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[영어 단어] money doesn't grow on trees money doesn't grow on trees (낭비를 충고하는 말) 돈은 나무에 열리는 것이 아니다, 돈은 하늘에서 떨어지지 않는다. You spent all your allowance? You must know that money doesn't grow on trees Money doesn't grow on trees! Use your money wisely!
[영어 단어] money money [머니] 돈, 금전 money / cash Money is the coins or bank notes that you use to buy things, or the sum that you have in a bank account. Monies are used to refer to several separate sums of money that form part of a larger amount that is received or spent. money down the drain 돈 낭비 I planned to request a refund. However, I was so busy that I missed the deadline. It was more money down the drain. B..
[영어 단어] beyond one's means beyond one's means 분수에 넘치는, 수입을 초과해서 This car is just beyond our means. You'll go bankrupt if you keep living beyond your means. Finally, it’s best to hedge our bets, and also invest indirectly through funds. Taking out loans beyond your means to invest in stocks is a big no-no. He often wears clothes beyond his means. Buying a house is still beyond our means.
[영어 단어] a heart to heart a heart to heart 마음을 터놓고, 솔직하게 It is time for a heart to heart with my daughter.
[영어 단어] go to bat for someone go to bat for someone ~을 지지하다, 도와주다 I tried to go to bat for Morgan, but he insisted he didn't want any help. Can you go to bat for me if I enter next year's election?
[영어 단어] do or die / do-or-die do or die / do-or-die (죽기 살기로 해야 하는) 마지막 기회(의) It's a do-or-die situation for all of us. This game is do or die for team A.
[영어 단어] lay lay [레이] (특히 살며시, 조심스럽게) 놓다, 두다, (~의 위를 덥도록 펼쳐서) 깔다, 널다 눕다, 알을 낳다 (상, 식탁을) 차리다, (계획 등을) 세우다, 준비하다, (어떤 주제에 대해) 전문 지식이 없는, 문외한의 위치, 배치, 지형, 방향 lay - laid - laid If you lay something somewhere, you put it there in a careful, gentle, or neat way. If you lay the table or lay the places at a table, you arrange the knives, forks, and other things that people need on the table before a meal. If you lay..
[영어 단어] ease the burden ease the burden 부담을 덜다 A new subway line will be added to ease the burden on the system during the rush hour.
[영어 단어] ease ease [이-z] 쉬움, 용이함, 편의성, (근심, 걱정 없이) 편안함, 안락함 편해지다, 편하게 해 주다, (고통, 불편, 스트레스 등이) 덜해지다 조심조심/천천히 움직이다/옮기다 ~을 편하게 하다, 완화하다, 덜어주다 편안함, 안락함 If you talk about the ease of a particular activity, you are referring to the way that it has been made easier to do, or to the fact that it is already easy to do. Ease is the state of being very comfortable and able to live as you want, without any worries or pro..
[영어 단어] be eager to be eager to ~하기를 간절히 바라다 The board members are eager to hear about the solution you propose for this issue.
[영어 단어] make a world of difference make a world of difference 아주 큰 변화/차이를 일으키다 엄청난 차이가 있다 Nowadays, I sometimes use a selfie stick. This makes a world of difference. It really makes selfies more fun. Koreans are known for loving selfies. I am no exception. There was something effortless about our heart-to-heart. It was clear that something clicked. A small gesture like opening a door made a world of difference. Getting an extra h..
[영어 단어] try one's patience try one's patience 인내심을 시험하다 to test the limits of one's patience Ms. Evans went for a break because her coworker's noisy conversation was trying her patience. I've had a very stressful day, so don't try my patience.
[영어 단어] try try [츄롸이] 노력하다, 애쓰다, (애를 써서) 하려고/이루려고 하다 (좋은지 알맞은지 등을 보려고 써 보거나 해 보다) 시도 If you try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it. To try and do something means to try to do it. If you try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects. If you try a particular place or person, you go to..
[영어 단어] drop drop [d뢉] (잘못해서) 떨어지다, 떨어뜨리다, (너무 지쳐서) 쓰러지다, 쓰러질 것 같다 (아래로) 급 경사를 이루다 감소하다 (하던 일을) 그만 두다, 중단하다 방울, 소량 써 보내다, 간단히 편지하다 If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less. If you drop something, you accidentally let it fall. If something drops onto something else, it falls onto that thing. If something drops from somewhere, it falls from that place. If you drop..
[영어 단어] commuter commuter [커퓨-러r] 통근자 Most commuters on the train were using their smartphones while traveling.
[영어 단어] commute commute [커뮤-t] 통근하다, 감형하다, (지불 방식을) 대체하다 통근(거리) If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work. If a death sentence or prison sentence is commuted to less serious punishment, it is changed to that punishment. A commute is a journey that you make when you commute. I like to listen to music on the go while commuting. This is why the latest trend of st..
[영어 단어] exhausted exhausted [이g져-s딛] 기진맥진한, 진이 다 빠진, 탈진한 다 써 버린, 고갈된 Exhausted, Jack lay back on his bed. He must be exhausted. It's tough to work two jobs. They often become exhausted both physically and mentally, so it's also important to eat nutritious foods.
[영어 단어] exhausting exhausting [이g져-s팅] 진을 빼는, 기진맥진하게 만드는 소모적인, (심신을) 피로하게 하는 However, it can get to be a bit exhausting when someone continually posts selfies or takes them at inappropriate times. First of all, I can’t say no to a friend. If someone asks a favor, I almost always say yes. This can be exhausting. It was exhausting to work full-time while also going to university.
[영어 단어] exhaust exhaust [이g져-st] (자동차 등의) 배기가스, 배기관 기진맥진하게 만들다, 다 써버리다, 고갈시키다 (어떤 주제에 대해) 샅샅이/철저히 다루다 If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left. If you exhaust something such as money or food, you use or finish it all. If you have exhausted a subject or topic, you have talked about it so much that there is nothing more to say about it. The exha..
[영어 단어] back back [베엑k] 등/허리, 등뼈, 척추, 뒷면, 뒤쪽, 뒷 부분 후원하다, 후퇴하다, 도와주다 If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before. If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before. If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again. A person's or animal's back is the part of th..
[영어 단어] saturated saturated [쎄츄뤠이딛d] 흠뻑 스며든, 침투한, (색상이) 강렬한, 짙은 wet / moist / damp / soaked / drenched / dripping / saturated Saturated fats are types of fat that are found in some foods, especially meat, eggs, and things such as butter and cheese. They are believed to cause heart disease and some other illnesses if eaten too often. saturated market 포화 상태인 시장 A lot of businesses struggle to survive in the saturat..
[영어 단어] saturate saturate [쎄츄뤠잇t] 흠뻑 적시다, 담그다, 포화시키다, 포화 상태를 만들다 (시장에) 과잉 공급하다, 충만시키다 포화 지방산 If people or things saturate a place or object, they fill it completely so that no more can be added. If someone or something is saturated, they become extremely wet.
[영어 단어] establish establish [엣s떼블리쉬] 설립하다, 세우다, 제정하다, (공식적인 관계를) 수립하다, 규명하다 (사상, 관습 등을) 확립하다 If someone establishes something such as an organization, a type of activity, or a set of rules, they create it or introduce it in such a way that it is likely to last for a long time. If you establish contact with someone, you start to have contact with them. You can also say that two people, groups, or countries establi..
[영어 단어] detract detract [디츄뤡] (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다, 분산시키다 (가치, 명예가) 떨어지다 나쁘게 말하다, 헐뜯다 If one thing detracts from another, it makes it seem less good or impressive. I think the bright colors in the advertisement detract from the text.
[영어 단어] hit hit [힛t] (손이나 손에 들고있는 물건으로) 치다, 때리다, 가하다, ~을 맞히다, 타격을 주다, 공격하다, 영향을 주다, 놀라게 하다 타격, 충격, 비난의 말, 풍자, 대성공 (목표물에) 맞음, 명중 hit - hit - hit hit / knock / bang / strike / bump / bash If you hit someone or something, you deliberately touch them with a lot of force, with your hand or an object held in your hand. When one thing hits another, it touches it with a lot of force. If a bomb or missile hits its t..
[영어 단어] go-to go-to (도움, 충고, 정보를 얻기 위해) 찾는 사람/장소 등 Lenny in the IT department is my go-to guy for all computer problems.