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[영어 단어] optimistic optimistic [업띠머s띡] 낙관적인, 긍정적인 Someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular. Some critics lament the demise of the old-fashioned romance and "love at first sight." However, I am more optimistic and view blind dates with a rosier perspective. The character Sam, played by Sean Astin, is a very sentimental and optimistic character. So, when the thir..
[영어 단어] confirm confirm [컨퍼r-엄] (특히 증거를 들어) 사실임을 보여주다, 확인해 주다 (지위, 합의 등을) 확정하다, 공식화하다 확인하다, 입증하다, 승인하다 If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true. If you confirm something that has been stated or suggested, you say that it is true because you know about it. If you confirm an arrangement or appointment, you say that it is definite, usually in a letter or on the ..
[영어 단어] make or break make or break 성공 여부를 결정짓다 성패를 좌우하다 I settled for posting a bad review online. Everything else was fine, but the bad service was a fly in the ointment. For me, service can make or break a restaurant. This deal will make or break my career. Critics' reviews make or break a movie. I also think about the restaurant’s atmosphere. The atmosphere can make or break a meal at a restaurant. I go to places..
[영어 단어] head and shoulders above head and shoulders above ~보다 훨씬 우수한 One of the job applicants was clearly head and shoulders above everyone else. Our soccer team will win the tournament because it's head and shoulders above the other competitors.
[영어 단어] afford afford [어포r-d] (~할, 살, 금전적, 시간적) 여유가 되다, 형편이 되다 ~하면 안 되다 제공하다 If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it. If you say that you cannot afford to do something or allow it to happen, you mean that you must not do it or must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to you. If someone or something affords you an opportunity or protection, th..
[영어 단어] availability availability [어붸일러븰리디] 유효성, 유용성, 효용, (입수) 가능성 (선거 후보자의) 당선 가능성 이용할 수 있는 사람/것 I was wondering about your availability for a meeting this Friday.
[영어 단어] credible credible [k뤠더벌] 믿을/신뢰할 수 있는 (성공하리라고 보고) 받아들일 만한, 믿을 만한 Credible means able to be trusted or believed. A credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful. How credible is your source in New York City? Most brand names are credible and they have a good warranty policy. Her statement was credible because it was backed up by a lot of statis..
[영어 단어] accomplished accomplished [어컴플뤼쉬d] 기량이 뛰어난, 재주가 많은, 성취된, 수달된, 노련한, 잘 훈련된 If someone is accomplished at something, they are very good at it. She was an elegant and accomplished woman. My significant other is the one I turn to for this type of thing. I’ll give you an example. This was a recent conversation between my wife and I after I tried cutting my own hair for the first time. After feeling quite accomplis..
[영어 단어] give back to give back ~에게 돌려주다, 응수하다, 앙갚음하다. Now that I have a job, I can finally give back to my family.
[영어 단어] in the wake of in the wake of ~의 여파로 In the wake of. he severe storm, many people's homes were without electricity.
[영어 단어] make it up to someone make it up to someone ~에게 보답/보상하다. 만회하다. 변상하다. So, I had no choice but to call my friends and tell them I couldn't make it. I felt very bad since I hadn't seen them for a long time. Plus, I was the one who organized the gathering in the first place. I told my friends that I would make it up to them later on. I'm sorry that I was late to go to a movie, but I'll make it up to you. I know I let Sus..
[영어 단어] enable enable [이네이벌] (사람에게) ~을 할 수 있게 하다 (무엇을) 가능하게 하다 If someone or something enables you to do a particular thing, they give you the opportunity to do it. To enable something to happen means to make it possible for it to happen. To enable someone to do something means to give them permission or the right to do it. The software program enables us to track payments from customers easily.
[영어 단어] publicity publicity [퍼블뤼시디] 매스컴의 관심, 언론의 주목, 널리 알려짐 명성, 평판 홍보/광고업, 선전 Publicity is information or actions that are intended to attract the public's attention to someone or something. When the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you can say that it is receiving publicity. The magazine interview with the CEO gave the company some free publicity. Sponsoring the local parade will gi..
[영어 단어] complimentary complimentary [컴플러뭰터뤼] 무료의, 칭찬하는 If you are complimentary about something, you express admiration for it. A complimentary seat, ticket, or book is given to you free. I especially liked the complimentary breakfast. I found a hotel that serves a complimentary breakfast. The office has complimentary drinks. The store has complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi. A complimentary gift comes with every purchase..
[영어 단어] upcoming upcoming [업커밍] 다가오는, 곧 있을 Upcoming events will happen in the near future. People use supercomputers to predict the upcoming weather. Ms. Shelton will give a presentation at the upcoming conference. We are hiring more workers for the upcoming peak season.
[영어 단어] abbreviate abbreviate [어b뤼비에잇t] (단어, 구 등을) 줄여 쓰다, 축약하다 If you abbreviate something, especially a word or a piece of writing, you make it shorter. abbreviate a speech 연설을 짧게 하다 abbreviate to ~라고 간략하게 쓰다
[영어 단어] abandonment abandonment [어벤-던먼t] 유기, 버림 포기 The abandonment of a place, thing, or person is the act of leaving it permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so. The abandonment of a piece of work or activity is the act of stopping doing it before it is finished. The abandonment of an idea or way of thinking is the act of stopping having the idea or of stopping thinking in that way. Fre..
[영어 단어] abandon abandon [어벤-든] (특히 돌볼 책임이 있는 사람을) 버리다, 떠나다, 유기하다 (물건, 장소를) 버리고 떠나다 (지지, 믿음을) 버리다, 포기하다 (무엇을 하다가) 그만두다, 포기하다 방종, 자유분방 If you abandon a place, thing, or person, you leave the place, thing, or person permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so. If you abandon an activity or piece of work, you stop doing it before it is finished. If you abandon an idea or way of thinking, yo..
[영어 단어] it's clear that it's clear that ~임이 분명하다 It's clear that employees are motivated by the generous performance bonuses.
[영어 단어] be well-versed in be well-versed in ~에 조예가 깊다, ~에 능통하다 The job will be offered to someone who is well-versed in the Asian markets.
[영어 단어] it's easy to see why it's easy to see why 왜 ~인지 쉽게 알 수 있다. It's easy to see why people are concerned about the price increases.
[영어 단어] be at the ready be at the ready 대기하고 있다. (만반의 준비가 되어 있다.) A big storm is approaching the city, so emergency services are at the ready. The housekeeping staff is at the ready to deal with any unexpected cleaning needs.
[영어 단어] multilingual multilingual [멀티렝궐] 여러 언어를 하는/사용하는, 여러 언어로 쓰인/인쇄된 Multilingual means involving several different languages. A multilingual person is able to speak more than two languages very well. The firm tries to hire multilingual people because it has a lot of international clients.
[영어 단어] volume volume [벌-륨] 부피, 양, 크기, 체적, 용적, 용량 (~의) 양 (텔레비전, 라디오 등의) 음량, 볼륨 (시리즈로 된 책의) 권, 책 The volume of something is the amount of it that there is. The volume of an object is the amount of space that it contains or occupies. A volume is a book. A volume is one book in a series of books. A volume is a collection of several issues of a magazine, for example, all the issues for one year. The volume of a ra..
[영어 단어] seasonal seasonal [씨-z널] 계절적인, 계절에 따라 다른 계절의, 계절적인, 주기적인, 정기적인 (특히 크리스마스) 시즌 특유의 A seasonal factor, event, or change occurs during one particular time of the year. Analysts are carefully tracking the seasonal changes in consumers' buying habits. seasonal food 계절 음식 In Korea, there are many seasonal foods. Some foods are eaten mostly in the summertime. This is a seasonal food, so it's only eaten in the su..
[영어 단어] outsource outsource [아웃쏘r-s] (회사가 작업, 생산을) 외부에 위탁하다 If a company outsources work or things, it pays workers from outside the company to do the work or supply the things. We outsourced our accounting work to another firm to save money on staffing costs.