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[일본어 한자] 百, ヒャク, 백, hundred hundred 百 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 163 Stroke counts: 6 Korean: 백 (일백), 맥(힘쓰다) もも [momo] ヒャク [hyaku] ビャク [byaku] Dictionary: 百 (hundred) Radical: 白 Parts: 一白 百 [ひゃく] 100; hundred 百貨店 [ひゃっかてん] (department) store; (department) stores 二百 [にひゃく] two hundred; 200 百万 [ひゃくまん] 1,000,000; one million; million; / many 三百 [さんびゃく] 300; three hundred 嘘っ八百 [うそっぱっぴゃく] full of lies 嘘八百 [うそは..
[일본어 한자] 立, リツ, 입, stand up stand up; rise; set up; erect 立 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 58 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 입 (서다, 멈추어 서다), 위 (자리) た·つ [ta·tsu] -た·つ [-ta·tsu] た·ち- [ta·chi-] た·てる [ta·teru] -た·てる [-ta·teru] た·て- [ta·te-] たて- [tate-] -た·て [-ta·te] リツ [ritsu] リュウ [ryū] リットル [rittoru] Dictionary: 立 (stand up) Radical: 立 Parts: 立 立場 [たちば] position; situation; 連立 [れんりつ] coalition; alliance; union 対立 [たい..
[일본어 한자] 石, セキ, 석, stone stone 石 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 342 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 석 (돌) いし [ishi] セキ [seki] シャク [shaku] コク [koku] Dictionary: 石 (stone) Radical: 石 Parts: 口石 石油 [せきゆ] oil; petroleum; kerosene 石 [こく] koku; a traditional unit of volume, approx. 180.4 liters 化石 [かせき] fossil; / petrifaction; petrification 石炭 [せきたん] coal 宝石 [ほうせき] gem; jewel; precious stone 圧し石 [おしいし] stone weight 一石 ..
[일본어 한자] 目, モク, 목, eye eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor 目 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 76 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 목 (눈) め [me] -め [-me] ま- [ma]- モク [moku] ボク [boku] Dictionary: 目 (eye) Radical: 目 Parts: 目 目的 [もくてき] purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention 目標 [もくひょう] mark; objective; target 注目 [ちゅうもく] notice; attention; observation 項目 [こうもく] (data) item; heading; clause 名目 [めいもく] nam..
[영어 읽기] What are some safety issues on trips? What are some safety issues on trips? When it comes to traveling, safety is a major concern. People can get hurt or get sick, so they have to take precautions to be safe. For instance, when people are near water, they have to play it safe. They have to warm up before they go into the water. If not, they can get cramps or even a heart attack. Next parents must always keep an eye on their children..
[영어 읽기] How has it become easier to go on a trip? How has it become easier to go on a trip? Traveling has become less of a bother than it was before. First of all, transportation has become a lot faster and better over the years. For instance, Korea now has a bullet train called the KTX. Its top speed was unthinkable in the past. Now, it only takes half the time to get somewhere in Korea. In fact, trains are even a match for airplanes. Driving ..
[영어 회화] I guess we're out of large. (Roger is shopping in a sports store … ) Roger: (holding up a baseball jersey) Excuse me does this come in large? Salesman: Yes it does. Roger: I looked but I couldn't find a large. Salesman: (searching the shelf) I'm sorry. I guess we're out of large. Roger: Can I order one? Salesman: We'll be getting more in next week. Roger: Would you hold a size large for me? Salesman: Sure. I'll just need a..
[영어 회화] He's sporting a mustache. (Two co-workers are talking…) John: Did you see the boss today? Steve: No why? John: He's sporting a mustache. Steve: Really? He grew a mustache? John: Yeah and he looks good. Steve: I'd like to have a mustache but it's not going to happen. I can't grow one. John: I was going to get a tattoo of my girlfriend's name but I changed my mind. Steve: Why? John: We broke up. Steve: It's a good thing yo..
[영어 회화] Count me in. I'll be there this Friday. (Roger is talking to Leroy a friend he hasn't seen in a long time…) Leroy: So how have you been? Roger: Good I'm good. And yourself? Leroy: I'm good. Are you playing any music? Roger: I play my guitar now and then. I'm taking up the piano. Leroy: Really? That's great. Roger: Are you playing any music? Leroy: Yeah. I play with a blues band on the weekends. Roger: Great. I'll have to check you out..
[영어 회화] I got a little stir-crazy being in bed for so long. (Eric and Mark are bowling when their friend Don arrives…) Mark: Don, you look great. Don: Thanks. I've been flat on my back for a while. Eric: Well it's good to see you up and about. Don: It's good to be out. I got a little stir-crazy being in bed for so long. Mark: When can you go back to work? Don: Next week. Eric: Are you ready to go back to work? Don: Oh yes. I'm ready. Mark: It's good to s..
[영어 회화] What will you be doing? (Bill and Anne are watching TV when their daughter Alison enters…) Alison: Mom Dad guess what! Bill: I can't guess. Tell us. Alison: My teacher asked me to take part in a school play. Anne: That's wonderful. Bill: What's the play called? Alison: The Wizard of Oz. Anne: What part do you have? Alison: Well I'm not exactly in the play. Bill: What will you be doing? Alison: I'm going to be helping o..
[영어 패턴] Are you happy that + S + P.V ? Are you happy that + S + P.V ? ~해서 좋아? Are you happy that I came back? Are you happy that you passed the test?
[영어 패턴] Are you good at + G/N ? Are you good at + G/N ? 너 ~ 잘해? ~하는 거 잘하니? Are you good at that? Barbara, are you good at saving money?
[영어 패턴] Are you going to be ~ ? Are you going to be ~ ? 너 ~할 거야? Are you going to be late? Are you going to be alone? Are you going to be rich? Are you going to be there?
[영어 패턴] Are you going to + V ? Are you going to + V ? 너 ~ 할꺼야? (계획된 일) 너 ~ 에 가는 중이니? Are you going to lay down money? Are you going to the party? Are you going to work? Are you going to the grocery store? Are you going to help me with the dishes? Are you going to study for your test? How many kids are you going to have? What kind of car are you going to buy?
[영어 패턴] Are you getting ~ ? Are you getting ~ ? 너 ~ 해지고 있니? ~를 찾고 있니? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting help from mental health services? Are you getting the hang of it?
[영어 패턴] Are you free to + V Are you free to + V ~ 하는거 시간 되? Are you free to join me? Are you free to go to the mall? Are you free to go bungee jumping with us? Hey, are you free to talk? Are you free to go over to the barbershop for a trim? 딸구씨의 글을 카테고리별로 랜덤 읽기를 만들었습니다. 소리내어 읽어보세요. http://www.keepitup.kr/
[영어 패턴] Are you free ~ ? Are you free ~ ? ~ 시간 되? Are you free on Monday? Are you free this weekend?
[영어 패턴] Are you finished with ~ ? Are you finished with ~ ? ~ 는 다 했어? Are you finished with the book? Are you finished with the phone? Are you finished with your work? Are you finished with your meal? Are you finished with the project?
[영어 패턴] Are you excited for ~ ? Are you excited for ~ ? 너 ~가 기대되니? 신나니? Are you excited for the concert? Are you excited for the game? Are you excited for the debate?
[영어 패턴] Are you + V + or something ? Are you + V + or something ? 너 ~ 하거나 그런거 아냐? Are you alright? You look kind of bad today. Are you sick or something?
[일본어 한자] 白, ハク, 백, white white 白 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 483 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 백 (흰, 희다, 분명하다, 깨끗하다) しろ [shiro] しら- [shira-] しろ·い [shiro·i] ハク [haku] ビャク [byaku] Dictionary: 白 (white) Radical: 白 Parts: 白 白 [しろ] white; innocence; an innocent person 白書 [はくしょ] white paper 白人 [はくじん] white person; Caucasian 空白 [くうはく] blank space; vacuum; space; null (NUL) 白紙 [はくし] white paper; flyleaf; / blank pa..
[일본어 한자] 田, デン, 전, rice field rice field; rice paddy 田 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 90 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 전 (밭) た [ta] デン [den] Dictionary: 田 (rice field) Radical: 田 Parts: 田 水田 [すいでん] (water-filled) paddy field 上田 [じょうでん] high rice field; very fertile rice field 油田 [ゆでん] oil field 田舎 [いなか] rural area; countryside; the sticks; hometown 田園 [でんえん ] the country; countryside; rural districts 塩田 [えんでん] salt..
[일본어 한자] 生, セイ, 생, life life; genuine; birth 生 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 29 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 생 (날, 낳다, 살다, 기르다) い·きる [i·kiru] い·かす [i·kasu] い·ける [i·keru] う·まれる [u·mareru] うま·れる [uma·reru] う·まれ [u·mare] うまれ [umare] う·む [u·mu] セイ [sei] ショウ [shō] Dictionary: 生 (life) Radical: 生 Parts: 生 生産 [せいさん] production; manufacture 学生 [がくせい] student (esp. a university student) 生活 [せいかつ] living; life (one's..
[일본어 한자] 玉, ギョク, 옥, jewel jewel; ball 玉 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 737 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 옥 (구슬) たま [tama] たま- [tama-] -だま [-dama] ギョク [gyoku] Dictionary: 玉 (jewel) Radical: 玉 Parts: 王丶玉 目玉 [めだま] eyeball; special feature; centerpiece; showpiece; drawcard; special program; loss leader 玉 [たま] ball; sphere; globe; orb; bead; drop; droplet; ball (in sports) 替え玉 [かえだま] proxy; ringer; substitute; doubl..
[일본어 한자] 左, サ, 좌, left left 左 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Popularity rank: 630 Stroke counts: 5 Korean: 좌 (왼, 왼쪽) ひだり [hidari] サ [sa] シャ [sha] Dictionary: 左 (left) Radical: 工 Parts: ノ一工 左 [ひだり] left; left-hand side 向かって左 [むかってひだり] on the left as one faces (it) 左翼 [さよく] left-wing (politics); left flank; / left field 左右 [さゆう] left and right; influence; control; domination 左派 [さは] left-wing 右から左へ [みぎからひだりへ] from right t..