌려주다, 대출하다 (도움, 지지 등을) 주다/제공하다 (사람, 상황에 어떤 특질을) 주다, 부여하다 lend - lent - lent borrow / lend When people or organizations such as banks lend you money, they give it to you and you agree to pay it back at a future date, often with an extra amount as interest. If you lend something that you own, you allow someone to have it or use it for a period of time. If you lend your support to someon..
[영어 단어] favor favor [풰이버r] 친절한 행위, 부탁, 호의, 지지, 원조, 허가 인기, 평판, 유행 찬성하다, 선호하다 Hi, Donna, could you do me a favor? "I see you favor the rolling approach." said her father. 99.79% of votes were cast in favor of the change, which allows Xi to remain in power for as long as he wishes. Ken did me a favor by covering my weekend shifts when I was sick. favor a proposal 제안에 찬성하다
[영어 단어] huge huge [슈우z] (크기, 양, 정도가) 막대한, 거대한, 엄청난 Something or someone that is huge is extremely large in size. Something that is huge is extremely large in amount or degree. Something that is huge exists or happens on a very large scale, and involves a lot of different people or things. Morgan led them to a huge archway with two wooden doors. huge genius 무한한 재능 huge outlay 거액의 지출 huge variety of 아주 다양한 종류의..
[영어 단어] rehearse rehearse [뤼허r-s] 리허설/예행연습을 하다 (남에게 할 행동이나 말을 은밀히) 연습/준비하다 (전에도 자주 표명하던 생각, 의견을) 반복하다 When people rehearse a play, dance, or piece of music, they practice it in order to prepare for a performance. If you rehearse something that you are going to say or do, you silently practice it by imagining that you are saying or doing it. Arthur shook his head. "We were just rehearsing a jingle. I think I have..
[영어 단어] mark mark [마r-k] 자국, 표시, 특징 (표, 기호 등으로) ~에 표시하다, ~을 나타내다 흔적/자국을 남기다 유의해서 듣다 기념하다, 표시하다 mark / stain / streak / speck / blot / smear / spot A mark is a small area of something such as dirt that has accidentally got onto a surface or piece of clothing. A mark is a written or printed symbol, for example, a letter of the alphabet. A mark is a point that is given for a correct answer or for doing somethin..
[영어 단어] knock knock [낙k] (문 등을 똑똑하고) 두드리다, 노크하다, (흔히 모르고) 치다, 찧다, 부딪치다, (때리거나 타격을 가해) ~한 상태가 되게 만들다 (움직이도록) 치다, 두드리다, 부수다, 때리다, 충돌하다, 치다, 부딪치다 노크(하는 소리) 타격, 불운, 실패 hit / knock / bang / strike / bump / bash If you knock on something such as a door or window, you hit it, usually several times, to attract someone's attention. If you knock something, you touch or hit it roughly, especially so that it falls or mov..
[영어 단어] recipe recipe [뤠써피] 조리법 (특정 결과를 가져올 듯한) 방안/비결 A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something. If you say that something is a recipe for a particular situation, you mean that it is likely to result in that situation. It is a set of instructions for making or preparing a food dish. Wow! This is so delicious. Can I please have the recipe for this dish? reci..
[영어 단어] memorize memorize [메모라-이z] 암기하다 If you memorize something, you learn it so that you can remember it exactly. Wait. Let me mark this down on a piece of paper. I won’t be able to memorize all that.
[영어 단어] 10-minute walk 10-minute walk 도보로 10분 거리 I leave the house at 7:10. It’s a 10-minute walk to the subway station, and I take the subway to work. The morning commute lasts about 40 minutes. The library is just a 5-minute walk away. It's a 30-minute walk to the restaurant, so we should take a bus.
[영어 단어] veggie veggie [베쥐] 야채 Veggie means the same as vegetarian. Veggies are plants such as cabbages, potatoes, and onions which you can cook and eat.
[영어 단어] pepper pepper 후추, 후추를 치다 Pepper is a hot-tasting spice which is used to flavor food. A pepper, or in American English a bell pepper, is a hollow green, red, or yellow vegetable with seeds inside it. If something is peppered with small objects, a lot of those objects hit it. If something is peppered with things, it has a lot of those things in it or on it.
[영어 단어] tablespoon tablespoon 테이블스푼(특히 음식을 덜어 줄 때 쓰는 큰 숟가락) 테이블스푼 (하나 가득한 분량의 양) A tablespoon is a fairly large spoon used for serving food and in cooking. You can refer to an amount of food resting on a tablespoon as a tablespoon of food.
[영어 단어] table table [테이벌] 식탁, 테이블, 탁자, (밥)상 표, 목록(보통 가로세로로 내용숫자 등을 순서대로 나열한 것) 순위표 (의안 등을) 상정하다 (의안 등의 논의를) 미루다, 연기하다 A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things on or sit at. A table is a written set of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows. If someone tables a proposal, they say formally that they want it to be discussed at a meeting. If someone tables a proposal or plan whi..
[영어 단어] ingredient ingredient [인g뤼디언t] (특히 요리 등의)성분, 재료 중요한 요소 (~을 이루는데 중요한) 구성요소 Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish. An ingredient of a situation is one of the essential parts of it. The ingredients were turned into a delicious dish. Some places even have a changing menu, depending on the ingredients in seas..
[영어 단어] omelet omelet [어믈릿] 오믈렛(계란·고기·야채 등을 섞어 지진 요리) So you want to learn how to make an omelet, huh? Why all of a sudden?
[영어 단어] a little bird told me a little bird told me 누가 그러던데 A little bird told me the negotiations are not going well.
[영어 단어] get the word out get the word out 말을 퍼트리다 소식을 널리 전하다 소문을 내다 When someone passes away in Korea, friends, and family get the word out through phone calls and text messages. This movie is so good that I want to get the word out. We called our friends to get the word out. We should advertise on TV and online to get the work out about our new drink.