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[영어 단어] coincidence coincidence [코윈시던s] 우연의 일치, 동시에 일어남, 우연의 일치 동시 발생/존재 (의견 등의) 일치 luck / chance / coincidence / accident / fortune / fate / destiny / providence A coincidence is when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning. Reading is a very meaningful pastime. Most successful people are avid readers. This is no coincidence. Books contain a lot of knowledge ..
[영어 단어] on the way on the way 가는 길에, 도중에, 진행되어 Binky looked down. "Powdered sugar, I guess. I had a doughnut on the way to school." I can drop you off on the way. Can I drop by on the way? I can buy some food on the way if you want me to. Sometimes, I miss the train because there are too many people. Inside the train, it’s so crowded I can hardly breathe. On the way, I have to transfer to another line. Riding the ..
[영어 단어] university university [유니버r시디] 대학교 college / university A university is an institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done.
[영어 단어] town town [타-운] (도시보다 작은) (소)도시, 읍 (많은 상점들이 있는) 시내, 번화가 A town is a place with many streets and buildings, where people live and work. Towns are larger than villages and smaller than cities. Many places that are called towns in Britain would be called cities in the United States. You use town in order to refer to the town where you live. You use town in order to refer to the central area of a town wh..
[영어 단어] catch up on something catch up on something (뒤떨어진 일을) 만회하다, (소식, 정보를) 일아내다 뒤쳐진 일을 보충하다, (하지 못했던, 미뤄 뒀던 일 등)을 하다 (~에 대해) 그 뒤의 소식을 듣다 밀린 ~를 보충하다 become up-to-date to spend extra time doing all the work, tasks, etc. that you should have done earlier to find out about things that have happened I go to the park, walk around, and catch up on reading. I have a lot of work to catch up on. I need to catch up on some housework..
[영어 단어] get invested in get invested in ~에 시간 등을 쏟다 I got invested in a new book series.
[영어 단어] make the most of something make the most of something ~를 최대한 잘 활용하다, 즐기다 ~을 십분 활용하다 Please make the most of your time. Try to make the most of the opportunity. We can't stay here for very long, so let's make the most of it. We get quite a lot of snow in December as well. It snows off and on. It gets quite dry, so it's good to have a humidifier indoors. During this time of year, people make the most of the early winter sea..
[영어 단어] cover cover [커버r] ~을 덮다, 가리다, 취재하다, 대신하다 덮개, 표지, 험호, 취장, 속임수 (감추거나 보호하기 위해) 씌우다, 가리다 다루다, 포함시키다 (사람이 비운 자리를) 대신하다 hide / conceal / cover / disguise / mask / camouflage If you cover something, you place something else over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it. If one thing covers another, it has been placed over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it. If one thing covers another, it..
[영어 단어] hectic hectic [헥틱] 매우 흥분한, 법석을 떠는, 정신없이 바쁜, 빡빡한 정신없는 A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity. Even on days when my schedule is hectic, I don't get confused. I just check my itinerary in my planner. Things are getting pretty hectic around here. The morning rush hour is very hectic, so I usually leave early in the morning to avoid the worst. The mailing departmen..
[영어 단어] sharpen sharpen [샤-픈] 날카롭게(선명하게) 하다, (날카롭게) 갈다/깎다, 날카로워지다, 선명해지다 (논쟁, 쟁점 등을) 더 분명히 하다 (기량 등을) 갈고 닦다, 연마하다, (기량 등이) 향상되다 If your senses, understanding, or skills sharpen or are sharpened, you become better at noticing things, thinking, or doing something. If you sharpen an object, you make its edge very thin or you make its end pointed. If disagreements or differences between people sharpen, or if they a..
[영어 단어] block block [블락k] (단단한) 사각형 덩어리, (건물) 단지, 구역, 블록, (지나가지 못하게) 막다, 차단하다, 방해하다, 저지하다 building / property / premises / complex / structure / block / edifice A block of flats or offices is a large building containing them. A block in a town is an area of land with streets on all its sides. A block of a substance is a large rectangular piece of it. A block of something such as tickets or shares is a large q..
[영어 단어] unwind unwind [언와-인d] (감긴 것을) 풀다 (감겨 있는 것을) 풀다, 펴다 긴장을 풀다 (긴장을) 풀다, 편한 마음을 갖게 하다 When you unwind, you relax after you have done something that makes you tense or tired. If you unwind a length of something that is wrapped round something else or round itself, you loosen it and make it straight. You can also say that it unwinds. Absolutely! The mountains are my favorite place to unwind and take my mind o..
[영어 단어] abalone abalone [에벌로우니] 전복 Abalone is a shellfish that you can eat and that has a shiny substance called mother-of-pearl inside its shell. There are a lot of different types, too. You can have porridge with ingredients like abalone, shrimp, chicken, or seafood, depending on your taste. My favorite is abalone rice porridge. At these restaurants, you first choose the type of fish you want. The price varie..
[영어 단어] aback aback [어베엑] (항해) 돛이 역풍을 받고, 역풍을 받는 위치의. If you are taken aback by something, you are surprised or shocked by it and you cannot respond at once.
[영어 단어] far far [퐈아r] 멀리, (~만큼) 떨어져 (멀리), (현재로부터) 오래전에, (특정 시기가) 한참 지나도록, 훨씬, 아주, 대단히, (일의 진척 상황과 관련하여) ~까지, 훨씬 전의, 먼쪽의, 오래 전에 If one place, thing, or person is far away from another, there is a great distance between them. If you ask how far a place is, you are asking what distance it is from you or from another place. If you ask how far someone went, you are asking what distance they traveled, or what pla..
[영어 단어] bring A and B into balance bring A and B into balance A와 B에 균현을 가져다주다 Analyzing the market can help us to bring supply and demand into balance.
[영어 단어] social social [쏘셜] 사회의, 사회적인, (사회의 구조와 관련된) 사교적인 (동무리) 사회적인/무리를 이루어 사는 사교파티, 친목회 Social means relating to society or to the way society is organized. Social means relating to the status or rank that someone has in society. Social means relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people. Social animals live in groups and do things together. social climate 사회적 풍토/기후 social conditions 사회적 상황..
[영어 단어] downside downside [다운싸이d] 불리한/덜 긍정적인 면 단점 The downside of a situation is the aspect of it which is less positive, pleasant, or useful than its other aspects. Last fall, I went to enjoy the autumn foliage. The views were staggering. The colorful leaves were a sight to see. The only downside was that there were enormous crowds. Everyone wanted to take in the view. Still, it was worth the trouble. The downs..
[영어 단어] en route en route [인 루우-t](어디로 가는) 도중에 The shipment hasn't arrived yet, but it is en route.
[영어 단어] resolve resolve [뤼절-v] (문제 등을) 해결하다 (굳게) 다짐/결심/결의 하다 (의회가) 결의하다, 의결하다, 표결하다 (분해하여) 변화/변형시키다, 변하게 하다 (의심 등을) 풀다, 해명하다, 설명하다 결심, 결의 To resolve a problem, argument, or difficulty means to find a solution to it. If you resolve to do something, you make a firm decision to do it. Resolve is determination to do what you have decided to do. What I am most impressed about Kay Lynn is her ability to find and reso..
[영어 단어] at this point at this point 이 시점에서 At this point, there won't be much benefit in investing in the project.
[영어 단어] spread spread [s쁘뤠d] (접혀있던 것이) 펴지다, 펴다, 펼치다, 퍼지다, 확산하다, 번지다, 펼치다, 벌리다 확산, 전파, 퍼짐, 보류, 침대시트 If you spread something somewhere, you open it out or arrange it over a place or surface, so that all of it can be seen or used easily. If you spread your arms, hands, fingers, or legs, you stretch them out until they are far apart. If you spread a substance on a surface or spread the surface with the substance, ..
[영어 단어] willing willing [윌링] 기꺼이 하는, ~할 의사가 있는 ~에 반대하지 않는, ~하지 못할 이유가 없는 If someone is willing to do something, they are fairly happy about doing it and will do it if they are asked or required to do it. Willing is used to describe someone who does something fairly enthusiastically and because they want to do it rather than because they are forced to do it. willing or not 싫든 좋든 willing to wound 악의가 있는
[영어 단어] amenable amenable [어미-너벌] (사람들이) 말을 잘 듣는; …을 잘 받아들이는 (충고, 지시를)잘 받아들이는 If you are amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it. He seemed most amenable to my idea. I think the club president will be amenable to holding a vote on this issue.
[영어 단어] rush rush [뤄r시] 급(속)히 움직이다, (너무 급히) 서두르다, 돌진하다, 재촉하다 (급작스럽고 세찬 움직임을 나타냄) 돌진, 쇄도, 혼잡 아주급한, 시급한 If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly. If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it. If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care. If you rush someone or something to a place, you take them there quickly. A ..
[영어 단어] miscalculate miscalculate [미s칼큘레잇t] 잘못 계산하다, 오산하다 (상황을) 오판하다 If you miscalculate, you make a mistake in judging a situation or in making a calculation. One particular year, I miscalculated my expenses and had to pay a huge tax. If you miscalculate the amount of materials needed, we could run out.