분류 전체보기 (8270) 썸네일형 리스트형 [일본어 한자] 人, ジン, 인, person person 人 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 5 Stroke counts: 2 Korean: 인 (사람) つち [tsuchi] ひと [hito] -り [-ri] -と [-to] ジン [jin] ニン [nin] Dictionary: 人 (person) Radical: 人 Parts: 人 外国人 [がいこくじん] foreigner; foreign citizen 人口 [じんこう] population 二人 [ふたり] two persons; two people 人気 [にんき] popularity; public favor 人間 [にんげん] human being; person; man; mankind 彼の人 [anohito] he, 殆どの人 [ほとんどのひと] mos.. [일본어 한자] 二, ニ, 이, two two; two radical (no.2) 二 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 9 Stroke counts: 2 Korean: 이 (두, 둘째) ふた [futa] ふた·つ [futa·tsu] ふたた·び [futata·bi] ニ [ni] ジ [ji] Dictionary: 二 (two) Radical: 二 Parts: 二 二人 [ふたり] two persons; two people; pair; couple 二 [に] two 十二月 [じゅうにがつ] December 二月 [にがつ] February; second month of the lunar calendar 二つ [ふたつ] two 一も二も無く [いちもにもなく] unhesitatingly 一言二言 [ひとことにごん.. [일본어 한자] 七, シチ, 칠, seven seven 七 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 115 Stroke counts: 2 Korean: 칠 (일곱) なな [nana] なな·つ [nana·tsu] なの [nano] シチ [shichi] Dictionary: 七 (seven) Radical: 一 Parts: 乙匕ノ 七 [しち] seven 七月 [しちがつ] July 十七 [じゅうしち] 17; seventeen 七十 [しちじゅう] seventy 七七日 [しちしちにち] 49th day after a death お七夜 [お しちや] name-giving ceremony 七つ [なな-つ] seven 七つの海 [ななつのうみ] the seven seas 七屋 [なな-や] pawnshop 七回忌 [しちかいき].. [일본어 한자] 九, キュウ, 구, nine nine 九 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 55 Stroke counts: 2 Korean: 구 (아홉) ここの [kokono] ここの·つ [kokono·tsu] キュウ [kyū] ク [ku] Dictionary: 九 (nine) Radical: 乙 Parts: 九 九 [きゅう] nine 九月 [くがつ] September 十九 [じゅうきゅう] 19; nineteen 九州 [きゅうしゅう] Kyushu 九十 [きゅうじゅう] ninety 九つ [ここの-つ] nine 九夏 [きゅうか] summer 九回戦 [きゅうかい-せん] regulation game 九官鳥 [きゅうかんとり] hill myna 九牛の一毛 [きゅうぎゅうのいちもう] mere fraction 九々 .. [일본어 한자] 一, イチ, 일, one one; one radical (no.1) 一 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 2 Stroke counts: 1 Korean: 일 (한, 하나, 첫번째) ひと- [hito-] ひと·つ [hito tsu] イチ [ichi] イツ [itsu] Dictionary: 一 (one) Radical: 一 Parts: 一 一時 [いちじ] one o'clock; / once; at one time 一部 [いちぶ] one part; one portion; one section 統一 [とういつ] unity; consolidation; uniformity 一番 [いちばん] number one; first place 一方 [いっぽう] one way ちょっと一杯 [ちょっといちば.. [영어 읽기] Talk about when you went to the mountains in the fall. Talk about when you went to the mountains in the fall. Korea is famed for its beautiful mountains. They are lovely throughout the year. However, they are arguably most breathtaking in the autumn. When the heat dies down and the weather becomes cooler, the leaves change color. The fall foliage is beyond words. Many people travel in the fall to enjoy the vistas. On weekends, there can be severe tr.. [영어 회화] What time do you usually go to bed? A: How have you been doing lately? B: I haven't been sleeping well. A: Do you have enough time to get the right amount of sleep? A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I usually try to go to bed around 11:00 or so during the week. A: Have you been under a lot of stress lately? B: I just lost my job, and I am unsure about being able to find another one. A: You might consider listening to relax.. [영어 회화] I don't want to go into it. (Alan is screaming at his computer when his wife Megan walks in … ) Megan: What's your problem? Why are you screaming? Alan: This computer is impossible! Megan: What's wrong this time? Alan: It has a mind of its own! Megan: What do you mean? Alan: I don't want to go into it. Megan: Maybe Timmy can help. Alan: Timmy? The kid next door? Megan: Yes. He's a computer nerd. Alan: I can't believe a chi.. [영어 패턴] All we have to do is ~ All we have to do is ~ 우리가 해야 할 일은 ~ [영어 패턴] All set to ~ ? All set to ~ ? ~할 준비 다 됐어요? All set to go out? All set to go, South Africa here we come! I was all set to start and decided to order the size bigger. [영어 패턴] All set for ~ ? All set for ~ ? ~ (을 위한) 준비 다 됐어요? All set for your presentation? All set for your business trip? Are you all set for the trip? I'm all set for my trip next week We're all set for the presentation tomorrow, aren't we? Are you all set for opening night? [영어 패턴] All of a sudden, ~ All of a sudden, ~ 갑자기 ~ All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. [영어 회화] What are my choices? A: What would you like to order? B: I'd like to have an English breakfast. A: How do you want your eggs? B: What are my choices? A: Scrambled, sunny-side-up, over-easy, and over-hard. B: Over-easy, please. No, I think I want sunny-side-up. A: Is there anything else? B: One Apple juice. Make it small, please. A: 무엇을 주문하시겠어요? B: 영국식 아침 식사로 하고 싶습니다. A: 계란은 어떻게 해드릴까요? B: 뭐가 있나요? A: 스크램블, 한 쪽만 익히거나, .. [영어 읽기] Talk about the meaning of National Foundation Day. Talk about the meaning of National Foundation Day. Korea's National Foundation Day is a national holiday. Its original Korean name, "Gaecheonjeol," means "day in which the heavens opened." The holiday marks the formation of Korea's first state. The origin story of Korea's founding is a fun fairy tale. Once upon a time, a bear and a tiger wanted to become human. They prayed devoutly. A heavenly p.. [영어 회화] Let's take a look at them and choose a good one. A: Arman, here I am. So, what do you want to buy? B: I need an air purifier. It's very stuffy in my room. A: Then let's go up to the fifth floor. B: Wow, there's a wide variety of air purifiers. A: Let's take a look at them and choose a good one. B: You seem to be a good shopper. A: What's your budget? A: 아르만, 저 여기 있어요. 그래, 뭘 사고 싶은데요? B: 공기 청정기가 필요해요. 방이 너무 답답해서요. A: 그럼 5층으로 올라가요. B: 와, 다양한 공기 청.. [영어 패턴] All I'm saying is ~ All I'm saying is ~ 내 말뜻은 ~ 내 말은 ~라는 거지. All I'm saying is this is our shot. All I'm saying is don't get too cocky. All I'm saying is you started it. All I'm saying is I just don't like it. All I'm saying is let's consider other options. All I'm saying is you're overdoing it. [영어 패턴] All I'm asking is to ~ All I'm asking is to ~ 내가 바라는 건 ~ 뿐이야. [영어 회화] Same old same old. Nothing new happening at work. (Charles is having lunch alone when he sees his friend Jack…) Charles: Hey Jack! Jack: Hi Charles. Is this seat taken? Charles: No. pull up a chair. Jack: How long is your lunch break? Charles: I have an hour then it's back to my computer. Jack: I only get thirty minutes for lunch. Charles: Then you better chow down. That's a big sandwich you have there. Jack: And a short time to eat it. Charles.. [영어 회화] Excuse me. Is this seat taken? A: Excuse me. Is this seat taken? B: What did you say? A: Oh. Is this seat occupied? B: No. Go ahead. A: Thank you. A: 실례합니다. 여기 자리 있나요? B: 뭐라고 하셨죠? A: 아. 이 자리 사용 중인가요? B: 아뇨. 사용하셔도 돼요. A: 감사합니다. [영어 패턴] I can no longer ~ I can no longer ~ 난 더 이상 ~ 할 수 없어. [영어 회화] It's usually when the alarm goes off. (Miriam a teenager is talking to her aunt Sally…) Miriam: What time do you usually get up? Sally: I get up at seven. Miriam: How do you wake up? Sally: It's usually when the alarm goes off. Miriam: What time do you set the alarm for? Sally: Seven o'clock every day of the week. Miriam: Do you get up immediately? Sally: No. I lie there for a few minutes until I can pull myself together. Miriam: Is.. [영어 회화] What?! This I've got to see. (John is talking about his son Eddie to his wife Mary in the kitchen…) John: You know how many times we've tried to get Eddie to wear nicer clothes to school? Mary: Oh yes. A thousand times. John: But he would never listen? Mary: He always wears jeans and T-shirts. John: Well all of a sudden he's wearing nice pants and shirts. Mary: What?! This I've got to see. John: And he cut his hair! (Eddie .. [영어 회화] So fill us in on this new girl in your class. (John is talking about his son Eddie to his wife Mary in the kitchen…) Mary: So fill us in on this new girl in your class. Eddie: Her name is Kelly. John: Where is she from? Eddie: Her family just moved here from Chicago. Mary: So is this love at first sight? Eddie: We had lunch in the cafeteria and we just hit it off. John: Don't rush anything. Take time to get to know her. Mary: Your father an.. [영어 패턴] All I'm asking is ~ All I'm asking is ~ 내가 바라는 것은 단지 ~ All I'm asking is that you take a look. All I'm asking is that you talk to her. Jane, all I'm asking is a chance for us to be friends. You know, but all I'm asking is an innocent question. [영어 회화] The fire last week wiped it out. (Tom and his wife, Lisa, are talking…) Tom: Did you hear about Jay's store? Lisa: Yes. The fire last week wiped it out. Tom: Will he be able to open again? Lisa: If he has good fire insurance. Tom: He's worked his fingers to the bone to make that store successful. Lisa: He has. Tom: His whole family works hard. Lisa: I'm sure he'll re-open soon. Tom: I hope so. Lisa: Let's have him and his famil.. [영어 회화] Two hundred dollars?! That's a rip-off! (Ryan is sitting at his computer searching the internet for an MP3 player when Alex walks in…) Alex: Hey Ryan what are you doing? Ryan: I'm checking out MP3 players. Alex : (Looking at the monitor) Are you going to buy that one? Ryan: Maybe. It's only two hundred dollars. Alex: Two hundred dollars?! That's a rip-off! Ryan: It says that they only have two players left. Alex: And you believe that?.. 이전 1 ··· 314 315 316 317 318 319 다음