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[영어 읽기] Talk about the benefits of recycling. Talk about the benefits of recycling. Garbage is a big headache in every country. It causes environmental pollution and destroys nature. Plastic takes decades to decompose naturally. It has a critical impact on the environment. Recycling is one of the best ways to deal with garbage problems. It is eco-friendly because we can cut down on garbage and reuse our resources. Korea is a model example w..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the way you recycle at home. Talk about the way you recycle at home. I have two types of trash cans at home. One is for regular garbage, and the other is for recyclables. I gather plastics and cans in the recycling bin. I make sure to rinse off the recyclables with water before I throw them in the recycling bin. I take them out separately once a week. I usually do that on my way out. There is a designated area for the recyc..
[영어 읽기] Talk about Jeju island. Talk about Jeju island. Jeju Island is a large island situated at the southern tip of Korea. Geologically, it’s a volcanic island created by volcanic activity. Many tourists visit Jeju Island to see its geographic formations. This makes Jeju a top pick among Korean tourists. With lots of specialty regional products like tangerines and black pork, there is also plenty of food native to the island..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you went on a trip to Jeju island. Talk about when you went on a trip to Jeju island. A few years ago, I went on vacation at Jeju Island. We reserved a cabin room right by the sea. When we touched down at the airport, we rented a car and headed to the cabin. We really liked the ocean view. As soon as we unpacked, we visited various tourist attractions. We also hiked up Hallasan Mountain. We also ate a lot of Jeju Island’s local f..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how people interpret their dreams. Talk about how people interpret their dreams. People have various dreams and often try to interpret those dreams. Some dreams are thought to be good luck. They hint at good things to come. For example, Korean people believe that a dream about pigs is a precursor to good luck. With bad dreams, people find solace by saying that the opposite will happen. If a pregnant lady has a dream, some believe..
[영어 읽기] Talk about a dream you had recently. Talk about a dream you had recently. I recently had a strange dream. I dreamed I was late for work. I arrived behind schedule, and everyone was working. Strangely, a friend from high school was sitting next to my desk. It felt like something was out of the ordinary with my friend at my place of work. Another time, I dreamed I lost my dog. As soon as I woke up, I checked on my dog and gave her a ..
[영어 읽기] Talk about what you think about when you buy a present for someone. Talk about what you think about when you buy a present for someone. When I choose a gift, I think first and foremost whether it’s something the recipient really needs. Even a great gift does not count for much if the person who receives it doesn’t use it a lot. After I decide on an item, I search online for the best product. I often give items that I know inside and out, or that I’ve used before..
[영어 읽기] Talk about a memorable gift you got from someone. Talk about a memorable gift you got from someone. I was born in the winter, so my birthday is always in the cold wintertime. I’ve received a lot of warm clothes and gloves as birthday gift. Once, a friend gave me a lovely muffler. She made the muffler by hand. It must have taken a long time. I was all the more thankful because it was such a thoughtful gift. The muffler is still my most treasured..
[영어 읽기] Talk about ways to rent a home in Korea. Talk about ways to rent a home in Korea. There are two ways to rent a home in Korea. One is a monthly rent, which is the norm in other countries. During the period of residence, a monthly fee is paid to the landlord. There is another, unusual way to sign a lease. It’s called jeonse, or a lump-sum deposit lease. At the start of the lease, a hefty sum is given to the landlord. There is no need for..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how you rented a home. Talk about how you rented a home. While house-hunting, we got help from a real estate agent. We saw several houses and chose the one we liked best. We paid a brokerage fee to the real estate agent. We moved in to our house with a two-year contract. We paid a small down-payment, and we pay a monthly rent. The rent is withdrawn from our bank account at the end of each month. At the end of the cont..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the things that are charged on your apartment management fee invoice. Talk about the things that are charged on your apartment management fee invoice. Apartment management fees are the sum total of various fees. Major charges include electricity bill and the water bill. The lone exception with a separate bill is for gas. Management fees also include costs for using the elevator and security services. Maintenance fees for the apartment complex as a whole are split ..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how people pay for their apartment management fees. Talk about how people pay for their apartment management fees. People who live in apartments are charged for apartment management fees each month. They include fees for different services that they use. They get a bill with everything they need to pay in the mail. Some people pay the bill at the bank. However, it’s easier to set up an automatic transfer from their bank account. Many people also ..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you had a problem while getting on a plane. Talk about when you had a problem while getting on a plane. After visiting the States recently, I went to the airport for my return flight. However, I was told that the plane was overbooked. There were no seats, so we couldn’t get on board. I was beside myself with anger, and I complained to the airline employees. They directed me to a flight the next day, and I returned home. Airlines are withi..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you were on a long flight. Talk about when you were on a long flight. I recently traveled to Europe. It was a long-distance flight, so I was on the plane for a long time. When I first boarded the plane, I was excited. I felt good until the first in-flight meal. However, I got bored after a few hours. I watched movies and listened to music, but time passed slowly. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. Because I stayed se..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you had a baby. Talk about when you had a baby. Last year, I gave birth to our bundle of joy. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was also the most meaningful experience of my life. Early in my pregnancy, it was really hard because of morning sickness. I felt nauseated often and dry-heaved. Some days, I couldn’t eat at all. Thankfully, my husband was always by my side to help. He always came with me..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how you felt when you got pregnant. Talk about how you felt when you got pregnant. My husband and I both love children. As soon as we got married, we wanted to have kids. However, we couldn’t easily get pregnant. We tried for years, but we had no luck. We got tested at the hospital, but my husband and I were both just fine. After 4 years, we finally got pregnant. It was like a miracle. We were really happy. We felt overjoyed to be..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the rising number of multicultural families. Talk about the rising number of multicultural families. As a way to cope with a decreasing population and labor force, Korea is promoting the employment of foreign workers. This has led to a growing number of multicultural families. The government gives a leg up to multicultural families with various benefits. Students and parents in multicultural families most often hail from Vietnam, and the v..
[영어 읽기] Talk about multicultural families. Talk about multicultural families. If one spouse in a couple comes from another country, the family is a multicultural family. The number of multicultural families is increasing yearly. It’s because more foreign workers are coming to Korea looking for work. Also, many Koreans go abroad to work. Sometimes, children of multicultural families have trouble adjusting to Korean society. I think people..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how some Korean students reapply for college after a year or two. Talk about how some Korean students reapply for college after a year or two. There is a widespread belief in Korea that you have to attend a prestigious college to lead a successful life. Many Korean students receive higher education. However, many other students opt to try again or even a third time if they don’t get into the school of their choice. It’s a phenomenon unique to Korea. The studen..
[영어 읽기] Talk about when you took another year to get into college. Talk about when you took another year to get into college. When I was in 12th grade, I wasn’t accepted into the college I wanted. After thinking about it, I decided to take another year. I went to an academy for people reapplying to college, and I prepared for another year. It was hard on me to study for longer. I was also jealous of my friends who went on to college. In the end, I was also able..
[일본어 한자] 栄, エイ, 영, flourish flourish; prosperity; honor; glory; splendor 栄 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 920 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 영 (영화, 영광, 영광, 명예, 꽃) さか·える [saka eru] は·え [ha e] -ば·え [-ba e] は·える [ha eru] え [e] エイ [ei] ヨウ [yō] Dictionary: 栄 (flourish) Radical: 木 Parts: ⺌木冖 栄養 [えいよう] nutrition; nourishment 繁栄 [はんえい] prospering; prosperity; thriving; flourishing 栄光 [えいこう] glory 栄える [さかえる] to prosper; to..
[일본어 한자] 昨, サク, 작, yesterday yesterday; previous 昨 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 226 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 작 (어제, 옛날) - サク [saku] Dictionary: 昨 (yesterday) Radical: 日 Parts: |ノ日 昨年 [さくねん] last year 一昨年 [いっさくねん] year before last 昨秋 [さくしゅう] autumn of last year; fall of last year 昨年度 [さくねんど] previous year (fiscal, academic, etc.) 昨日 [さくじつ] yesterday
[일본어 한자] 建, ケン, 건, build build 建 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 300 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 건 (세우다, 일으키다, 아뢰다, 개진하다) た·てる [ta teru] た·て [ta te] -だ·て [-da te] た·つ [ta tsu] ケン [ken] コン [kon] Dictionary: 建 (build) Radical: 廴 Parts: 廴聿 建設 [けんせつ] construction; establishment 再建 [さいけん] rebuilding; reconstruction; rehabilitation; / protoform reconstruction 建築 [けんちく] construction; architecture (of buildings) 建物 [..
[일본어 한자] 型, ケイ, 형, mould mould; type; model 型 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 482 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 형 (모형, 거푸집) かた [kata] -がた [-gata] ケイ [kei] Dictionary: 型 (mould) Radical: 土 Parts: 刂土廾ノ 大型 [おおがた] large; large-sized; large-scale; big 小型 [こがた] small; small-sized; small-scale; miniature 型 [かた] model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.); / type; style; pattern; / mold (mould); template; model; / kata ..
[일본어 한자] 勇, ユウ, 용, courage courage; cheer up; be in high spirits; bravery; heroism 勇 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1319 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 용 (날래다, 용감하다, 과감하다) いさ·む [isa mu] ユウ [yū] Dictionary: 勇 (courage) Radical: 力 Parts: 田力マ 勇気 [ゆうき] courage; bravery; valor; valor; nerve; boldness 勇 [ゆう] bravery; courage; heroism 勇ましい [いさましい] brave; valiant; gallant; courageous; / stirring; vigorous; rousing 勇敢 [ゆう..
[일본어 한자] 軍, グン, 군, army army; force; troops; war; battle 軍 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 189 Stroke counts: 9 Korean: 군 (군사) いくさ [ikusa] グン [gun] Dictionary: 軍 (army) Radical: 車 Parts: 車冖 軍事 [ぐんじ] military affairs 軍 [ぐん] army; force; troops 軍縮 [ぐんしゅく] disarmament; limitation of arms 海軍 [かいぐん] navy 空軍 [くうぐん] air force