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[일본어 한자] 最, サイ, 최, utmost utmost; most; extreme 最 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 82 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 최 (가장, 제일, 으뜸, 모두, 모조리) もっと·も · つま サイ · シュ Dictionary: 最 (utmost) Radical: 曰 Parts: 一耳日又 最も [もっとも] most; extremely 最大 [さいだい] biggest; greatest; largest; maximum 最後 [さいご] end; conclusion; / last; final; latest; most recent; / no sooner than; once; right after 最高 [さいこう] most; highest; maximum; upperm..
[일본어 한자] 景, ケイ, 경, scenery scenery; view 景 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 419 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 경 (볕, 햇빛, 햇살, 해, 태양, 경치, 풍치, 풍물), 경 (그림자) - ケイ Dictionary: 景 (scenery) Radical: 日 Parts: 口小日亠 景気 [けいき] business conditions; the market; economic activity; economic climate; / good (economic) times 背景 [はいけい] background; scenery; backdrop; setting; circumstance; context; / backing; support 風景 [ふうけい] scenery..
[일본어 한자] 散, サン, 산, scatter scatter; disperse; spend; squander 散 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 758 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 산 (흩다, 흩뜨리다, 한가롭다, 흩어지다, 헤어지다) ち·る · ち·らす · -ち·らす · ち·らかす · ち·らかる · ばら サン Dictionary: 散 (scatter) Radical: 攴 Parts: |月攵攴 解散 [かいさん] breaking up (e.g. meeting); dispersing (e.g. crowd); / dissolving (company, organization, etc.) 拡散 [かくさん] scattering; diffusion; spread (e.g. signal acros..
[일본어 한자] 街, ガイ, 가, boulevard boulevard; street; town 街 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 891 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 가 (거리, 네거리, 한길, 대로) まち ガイ · カイ Dictionary: 街 (boulevard) Radical: 行 Parts: 行土彳 街頭 [がいとう] (on the) street 市街 [しがい] urban areas; the streets; town; city 繁華街 [はんかがい] business district; shopping district; bustling street; shopping centre 街道 [かいどう] highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period); mai..
[일본어 한자] 順, ジュン, 순, obey obey; order; turn; right; docility; occasion 順 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 779 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 순 (순하다, 유순하다, 도리에 따르다, 순응하다) - ジュン Dictionary: 順 (obey) Radical: 巛 Parts: 貝目ハ川頁 順調 [じゅんちょう] favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right 順位 [じゅんい] order; rank; position (e.g. in a race); precedence 順 [じゅん] order; turn; / obedient; docile; submissive; meek 順守 [じゅんしゅ] obse..
[일본어 한자] 喜, キ, 희, rejoice rejoice; take pleasure in 喜 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 769 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 희 (기쁘다, 기뻐하다, 즐겁다, 좋다) よろこ·ぶ · よろこ·ばす キ Dictionary: 喜 (rejoice) Radical: 口 Parts: 口士豆并 喜び [よろこび] joy; delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing; congratulations; felicitations 喜んで [よろこんで] with pleasure ... 喜劇 [きげき] comedy; funny show 大喜び [おおよろこび] great joy 喜ばす [よろこばす] to delight; to..
[일본어 한자] 博, ハク, 박, Dr. Dr.; command; esteem; win acclaim; Ph.D.; exposition; fair 博 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 794 Stroke counts: 12 Korean: 박 (넓다, 깊다, 많다, 크다, 넓히다) - ハク · バク Dictionary: 博 (Dr.) Radical: 十 Parts: 十寸田丶 博 [はく] doctor; PhD; / exposition; fair; exhibition 博士 [はかせ] expert; learned person; / doctor; PhD; Dr.; / instructor at the imperial court (ritsuryo period) 博物館 [はくぶつかん] museum 博覧会 [はく..
[일본어 한자] 陸, リク, 육, land land; six 陸 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 736 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 육 (뭍, 육지, 땅, 언덕) おか リク · ロク Dictionary: 陸 (land) Radical: 阜 Parts: 土儿⻖阜 陸 [りく] land; shore 陸上 [りくじょう] (on) land; ground; shore; / track-and-field events 大陸 [たいりく] continent; / continental Asia (esp. mainland China); / continental Europe 陸軍 [りくぐん] army 上陸 [じょうりく] landing; disembarkation; landfall
[일본어 한자] 敗, ハイ, 패, failure failure; defeat; reversal 敗 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 516 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 패 (패하다, 무너지다, 부수다, 깨뜨리다) やぶ·れる ハイ Dictionary: 敗 (failure) Radical: 攴 Parts: 貝目ハ攵攴 腐敗 [ふはい] decomposition; putrefaction; putrescence; spoilage; / corruption; degeneracy; decay; depravity 失敗 [しっぱい] failure; mistake; blunder 連敗 [れんぱい] consecutive defeats; series of defeats 敗戦 [はいせん] defeat; lost ..
[일본어 한자] 貨, カ, 화, freight freight; goods; property 貨 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 822 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 화 (재물, 재화, 화물, 상품, 물건, 돈, 화폐) たから カ Dictionary: 貨 (freight) Radical: 貝 Parts: 亻貝目ハ匕 通貨 [つうか] currency 百貨店 [ひゃっかてん] (department) store; (department) stores 貨物 [かもつ] cargo; freight; / money or assets 外貨 [がいか] foreign currency; foreign money; foreign exchange; / foreign goods; imported goods 雑貨 [ざ..
[일본어 한자] 票, ヒョウ, 표, ballot ballot; label; ticket; sign 票 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Popularity rank: 489 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 표 (표, 증표, 쪽지, 지폐, 불똥) - ヒョウ Dictionary: 票 (ballot) Radical: 示 Parts: 示二小西 投票 [とうひょう] voting; poll 国民投票 [こくみんとうひょう] national referendum 得票 [とくひょう] number of votes polled; poll votes 開票 [かいひょう] counting ballots; tally (of votes) 票 [ひょう] vote; ballot; / label; ticket; tag; stub
[일본어 한자] 菜, サイ, 채, vegetable vegetable; side dish; greens 菜 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 1327 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 채 (나물, 술안주, 반찬) な サイ Dictionary: 菜 (vegetable) Radical: 艸 Parts: 爪木⺾艸 野菜 [やさい] vegetable 菜食 [さいしょく] vegetable diet 白菜 [はくさい] napa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis); nappa cabbage; Chinese cabbage 惣菜 [そうざい] side dish; daily (household) dish 菜園 [さいえん] vegetable garden
[일본어 한자] 産, サン, 산, products products; bear; give birth; yield; childbirth; native; property 産 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Popularity rank: 161 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 산 (낳다, 나다, 태어나다, 자라다, 생산하다) う·む / う·まれる / うぶ- / む·す サン Dictionary: 産 (products) Radical: 生 Parts: ノ生并立亠厂 生産 [せいさん] production; manufacture 産業 [さんぎょう] industry; / livelihood; occupation 共産党 [きょうさんとう] Communist Party 通産省 [つうさんしょう] (former) Ministry of Intern..
[일본어 한자] 望, ボウ, 망, ambition ambition; full moon; hope; desire; aspire to; expect 望 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 470 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 망 (바라다, 기다리다, 기대하다, 바라보다, 원망하다) のぞ·む / もち ボウ / モウ Dictionary: 望 (ambition) Radical: 月 Parts: 王亡月 希望 [きぼう] hope; wish; aspiration 要望 [ようぼう] demand for; request 展望 [てんぼう] view; outlook; a prospect 絶望 [ぜつぼう] despair; hopelessness 望み [のぞみ] wish; desire; hope; / prospect;..
[일본어 한자] 清, セイ, 청, pure pure; purify; cleanse; exorcise; Manchu dynasty 清 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 705 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 청 (맑다, 깨끗하다, 탐욕이 없다) きよ·い / きよ·まる / きよ·める セイ / ショウ / シン Dictionary: 清 (pure) Radical: 水 Parts: 月氵青土二亠 清算 [せいさん] settlement (financial); squaring accounts; clearing debts; / liquidation; / ending (a relationship) 清掃 [せいそう] cleaning; clean-up; garbage collection; scavenging..
[일본어 한자] 械, カイ, 계, contraption contraption; fetter; machine; instrument 械 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 1321 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 계 (기계, 기구, 틀, 형틀) かせ [kase] カイ [kai] Dictionary: 械 (contraption) Radical: 木 Parts: 木廾戈 機械 [きかい] machine; mechanism; / instrument; appliance; apparatus 機械化 [きかいか] mechanization; mechanization; / computerization 工作機械 [こうさくきかい] machine tools 産業機械 [さんぎょうきかい] industrial machinery 器械..
[일본어 한자] 救, キュウ, 구, salvation salvation; save; help; rescue; reclaim 救 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 799 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 구 (구원하다, 고치다, 치료하다) すく·う [suku u] キュウ [kyū] Dictionary: 救 (salvation) Radical: 攴 Parts: 水丶攵攴 救援 [きゅうえん] relief; rescue 救済 [きゅうさい] relief; aid; rescue; salvation; help 救助 [きゅうじょ] relief; aid; rescue 救急 [きゅうきゅう] first-aid; emergency (aid) 救急車 [きゅうきゅうしゃ] ambulance
[일본어 한자] 得, トク, 득, gain gain; get; find; earn; acquire; can; may; able to; profit; advantage; benefit 得 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Popularity rank: 175 Stroke counts: 11 Korean: 득 (얻다, 손에 넣다, 만족하다) え·る [e ru] う·る [u ru] トク [toku] Dictionary: 得 (gain) Radical: 彳 Parts: 寸日彳一 所得 [しょとく] income; earnings 所得税 [しょとくぜい] income tax 説得 [せっとく] persuasion 獲得 [かくとく] acquisition; possession 得点 [とくてん] scoring; score; points made; m..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how we should protect personal information. Talk about how we should protect personal information. We enter our personal information in various places online these days. This makes us susceptible to hacking. When personal information is leaked, it can cause severe problems. First, privacy infringement can occur. Hacked information can also be used for marketing. It can also be used in criminal activity such as identity theft or cons. Indi..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how personal information is hacked frequently. Talk about how personal information is hacked frequently. Everything has gone digital these days. That’s why personal information often gets hacked. Databases containing vast amounts of customer information often get hacked. When that happens, large-scale damage is done. A prime example is the Facebook hacking incident of 2018. The information of 50 million users was hacked. It was a big deal. I..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the importance of recycling. Talk about the importance of recycling. Recycling is the best way to resolve the problem of excessive garbage. It takes decades for plastics to decompose naturally. They are a primary cause of environmental destruction. The recycling rate of plastics is very high in advanced nations where recycling has become a way of life. Collection bottles and aluminum cans and recycling them is also the way ..
[영어 읽기] Talk about disposable items we use in our lives. Talk about disposable items we use in our lives. Disposable items make our lives convenient. Paper cups, disposable chopsticks, and disposable dishes are widely used around us. In effect, the wrappers and containers for various products are also disposable. However, these disposable items hit the environment hard. Excessive use of such goods is a waste of resources. It’s also a culprit behind en..
[영어 읽기] Talk about how summer is getting hotter in Korea. Talk about how summer is getting hotter in Korea. Summer this year is hot, as per usual. The average temperature in the summer has risen steadily since Korea began to keep records. Summer of 2018 was the hottest summer on record in Korean history. Some areas rewrote the record books for highest temperature. Heat waves continued for days on end. There were tropical nights when the temperature wou..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the summer weather in Korea. Talk about the summer weather in Korea. The summer weather in Korea is hot and humid. In July and August, the daytime highs can rise above 30 degrees Celsius. People dress lightly. They sometimes carry portable fans. Because the weather is sweltering, lots of people look for icy drinks. Many also go on vacation at the beach or in the mountains. The A/C is running in most buildings in the summer...
[영어 읽기] Talk about the influence of YouTubers. Talk about the influence of YouTubers. People with their own channel on YouTube have a lot of sway these days. YouTubers with hundreds of subscribers give celebrities a run for their money. There’s even a new word for these people: “influencer.” Some popular YouTubers make a fortune by placing ads in their videos. They also earn advertising fees in exchange for using certain products. Anyone who..
[영어 읽기] Talk about the video clips you like to watch on YouTube. Talk about the video clips you like to watch on YouTube. I like to study English, so I subscribe to a couple of YouTube channels that upload content in English. I can make the most of my time by watching new content and learning English. I am also a sports fanatic. I subscribe to a baseball commentary channel that keeps me up to date on Major League news. I subscribe to a channel for commentary ..