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[영어 회화] Becoming a Body Part Model


Becoming a Body Part Model
Have you ever wondered who the person attached to that foot in the shoe ad was? Lots of people with particularly pretty features work as body part models. Beautiful hands, feet, ears, and teeth and in high demand for advertisers selling all likes of products.

Daniel: Miriam, have you ever considered becoming a model?
Miriam: It never really crossed my mind! But I'd never get hired with my crooked nose!
Daniel: Well, you have really great legs, if you don't mind my saying. And you have elegant hands.
Miriam: Now that you mention it, I did know someone who was a body part model. He had surprisingly nice feet, believe it or not.
Daniel: My sister been an eye model for glasses and contact lens ads for years. I bet she'd be happy to connect you to her agent.
Miriam: Send me her contact info. Maybe I'll give it a whirl!

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대니얼: 미리엄, 모델이 되는 걸 생각해 본 적이 있니?
미리엄: 한 번도 그런 생각을 해 본 적은 없어! 코가 휘어서 아무도 날 쓰지 않을 거야!
대니얼: 이런 말 해도 될진 모르겠지만, 넌 다리가 정말 멋져. 손도 우아하게 생겼고.
미리엄: 네가 말하니까 생각나는데, 신체 부위 모델 일을 하는 사람들을 알았었어. 믿을진 모르겠지만 개는 발이 정말 예뻤거든.
대니얼: 내 여동생이 몇 년째 안경과 콘택트렌즈의 눈 모델을 하고 있어. 걔가 널 에이전트와 연결해 줄 것 같은데.
미리엄: 동생 연락처 좀 보내줘. 한번 해 볼까 봐!